Business Sevices


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Commerce method Ansari sana 05 Karbhari Misbah 12 Khan Mariyam 18 Qureshi Fatima 30 Jaffri Gulnar 53 Shaikh Aaisha 64

Case studyPyare Mohan and his group of friends graduated from Khalnayak college. They did management degree in 2014 . Now they wanted to setup the manufacturing unit but they were facing financial problem. They need to make arrangement finance for their business.Answer the following question based on this case study.

Questions:Q1 What was the case about?Q2 What Mr Pyare Mohan wanted to do?Q3 What problem they were facing?Q4 Suggest them some solution to this problem.Q5 How he will get finance from various sources?

Meaning of business service:

Help in successful running of businessHelp businessmen to achieve their

desired goalUsefull for handling business smoothlyBusiness cannot be imagined without

business servicesPlays vital role in the growth and

develpoment of businessManages and support business




Transport Warehousing

Communication Types of

business service


Banking services:

• An institution deals with money and credit

• Encourage saving habit

• Accepts deposits from public and grants loans

• Helps to raise standard of living of people

• Provide loans to small scale industries

• Contributes to the growth and development of the Nation


Protection against financial loss arising on the

happening of an unexpected


between two parties insurer and insuree

Transfer risk of business and covers risk by fire, theft and

natural calamities


TRANSPORT The movement of people, animal and goods from one location to another location

Modes of transport: Land, Water and Air

Provide direct and indirect employment

Communication • Exchaning of information by speaking,

writing or using some other medium

• Imparting knowledge from one person to another through television, post, internet, mobile, newspaper, and telephone etc

• Message id transfer from one sender to receiver


Q1.What is Business services?Q2.What are the types of Business services?Q3.Explain any two services?Q4.Explian communication and tranport services?Q5.Explain insurance and Banking Services?

ACTIVITY:Observe the following pictures and narrate a story fromthe point of view of business man or women.
