Botan marta,pérezalba,plazasarawebquest


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Marta Botan, Alba Pérez and Sara Plaza



• Kinesthetic learning is a way to acquire the knoledge in which the student actually carries out a physical activity rather than listening to a lecture or watching a demonstration.

• That kind of people are commonly known as do-ers.

They learn through movement.

Tap their feet, or move their legs when they sit. Were labeled "hyperactive" as children.They are performers: athletes, actors, or dancers. They work well with their hands. Are well coordinated.

They respond physically when listening to a story.

They point when reading.

They gesture a lot when talking.

They use lots of verbs and action words.

They stand closer and touch the person they’re talking to.

They get up and walk around frequently.

Study in short blocks of time rather than extended periods. Have as many experimental learning opportunities as possible.Utilize study groups.Role play/simulation.Use memory techniques requiring movement.Make a photocopy of your notes.Take notes and repeat them to yourself while walking. Studying while yo-yoing.Visit art galleries or museums, depending on the subject or subjects you are studying.  Use computers and the internet while studying.