Changing Service Models



Libraries must learn to stay relevant in the age of Google and Find out how! Presentation created by Don Barlow, Director of the Westerville Public Library

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Changing Service Models

To Be successful LIBRARIES MUST simply provide customers with what they want!

“What we value as an organization has little or no value unless it matches that of our customers!”

Joey Rodgers

Our Users are:

•Technologically Savvy •Multi-tasking•Cocooning•Culturally diverse•Have very high expectations•Are mobile ”We must take the Library to them”

•Tax Averse

Demographic Diversity•Books, audio-tapes, web-sites, in Spanish, Chinese, Somalian

ESL Materials and training Sense of Time “I want it Yesterday”

Technologically Savvy “Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants”

Today’s Digital Divide


•Treat our customers like they are unique, not like everyone else, individualized service.

•Portability and convenience is the priority

•Service must be anywhere, anytime, in the format of our customer’s choosing and more importantly on the device of their choosing

Provides a personalized portal What I looked at before What others are looking at on the same topic

What else might I be interested in

The old way is search engines, the demand is for personalized search engines

New ways of sharing resources• Eliminating Boundaries

New ways of delivering resources• On Customer Terms Not Ours

New ways of integrating resource sharing and delivery into an entire information framework

Our services must be anywhere, anytime, and on devices of the users choosing

Eliminate boundaries One card - any institution All resources - all the time

Any where, any time, any way you want, your library is there

Users expect information to be delivered to them

Users expect technology interfaces to be highly personalized

Users care much more about convenience and community than quality and privacy

Staff is often invested in the Status Quo We are often limited by traditional rules and policies in a society that does not care about limitations

Libraries don’t have any money? Can Library vendors provide products and services that are not sustainable

We remain identified with print resources when the world is PDA/iPhone driven

We are committed to a place, when we need to be committed to our mission.

Market and customer driven institution

OUR PRODUCT must be determined by the customer

Libraries must serve as the community change agent

A competitive organization

Provide Direct customer service

Partnership Base

Quality versus quantity services

A New Direction

First and Foremost: Public Libraries are a Business!!! And must treat customers as such

Libraries are no longer a warehouse for books, they are a supermarket of ideas!

Libraries! Can and should be the ultimate shopping experience!

Our Collections are no longer just in case, but just in time!

We must always Exceed customer expectations!

We must combine Quality and Convenience!

A New Direction

Customer Focused/ not Library Focused User technology not library technology (what they have, NOT what we have)

Library Resources available on PDA, cell phones and other emerging devices

Library blogging I CAL Web 2.0 - Library 2.0 Libraries must be permanently BETA

Involve technology developers and digital natives in planning on a national level

Provide more and better self-service and personalization

Take library content and services where people are

Eliminate traditional, institutional, and even geographical boundaries

If you want information GGoo ttoo

If you want Quality information from trained Professionals Come to

OHIO LIBRARIESOHIO LIBRARIES - - Anywhere,Anywhere, AnytimeAnytime

We are There for You!We are There for You!


Library Link• Links 26 Schools with the public library• Next day delivery of all print materials, including OhioLink and OhioLink Plus

OhioLINK• Access to all Ohio’s 90 Colleges and Universities• 9 Million titles/40 million Items• Next day delivery• Extend to all Ohio libraries

And Now SearchOhio!

Drive-up Windows Coffee and Beverages Concierge Services Direct delivery of materials and information Text Messaging RFID Tracking Access through multiple devices Push technology Pod Casting Service Guarantees

Borders Virgin Records Customer Service and Empowerment

40-60% Retail Space

Lift Technology Ironwood Branch Library Richmond Pl, British Columbia


One Hour Reserve/Holds Guarantee

24/7 Pick-up Boxes

Beverage Services at the Drive-up Window

Even Dog Biscuits

No restrictionsFree Service to meeting roomsFree popcorn Drive-up availability

Welcome Every Customer

Resolve Self-Check Issues

Library tours and directional questions

What About Dinner Reservations?

• RFID as an On-Line Tracking System

Ship directly to and tracked by the customer

Eliminate the Middle Man and our outdated control issues

RFID Beyond Self-Checkout

Ohio’s Statewide Initiatives

24/7 Services and Beyond

Cell Phone is more than a communication device

National access to all public and academic libraries

Voice recognition software

Text Messaging Push Technology Instant Service Anywhere - Anytime

Customer Self Registration


Self-program and meeting room booking

Computer and study table reservations

Check-out materials anywhere/anytime

Mobile inventory/reserves and holds

More than paying fines, lost and paid

Ability to check-out or purchase new and used materials

Download music; audio-books; MP3’s and future devices

On-line gift shopping from Friend’s Shoppe

Roving Librarians Wireless Headsets Wireless technology Laptops for loan Media Production Labs

Computer Reservations

Tech Lab Reservations

Allows librarians to have a visible presence within the library without being tied to a desk

HP Tablet PC TC1100

Omega Trek Wireless Telephone

Macromedia Studio Suite

Apples iLife; iMovie; iDvd; iTunes

Convert video; photos to DVD

Audio-editing Web design Final Cut Express Terabyte storage for lengthy projects

Youth Labs


Teen Labs

Adult Labs


Puts a floating 6-foot screen right before your eyes. The latest electronic technology has created i-glasses, the virtual theater that provides private showing of DVD, computer monitors and other video sources.

Media Viewing Devices and Teen Department

Private DVD Theater

PDA – Library Web Sites must be developed to fit PDA devices (live searching of the catalog/request items

Library catalog systems

Library Database vendors

PDA Screenshots


PUSH technology

Instant reference services


RSS Feeds•Personalized services

People of similar interests Program Registrations New materials/programs/services of interest

•I Cal - inputs program dates/over dues/etc directly into your PDA calendar People that integrate their lives

Taped book talks/story hours ESL programs, etc. available to everyone/anytime -distributed through RSS Feeds

Pushing our information out! We find them, instead of them finding us!!

Corporate or organizational blogs

Departmental blogs Individual blogs of customers with similar interests

Integration of the customer’s account into an individual/personalized blogs

Adult Blog Featuring ENCORE

A whole new philosophy Designed specifically to reach out to

users/computers/PDA’s/Cell Phones

Enhances the users experience by being truly integrated and interactive

Benefits the user instead of the site (Don’t make me think/Don’t make me navigate) Combines quality and convenience in context to people’slives

Much more movement and dynamic information on the site; Interacts without refreshing pages

Reading History

To Accomplish what we have never done, we have to do things we have never attempted!!

westerville public library

Most Importantly We MUST!

Busier than a Freaking Wal - Mart
