Characterization Slide


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Why we hate, love or feel indifferent about characters!?.

Characterization!What is the purpose of knowing the traits of a


The character becomes relatable to the


The character seems more believable.

Helps the reader to know how the character

will react to certain people or why they

became the way they are.

Characterization?What are the two different types of


Direct characterization

Indirect characterization


Which one is an example of direct characterization?

James wore baggy clothes with holes in them. He smelled

like rotting cheese and had a mouse as his best friend.

James was a very messy and unorganized person.

“Stop making fun of me! Our shower broke,” said James.

(Characterization)How can you discover a character’s traits

indirectly? Through…



Thinking process/ thoughts



Who is this a picture of?

ChaRActeriZatIon*What in Huckleberry Finn gives you clues to Huck

Finn’s character? Give examples of indirect characterization.Huck Finn’s language within the book.

Uneducated.Inner conflict with right and wrong, especially

when helping Jim escape.Huck tricks others to reach a goal with good

intentions, as opposed to Tom tricking others for fun.

Huck saying that heaven seemed boring and he would rather go to hell, and he hoped Tom would be there, too.


How do you think a person that is organized, uptight, finicky, and is a neat

freak would react to losing cell phone?

How do you think a person that is lazy, laid back, and sloppy would react to

the same situation?

These characteristics, if stated within a story by a

narrator, would be considered direct


How the character reacts to these situations is an

example of indirect characterization.

CharacterizationTake out a piece of paper.Write down an adjective describing a personality (ex:

neat, evil, insecure).I will come around and collect it.Take out a blank sheet of paper.Every volunteer will come to the front of the room,

pick an adjective out of the hat and act accordingly to a situation, which I will give to you.

The class will have to guess the characteristic trying to be portrayed and record it on a piece of paper.

The more you get correct, the more points you win. Person with the most points…


