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Building Vocabulary

Presented by: Adil Dr Ilyas Baloch Email: contact: 03248318627

Vocabulary: Vocabulary is the Building block of a language

without vocabulary you can’t built a language. Vocabulary is the glue that holds stories, ideas and

content together making comprehension accessible for children

Vocabulary refers to the words we know to communicate effectively in general ,vocabulary can be described as oral vocabulary or reading vocabulary and writing vocabulary.

Vocabulary tell us what to say. Grammar tell us how to say.

Types of vocabulary

1) Reading vocabulary: The words you can recognize when reading.

2) Listening Vocabulary: The words you recognize when listening.

3) Speaking or oral vocabulary: The words you use while talking.

4) Writing vocabulary: The words you use when Writing.

Importance of vocabulary

In learning English or any other language, vocabulary has important roles such as

By Knowing and memorizing a lot of vocabulary ,we can easily fluently to communicate with others.

We will be able to express more ideas, so we can communicate the ideas more effectively.

Helps you understand other people. Helps you understand what you read. Polishes your written communication skills. Without Grammar very little can be conveyed;

without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Grammar helps us to use language, vocabulary helps

us to understand language.

To avoid the breaking down of the communicative interaction or express our ideas.

A person may be judged by others based on his or her vocabulary.

More words you know you can express yourself in a better way.

People respect the person who has hold on language and can play with words.

Tips to built or improve your vocabulary

Learn while Reading: When your reading a lesson search out

the difficult words meaning of that lesson or text. Suppose your reading a sentence in the lesson or text. Hani always looks handicap. So your not understanding the word handicap then search the meaning of that word and learn it so like this you will understand that sentence. You will also get a new vocabulary.

Words Repetition: Research says that if you want to learn

something you should repeat that words again and again in your written text and use them in your sentences.

Keep a dictionary: Put a dictionary with you any where

you get a words directly search that word meaning and learn it.

Play around: when will be bore from study book you should play

game such as

Which will keep your mind fresh, sharp or help you

in building your vocabulary.

Write up: write more and more use your vocabulary in your

paragraphs like this your words will also be repeat and your writing power will also be strong. You can write anything but write more and more.

What’s up: Make a group and share more and more words

with your friends and use those words in your sentences while communicating with friends.

Read magazine ,newspapers and newels which can improve your vocabulary.

If you read newspaper everyday, you will understand what is happening around you.

It is useful for young students to read English newspaper everyday to improve their knowledge of vocabulary.

Problems in learning vocabulary The teacher’s explanation is boring. Thought of vocabulary learning as knowing the

primary meaning of a new words. Students don’t want to take risks in applying what

they have learnt. Students learn vocabulary passively.

Tips to memorize a new word

Get the meaning of word: search the meaning of the word from the dictionary

and learn it.Apply the new word in a sentence: when you learnt the meaning of that word then use it

in your sentence while speaking with some one while writing something so use it.

Look for Grammatical variation of the Word:Look the grammatical variation of the word that what is

that word in Grammar such as noun, adjective, pronoun etc.

Learn association and connections:Once you learnt the word then look for it’s synonyms

and antonyms of the word and also look where and how the word will be use.

Always carry a notepad:Write the words in a notepad and Carry notepad with you at

anywhere when you get free then take out your notepad and learn the words.

Learn the word again before you forget:It mean that repeat that word again and again use it in your daily

life conversations.make a picture or a story of that word:When you learn a word then make a picture of that word or story

of that word in you mind so like this you will never forget any word.

Some techniques for teaching new words

Say the word clearly and write it on the board. Get the class to repeat the word in chorus. Translate the word, or ask the students to translate Draw a picture to show what the words means. Give an English example. Ask Questions using the new word. Say an opposite of the word. Use visual aids.