Cerberus, the hound from Hades


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Ricardo Cantero Varela. 3ºC

►When Hercules finished eleven tasks, the King Eurystheus thought the last task for him, the most difficult: to go down the Underworld and bring back Cerberus.

►Hermes guided Hercules to a cave at Cape Taenarun, near Sparta where he should enter.

►Hercules walked between corpses until he came to River Styx where Charon, the boatman ferried him across.

►When Hercules arrived to palace of King Hades, he told him why he had gone. Hades told him that he could take the hound if he captured it with his hands.

►Hercules went to the gates of Hell, where stayed the hound and with his lion skin he saized the beast in a iron grip.

►Hercules carried Cerberus to the Eurystheus’ palace, and the king scared, run away and not seen again.
