Chapter 4 socialization and the construction of reality rev




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The Media & SocietyFair Use, Creativity, Control

The Social Constructionof Reality

Social Construction of Reality is

based on ..… the concept that events are open to interpretation

“So what if a guy threw a shoe at me”

Muslim Rage Over Movie

“We never insult any prophet — not Moses, not Jesus — so why can’t we demand that Muhammad be respected?”

Muslim Scholar

Symbolized by the word “freedom” - a context very different from the term’s use in the individualistic West: the right of a community,

whether Muslim, Christian or Jewish, to be free from grave insult to its identity and values.

Many believe the clash was not Muslim against Christian. Instead, they suggested that the traditionalism of people of both faiths in the region

conflicted with Western individualism and secularism.

Social Construction of Reality is based on ..

…..the fact that because interpretations differ, a common base of communication must be found.

Egyptians argued that a slur against their faith was a greater offense

than any attack on a living person.

Social Construction of Reality is based on ..

..this common base is known as social reality and is developed based on

the most common interpretation of physical reality within a society.

George Herbert Meade

I , Me, Other

The Generalized Other

Internalized Rules to become functioning members of society.

Influences – family, peers, school, media

It explains a lot but we still have agency and violate norms.

Dramaturgy - Erving

Goffman“Presentation of Self in Everyday Life”

Theory in a Nutshell

As an symbolic interactionist he sees….the social construction of individual identity and

group relations dynamics and meanings of interpersonal

information the relationship between environment and these

processes the conscious manipulation of impression


The DramaThrough the drama actors give meaning to themselves, to

others and their situation. Interactions (performances before observers) deliver impressions to others according to the

actors goals.

Information is exchanged to confirm identity and the significance of behavior.

“THE FRONT”It expresses a dramatic realization of the interpersonal self that individuals through "impression management" activity, generate,

present and others expect.

“A front must be convincing – ‘in-line’ with expectations. The behavior is in line with the role they assume.”

An "idealized" front conforms to conventions, mores and rules required by

the audience (the team, the gang, the public).

The aim is for the performance to be believed.

“Signs and Signifiers”The front incorporates the setting and baggage we

bring with us.

Appearance Dress, props (clothes, car, house, food, body posture, facial expressions, gestures) serve to communicate gender, status,

occupation, age and personal commitments.

MannerHow we play the role; the personal touch - works to warn

others of how the performer will act or seek to act in role - dominant, aggressive, yielding, receptive etc.

“Risk Taking”Can also involve performance in voluntary, consequential actions.

Many high risk and action settings provide occasion and place for expression of moral sensibilities such as bravery, courage,

determination, reliability, mastery of valued arts which inspires the confidence of others.

Goffman writes: “If the activity of an

individual is to embody several ideal standards, and if

a good showing is to be made, it is likely then that

some of these standards will be maintained in public by

the private sacrifice of others.”

The Social Construction of Reality (TV)

Symbolic Interactionist ViewpointSymbolic interactionist might attempt to describe the way people

evaluate their own behavior by comparing it to the behavior of others

The filmmakers edit scenes to convey a certain expression of reality than what is actually presented in “real life”.

Structural Functionalist

ViewpointFunctional analysis is the study of society as a whole unit, made up of individual parts that work together.

To be part of the “In-crowd” Learn the latest fads, technology and slang through product placement. Advertisers benefit. The economy benefits.

People in society that previously had nothing in common can now seemingly carry on conversations as if longtime friends because they both view the same show.

Product Placement on Reality TV

“viewers seem more tolerant when products turn up in settings that seem

more realistic than fictitious”

Dysfunction Dysfunction through emulation of outrageous actions of the


Potential development of unhealthy views of their own bodies and do things they wouldn’t normally do such as drastic dieting and cosmetic

modifications it an attempt to conform to a “perceived” norm.

Conflict ViewpointCompetition with one another for scarce resources.

PowerManufactured struggles“False consciousness”

False Consciousness

Read: “Corporate Advertainment” by Nicole Colson

Casting Secrets of Reality TV Botz-Borstein (2006) believes reality television is an escape from the

boring reality of the viewer’s life. He calls reality television surreality television because he believes it is a produced environment that lacks the realness of everyday life.“The new surrealism: Loft stories, reality television, and amateur dream-censors”

Feminist ViewpointReal Housewives, Real Brides, Real Girlfriends, Real Moms?

“rowdy, raunchy women looking for attention, confrontation and fame” David Kronke ~ LA Times

“Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women” ~ Susan Faludi

How media works to create a backlash against women whenever advancements in the workplace, rights, etc. are becoming publicly


Are these images working to keep women “hysterical” and “emotionally inept” within a culture that has emasculated the

male population due to a failing economy?

We live in exponential times.

Social Design Challenges

Internet & Interaction No script, no precedent, chat rooms with new ways of interacting LOL, OMG

Internet scams 411

New ways to distribute music (Radiohead) and ideas

Clay Shirky - “Cognitive Surplus”

Curiosity descent – please contribute

Turing Test Candidates

In 1991 Dr. Hugh Loebner started the annual Loebner Prize competition. A $100,000 prize is offered to the author of the first computer program to pass

an unrestricted Turing test.

CAPTCHA is a form of reverse Turing test.

Socially Constructed Filter Bubbles

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