BSA space exploration merit badge requirement 2


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Prepared by :BHK.20151008

2. Design a collector's card, with a picture on the front and information on the back, about your favorite space pioneer. Share your card and discuss four other space pioneers with your counselor.

A study that investigates natural objects in space such as planets, stars, and others.

one of the oldest branches of science.

Stated that the Earth’s orbit is elliptical (oval) shape. Elliptical equation: Ax^2+By^2=C

Discovered the orbit of Halley’s comet.

Suggested that the Earth is spherical in shape and not flat.

Classified star according to their brightness.





5 brightest star

Wrote Sci Fi, Served In RAF during WWII as Radar Tech. Degree in Math & Phys., paper “Extraterrestrial Relays”=Satellites


Russian teacher/scintist/auther Liquid propellant, Spacesuits, spaceship.

Father of modern rocketry: Patented Liquid fueled rocket. 214 Published “A method or reaching extreme altitudes” 741mph 1.7miles

German. @12 made rocket wagon. Verne & Wells inspired him. Ph. In Aero Eng. Built the V2 missiles USA w.~500 scientists, LED US Army Missile program. Explorer 1, Saturn class,

Studied law and aeronautical Eng. In Tx. Air Force during WWII LA, Screen writer, Star Trek, Enterprise. Humanity peacefully


Eagle Scout, Aero. Eng., Navy pilot, WWII, test pilot 1st American Orbiter, Mercury 7. Senitor for 24 years, 1998@77 oldest person in space.

Eagle Scout, Aero. Eng. BS & MS, Navy pilot, Gemini *, Apollo 11, 1st MAN on the Moon.

West pnt., Airforce Commission, Korean War FP.TP. Ph.D from MIT, docking thesis. 2nd Man on the Moon. Mom’s MN Moon. Father student of Goddard.
