Cc power point



The common core power point presentation by Anita Stapleton

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Revision: Feb 2014

Stop Common Core Colorado

What is Common Core?

Common Core Package is the National Standardized Education Reform being enforced by the US Dept. of Education

National Education Standards-Common Core State Standards

National Assessment Tests-Next Generation Assessments

State Longitudinal Database Systems

National Curriculum Aligned with CCSS

Stop Common Core Colorado

Federal Government

Control “Race To The Top Stimulus” money-$4.35


States had to commit to the Common

Core Standards and ALL the criteria

involved sight- unseen to be eligible for


RTTT Assessments, RTTT Districts, RTTT Early

Childhood & Development

No Child Left Behind Waivers-offered if

adopted “Common Core package”

Stop Common Core Colorado

The Wicked Royalty The NGA - National Governors Association

CCSSO - The Chief Council of State School


2 D.C. Lobby groups-private trade

organizations own & copyright the

Common Core Standards

Achieve, Inc.- formed in 1996 (David

Coleman) by the NGA and National

Corp. - Drafted the Common Core

Standards and the PARCC Assessment


Stop Common Core Colorado

Players with Poison

Stop Common Core Colorado

The Common Core Standards

The 1st Slice of the Apple English Language Arts & Literacy in

History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

o Math Standards o Next Generation Sciences Standards o Social Studies/History Standards

Promoted to offer same standards across the

country-state to state Make students college and career ready Increase critical thinking and ability to go into

the global economy with 21st century skills

Stop Common Core Colorado

English Language and Arts Federal Documents to include

Federal Reserve Reports

Court Cases, executive orders, EPA documents

Technological manuals-Microsoft

Brochures & Restaurant menus

15% Literary content allowed

Dr. Sandra Stotsky - University of Arkansas & Former Senior Associate Commissioner of Mass. Dept. of Education served as ELA expert on the Common Core Validation Committee refused to sign off on ELA standards.

“Overwhelming focus on skills over content in reading combined with confusion about the writing standards, lack of detail about oral presentation, and the sporadic rigor of the media standards.”

Stated the seniors will graduate with 7th grade reading level.

Stop Common Core Colorado

Common Core Math Standards

“Fuzzy Math”- paragraph writing of how to derive an answer

New algorithm styles-lattice style, consensual math: if the group decides 2+2=5 then this is true

No Algebra 1 taught until 9th grade

Non-Euclidean style geometry taught-this is not traditional Euclidean Geometry

Dr. James Milgram - Stanford University-Only mathematician on Validation Committee refused to sign off on math standards.

“ the end of 5th grade the material being covered in arithmetic and algebra in Core Standards is more than a year behind the early grade expectations in most high achieving countries; by the end of the 7th grade Core standards are roughly 2 years behind.”

Stop Common Core Colorado

The Next Generation Science

Standards The Thomas B. Fordham Institute graded the NGSS-


Minimal use of precise scientific vocabulary, often resulting in muddled meaning

Omission of much basic prerequisite content: metric/SI/units

molecular/structural formulas

chemical bonding

ideal gas law and its simple math

acid/base chemistry including pH

writing & balancing chemical equations

Too-frequent vague and poorly written standards that limit content to be tested

General absence of mathematical relationships(formulas) and problem solving calculations

Stop Common Core Colorado

2nd Slice of DEADLY APPLE

Next Generation Assessment Tests

Nationally Standardized Assessment Tests

Aligned with Common Core Curriculum

o PARCC - Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers ($170 million)

o SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium($160 million)

Replace assessment tests currently used

Fully implemented by 2014/15

Purpose - to provide “ongoing feedback to teachers during the course of the school year and measure annual student growth and evaluate teachers effectiveness.

Stop Common Core Colorado

National Assessment Tests o Colorado Adopted PARCC o Colorado signed HB 191- 50% of teacher’s evaluation will

be based on assessment tests.

Legislators commented that adopting PARCC or SBAC would increase Colorado’s chance to win RTTT funds.

o PARCC- Several tests throughout year with interim (practice tests) replaces one annual test.

Time consuming and very costly. PARCC unable to give actual cost to districts…currently estimated to cost $29.50/test/student.

Districts to assume costs once 1st year of implementation is completed.

Many states who agreed to PARCC are pulling out due to the costs: Georgia, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Oregon and Florida just announced its pull out.

Stop Common Core Colorado

Assessment Test Evaluation

Fordham Institute: “The articulation of

“assessment boundaries” in

connection with many standards

threatened to place an unwarranted

ceiling on important learning. Yes,

teachers can go above and beyond

what the boundary suggests, but with

time and resources scarce, how many

will actually teach students - even

advanced students -content and skills

that they know in advance “won’t be

on the test?”

Stop Common Core Colorado

3rd Slice of the DEADLY APPLE

Data Mining

Phase one: School Registration

Electronic registration requiring disclosure of student and family’s private information

o Political affiliation, religious affiliation, blood

type, social security numbers, mental and

physical health questions, safety in the home


Over 400 data points collected and analyzed

between registration and assessments

Stop Common Core Colorado

Data Mining/Tracking (cont) Phase two: Assessment Test Behavioral Data Collection

Full implementation 2015:

Proposed Analysis Devices to be used for data collection:

Students will be monitored while taking assessment tests

o Posture analysis seats

o Pressure computer mouse

o Wireless sensor conductor bands (lie detector wrist bands)-already

piloting 2013 by Clemson University - funded by The Gates


o Expression cameras

o Functional MRI-brain scans (Arne Duncan states this is currently too

intrusive in school classrooms)

inBloom, Inc – non-profit organization funded by The Gates Foundation

and Murdock to be piloted in Jefferson County 2014.

