Cartoon creation for Webinar in Science Activity 3


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 ILT 3210_3220: Webinar in Science / Technology Education

Activity 3: Learning Theories and Creation of Cartoons on Science and Technology

Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences theory

Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences

Miss Lina and Mrs Sonia work at ABCD Government School. They are both following a course at the Mauritius Institute of Education. Because she was ill Mrs. Sonia was unable to attend the last session. Back to school on the other day she is now asking her colleague what was done during the session she missed.

Mrs. Sonia

Miss Lina

I was sick yesterday and missed the class at the MIE. What was it


It was about Howard Gardner’s Multiple intelligence Theory and how it applies to us as primary school teachers. there are different types of intelligences according to this theory. Our goal should be to teach in a variety of methods and provide different learning experiences to the children. Each pupil deserves to learn through his/her area of strength

ABCD Government School

A conversation between Mrs Sonia and Miss Lina where the later explains the lesson of the previous day’s course at the MIE, i.e. the Principles of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

Much easier said than done. Lets

try this approach in the science

animals’ lesson

Mrs. Sonia finds this teaching approach interesting and decides to apply it to her science lesson on animals

Topic: AnimalsObjectives: at the end of the lesson you should be able to:• name some animals• list the characteristics

of different animals

Mrs. Sonia introduces the lesson and lesson objectives to the pupils.

You made a nice picture


Visual: visual learner makes a poster of animal pictures.

Thank you Ali, this is my

favourite bird.

Spatial: The teacher use an overhead projector to make shadows of different animals with her hand and ask the children to identify the shadows.

It’s a rabbit.

Linguistic: A pupil writes a poem based on the animal theme and reads it herself At the zoo,

I saw a turtleIt swam in the puddleI saw a lion in a cage

It was in an awful rageI saw a kangaroo

I thought there were twoBut my favoufite animal at the

zoo,Is the monkey,

How about you?

Musical: Play an animal song and ask the pupils to identify the animals mentioned in the song.

Body/Kinesthetic: Children make the sounds and moves of different animals.

I am a cat.

I am a kangaroo.

We are birds.

Math: Pupils make a graph of animals and their estimated numbers based on Wildlife Foundation figures.

Logic/Problem-Solving: Have children make a list of endangered species and explain the reasons why there are fewer animals than other species.

Some endangered species of Mauritius

are:The Echo ParakeetThe Pink PigeonThe Mauritius


Interpersonal (Team): Pupils working in group to make their animal book.

Intrapersonal (Self):Write a letter to Mauritius Wildlife Foundation for information on endangered species around the island.

Naturalistic: The teacher takes her class on a fieldtrip to Casela Bird Park

These are Aras.

They are so beautiful..

The teacher talks about her experience of using this particular model in her teaching

Teachers interested in implementing multiple intelligences in their curricula have a variety of options. Don't feel bad if it doesn't come easily

right away. It's not always easy to make changes. With an understanding of Gardner's theory of

multiple intelligences, teachers can better understand the learners in their midst. They can

allow students to safely explore and learn in many ways, and they can help students direct their own learning. They can also help students understand and appreciate their strengths, and identify real-

world activities that will stimulate more learning.

Thank you for watching.
