Celebrating the Mexican Days of the Dead


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Los Dias de los Muertos/The Mexican Days of the Dead

Los Dias de los Muertos, the Days of the Dead, represent the most important celebration of the year in Mexico. The occasion, November 1st and 2nd, is a joyful time of remembrance, family reunion, and feasting, as relatives and friends gather together to honor their loved ones who have died.

sugar skulls

Mexican families save all year to buy the flowers, candles, incense, and special foods needed to properly honor their dearly departed. They participate in the construction and decoration of ofrendas (home tabletop displays or altars) to honor their loved ones.

Decorations for the ofrenda may include candles, flowers, incense, cut paper banners, photographs, pictures of saints and the Virgin of Guadalupe, and offerings of the favorite food and drink of the deceased.

Pan de los Muertos or bread of the dead is made in the shapes of calavera (skulls and skeletons).

Candy skullsare given to friends and placed on ofrendas.




A contemporary ofrenda by Carmen Lomas Garza

This ofrenda includes apicture of the person being honored, their favorite food, flowers, candles, and religious statues.

Tamales often appear on ofrendas.

Mexican marigolds (called zempascuchitl) and cock’s comb are the flowers most associated with the Days of the Dead. The marigold is particularly pungent in aroma as is the copal incense that is burned on the ofrenda and in the cemetery.

This painting by Mexican artist Diego Rivera depicts the marigold sellers in the market.

Diego Rivera painted many other pictures of Mexican flower sellers. This one features calla lilies, another flower popular for the Days of the Dead.

Candies and toys are made in the shapes of calavera (skulls and skeletons). The skeleton or skull is seen as a promise of resurrection, not as a symbol of death.

Calavera toys and papier-mache skeleton figures depict specific professions, musicians, brides and grooms, bicycle riders, and other subjects from everyday life.

In preparation for the fiesta, tombs and gravestones in the cemeteries are cleaned, freshly-painted, and elaborately decorated by the members of the community with candles, flowers, breads, fruits, and other objects.

A Cemetery Decorated for the Days of the Dead

A Cemetery Decorated for the Days of the Dead

papier mache skull

tiny plaster skeleton

This image, known as La Catrina, was created by the Mexican political cartoonist Posada to remind the wealthy that they, too, would face death.

Another Political Cartoon by Posada

La Catrina in Papier mache

La Catrina also appears in papel picado - cut paper banners.

A Skeleton Band


The End!