4 out of 9 states contracted with inBloom have pulled out: Louisiana,

Georgia, Delaware, Kentucky. North Carolina and Massachusetes

reconsidering due to security/privacy conflicts/concerns.

Stop Common Core Colorado

Data Mining (continued) Purpose of Data Mining: Share data between schools, states, countries, research

institutions, educational technology companies Determine if students are “teachable and malleable”-Arne

Duncan US Dept. of Education

Advance technology-21st century

Collectively determine students outcome-Labor Force vs Higher Education Do they deserve the costly resources to go on to college. Duncan & Coleman-target group Low Income Latinos

Develop a sustainable global economic society-AGENDA 21(Chapter 36)

David Coleman-”we need to know as much about the student when they enter the institutions to help determine what drives them.”

Stop Common Core Colorado

4th Slice of Deadly Apple-

Curriculum o Indoctrination of the students:

Political agendas

Religious tolerance with emphasis

on Islam and leaving out Western Faith

Sexual tolerance with emphasis on non-traditional


Examples in Curriculum:

• Voices-Emotional writing and indoctrination

• Unwind-AP English for 7th - 9th grade - Abortion

• The Bluest Eyes –Very sexually explicit/pornographic

Stop Common Core Colorado

5th Slice of DEADLY APPLE

College Entrance Exams

College entrance exams aligned with Common

Core Curriculum

ACT & GED are already aligned

SAT/PSAT are in progress of being aligned

Homeschool, private and parochial schools, IB

programs will eventually have to conform to

Common Core Standards if student is college


Stop Common Core Colorado

Why is Common Core Toxic? Government control of CHILDREN through education-The children

become property of THE STATE o Violates 3 Federal Statutes designed to keep BIG government out

o 1974 FERPA ACT overturned by executive order 2011

o Unconstitutional-Education Without Representation-NO TRANSPARENCY

UN control of the United States through our children/education to obtain

a “sustainable economic world”

Manipulates the brains/emotions of our children through education system and determines their future; no parental control

Written by lobby groups and corporate world-No education expertise 5 Experts on Validation Committee of 29 refused to sign off on it Very Expensive-approx. $16 Billion to implement

o States to bear the burden of the cost-not all states received RTTT


Stop Common Core Colorado

What is Colorado’s Status on

Common Core Adopted August 2, 2010 by Governor and CO DOE:

Math, English, Language & Arts and Data Mining

Discussions currently going on to adopt NGSS

CO Dept. of Educ. mandates full implementation of standards 2013/14; CO threw away ORIGINAL Colorado Academic Standards adopted 12/2009.

Full Implementation of National Assessments by 2015

Montrose High School has received NEW Common Core Text for Geometry, Algebra I & II. Books bought in 2011 thrown away.

Data mining already occurring in some districts

Stop Common Core Colorado

What is the Antidote for Common

Core? WE THE PEOPLE! – Must govern ourselves

Educate yourself about Common Core Sign the state petition on line:…/colorado-to-withdraw

Sign OPT OUT OF COMMON CORE CONSENT and turn into your

local schools

REFUSE to register electronically through Power School

SIGN DATA MINING Protest online - it will be sent directly to Mr. Hammond-CO School Superintendent

Notify your state school board and state legislatures - let them hear your voice

SPREAD THE WORD- Invite Stop Common Core to Speak

VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 66-$1billion/year tax increase for education reform.


Stop Common Core Colorado

Important! Colorado Petition Site:…/colorado-to-withdraw

inBloom-say NO to Data Mining Site

Send messages to Colorado State Education Commissioner - Mr. Hammond

Bill Gates Common Core Education Without Representation-Top 10 Scariest People in Education Reform site:

Karen Bracken(Tennessee presentation)-Details Common Core Standards site: MUST SEE

Pioneer Institute Discussion Panel with Bob Schafer, Dr. Stotsky and others-Why Colorado should refute Common Core. Site:

Jane Robbins(GA) presents 5 short videos explaining basics of Common Core site;

Demonstration of actual Common Core text for 1st graders in English/writing: “Voices” site:

VISIT FACEBOOK: STOP COMMON CORE COLORADO to view shared links of information that is being spread nationwide.. Website: Twitter: @amspue67

Anita Stapleton email: phone: 719-542-4358 Cell: 719-289-0584

Stop Common Core Colorado

Stop Common Core Colorado

Current Actions Sign our letter to Gov. Hickenlooper


Bill SB136 the Colorado Mom’s Bill, to delay Common Core

and PARCC by one year. Killed in Committee

Oppose: Bill HB 14-1039 Promoting more Pre-School Data Mining (Newell’s bill) We ask people to vote no on this invasion of privacy.

Support HB 14-1202 Opt out of PARCC

Law Suit: Colorado Education Association filed a lawsuit against Senate Bill 191 (teacher accountability and coupling education to PARCC testing)

Stop Common Core Colorado

Stop Common Core Colorado

Stop Common Core Colorado

Stop Common Core Colorado

Stop Common Core Colorado

Contact Information
