


Istituo Comprensivo Statale di Botrugno (Le)ITALIAComenius - A.s. 2011-2012by teachertizzy

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A small town of approximately 3000 inhabitants in the province of Lecce, it is located in the land of the Salento Peninsula, 10 km from the Adriatic Sea. Salento is in the south eastern of Italy and it is Known as the Heel of the Italian” Boot”.It is within the administrative area of “PUGLIA”

Originally founded by the Greeks, it began to come alive after the destruction of nearby Muro Leccese. Later the Maramonti took possession, building the imposing Marquis Palace.Dating back to the 15th century, it was constructed by the feudal Maramonte family. Today the palace is known by the name of Palazzo dei Guarini (Guarino Palace) because the Guarino family were the last owners of the impressive building

Marquis Palace

It was in the period of the Castriotas that Botrugno experienced its moment of greatest glory and fame thanks to the prestige of the family and the wealth generated through trade

The name Botrugno comes from the Byzantines, with clear reference to the grapes and vineyards which, according to tradition, grew over this site. Botrugno bases its economy on agriculture and livestock with particular attention on the production of wine and extra virgin olive oil.

Cappella dell’Assunta

Fresco: Madonna dell’Assunta

Among the religious architectural monuments there is the Chiesa Madre, the Cappella del Convento and the ancient Cappella dell’Assunta where the apse is preserved with its frescoes dating back to the 14th – 15th centuries



San Cassiano di Lecce, with about 2,200S residents, is a small town located in the southern part of Italy, in the Apulia Region, halfway from the provincial capital of Lecce and Santa Maria di Leuca, the extreme Eastern cape of the peninsula.

His area has been undergoing a decline in population due to a constant emigration process which started in the sixties and is ongoing with the so-called “brain-drain”.

Around the town, a vast multi-municipal rural area, mainly consisting of olive tree groves, covers a surface of about 5,500 hectares and represents a potential landscape resource as well as a biodiversity oasis.

The Institute consists of two buildings of the Secondary School, one of which located in Botrugno and one in San Cassiano. The Botrugno plexus is located in Via Pietro Nenni No. 5 and, as shown in the map below, is bordered on the east by Via Carso and to the north and west by fields.

Istituto Comprensivo Statale - Botrugno

The school is, therefore, a part of the northern border of the town. In front of it there is a large space devoted to public parks and sports facilities. The building, which is also home to the offices of the Headmaster and Secretary, has got equipped, beautiful and efficient: Computer, Scientific, Technical and Art and Music Laboratories . It has a volleyball court, an auditorium that doubles as a theater, a small pine forest and a pond.

The primary school

The secondary school

by teachertizzy