Bully’S Going To Far 2



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  • 1. Bullys going to far?
    By: Kyle Murray

2. Bullying in School
Getting Informed
Warning Signs
How to help your child
3. Bullying to hard
Boy in Georgia allegedly hung himself because of bullies at school
Boy in Massachusetts killed himself because of bullying
4. Bullying
Bullyingis a form ofabuse
The power imbalance may be social power and/or physical power
Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse -emotional, verbalandphysical
5. Cyberbullying
Involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others. - Bill Belsey
6. Get Informed
1 out of 3 children are bullied at school, in the neighborhood, or online
1 out of 3 children bully others
A few Impacts on Victims Include:
7. Warning Signs
8. How to help your child
Communicate With and Support Your Child
Encourage your child to stick with a friend
Work With Your Child's School
Contact your child's teacher or principal and provide specifics on how your child is being bullied
9. Impacts in Schools
Dealing with the bullies
Dealing with those who are being bullied
Social Status
10. Impact on Students
Migraines and Headaches
Missing classes
Alcohol and Drug abuse
Aggression in adulthood
11. Dealing with Bullying
Spreading the word
Ending the Bullying
Spotting Bullying
12. Ending Bullying
Talk and listen to your children
Spend extra time in childs school
Learn the signs
13. Spotting the Bullies
Boys vs. Girls
Who is being bullied?
Who is the Bully?
14. Final Thought
Indentifying the problem
Stopping the bully
