Changing the world with technology


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  • 1. Changing the world with technology

2. What if school became real life?
3. One of the most important 21st Century skills-- Global Citizenship
4. 5. 6. Why teach Social Justice?
The implication here is that we cant call our English teaching successful if our students, however fluent, are ignorant of the worlds problems, have no social conscience, or use their communication skills for international crime, exploitation, oppression, or environmental destruction.
Kip A Cates
7. Daniel Pink
8. 9. 10. 11. Rwanda
12. 13. What if school becomes about impacting public policy, international justice, our role in global humanitarian efforts, effective fundraising, what it means to be an empathic citizen and other relevant topics that will challenge and inspire our students?
14. 15. 16. Kiva
World Vision
17. 18. Global Studies
19. So What?
Twitter: @wrightsroom
