Child Study Help


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1. PrincessofIslam CHILD STUDY CHECKLIST Year 11 Child Study help. The child study task is split into four sections. To get a good grade you must do your best in all of the sections. The first section you need to do is called the research section. In this section you must- 1. Pick an area of development to focus on (physical, intellectual, social, or emotional) 2. Create a task title for your child study. E.g. is the child I am studying developing physically at the correct rate? 3. Write down your reasons for choosing your task title. E.g. I chose this task title because.. 4. Write down secondary research( which is what you find in books, on the internet etc) about the area of development you have chosen 5. Write about the childs background-E.g. where do they live? How many siblings do they have etc ( about one side of A4) 2. PrincessofIslam CHILD STUDY CHECKLIST 6. Say how you are going to actually do the task. E.g. I will carry out the task by. The second section of the child study is called selecting and planning observations. In this section you must 1. Say what possible ideas and activities would be good for the age of your child( 2. Out of all your ideas and activities select some of them and reject the others. 3. Then say why you have selected some and rejected others 4. Write down different ways to do your observations. these include Open data- gives information that can have different meanings. Closed data- gives information that only has one meaning. Structured where you set up an activity for your child to do Unstructured observation- where you just watch the child doing what it normally does 3. PrincessofIslam CHILD STUDY CHECKLIST 5. Out of all these different ways to do your observations, choose the best and say why you have chosen it. 6. Say that when you have observed your child you can write down what you saw your child doing in these ways. Write a paragraph about what your child is doing when you observe them Do a tick sheet Do a time sample 7. Write a plan for the observations that you are going to do ( say what you are going to do for each visit and when Write down what you need to do for these activities. For example if you have chosen to watch your child painting you have to collect paints, paper, brushes, water pots etc) Section three of the child study is called observations This is the part where you actually watch your child doing different things. For this section you must 1. Go back to section two where you chose what type activities you could watch your child doing 2. for some of your observations, set up what you need and watch your child do it (remember the activities you set up are called structured observations) write down what you see 3. For the rest of your observations you can just observe them when they are just doing what they would normally do e.g. walking round the house etc write down you see 4. PrincessofIslam CHILD STUDY CHECKLIST 4. Observe your child at 6 different times ( these will be called visits) 5. Take the tick sheet you created in the last section with you to at least one of the visits 6. Take the time sample that you created in the last section with you to at least one of the visits 7. Take the time sample sheet you created in the last section to at least one of the visits 8. Say how the child compares to the milestones(norms) you talked about in section one 9. review your observations 10. Compare the childs progress to other children 11. Say something interesting and original about what you have seen. 12. Show your understanding of areas of development you have looked at 13. Connect what you have seen to the research you did in section one 5. PrincessofIslam CHILD STUDY CHECKLIST Section 4 Evaluation In this section you need to 1. go through all of the work you have done so far and say what your strengths and weaknesses are 2. If you did something differently to what was in your plan, say why you changed it 3. Connect your conclusions to the task title and say what you have learnt from doing the child study 4. Say what you could have done to improve it. If you are not sure what you could do to make it better just say what could be done to make it more detailed.(to develop it some more) Essential Information This is worth 30 % of your final GCSE child development grade You must write clearly using the best spelling, grammar and punctuation that you can as you will be awarded marks for this. 6. PrincessofIslam CHILD STUDY CHECKLIST Section 4 Evaluation In this section you need to 1. go through all of the work you have done so far and say what your strengths and weaknesses are 2. If you did something differently to what was in your plan, say why you changed it 3. Connect your conclusions to the task title and say what you have learnt from doing the child study 4. Say what you could have done to improve it. If you are not sure what you could do to make it better just say what could be done to make it more detailed.(to develop it some more) Essential Information This is worth 30 % of your final GCSE child development grade You must write clearly using the best spelling, grammar and punctuation that you can as you will be awarded marks for this.