Book Marketing Coach Shares 7 fun ways Authors Can Sell More Books


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(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

7 Fun Ways to Sell More Books

With #AuthorMentor & Book Marketing Coach

Ronda Del Boccio

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio


As an author mentor, I also serve as a book marketing coach, because what author doesn’t want to sell more books?

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

Recently, I did a training about how to take the pain out of book marketing, which you’ll find at and a participant asked,..

“How can I make book marketing fun?”

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

Many authors say they - HATE book marketing Just want to WRITE, not market Are too busy for book marketing Don’t know where to turn/what to do

YET these same authors all want to sell more books.

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

WHOEVER SAID book marketing couldn’t be


(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

Here are 7 tips forhow to make book marketing fun

and sell more books.

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

1. Expect Miracles`

I’ve often quoted the character Han Solo from Star Wars, “never tell me the odds” and had miraculous happenings because of it.

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

So many people who have had amazing successes say nobody told them they couldn’t do the amazing, nearly impossible thing, so they just did it! They had a miracle mindshift and made magic.

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

2. DECIDE Book Marketing Is Fun!

whatever “fun” means to you. It’s all about your mindset.

Create a fun event at a local shop or restaurant, make a game, run a contest, piggyback on another event – whatever keeps it playful and interesting.

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

3. Be True to Your Life Purpose

really love this quote from this Success Magazine article:

“Be honest with what drives you. Find out what your “why” is and make a mantra of it.”

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

4. Affirm Your Goals As Met

“Sell more books” is so vague. Just selling 1 means you’ve sold more than you had before.

“I am so grateful because I sell at least 100 books a day” is a powerful affirmation that sets things in motion.

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

5. Be Grateful BEFORE Sales

One day I woke up and began my gratitude litany, and I had an “aha moment.” I had forgotten to be grateful for the sales I have today at the beginning of the day. What a difference that has made for any goal I set.

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

6. Declare Your Reality

Simply decide your truth, declare it and make note of every sign, small or huge, that it is coming to be.

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

7. Never buy in to “hard” Whatever your intention, you truly can shift into

that reality by first shifting your mindset Feel yourself already experiencing all you

desire to have as if it is already true. Then watch as life and the reticular activating

system in your brain show you example after example of how it is coming to be.

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

More Book Marketing Help Take the Pain out of Book Marketing $1 training Effortless Social media for Authors shows you

how to use social media for book marketing without losing your whole day

Real Fast Book marketing teaches you methods to sell 100-200 books in 14 days

Miracle Mindshift Month takes you through a simple yet powerful daily practice to transform the way you experience life in just 31 days.

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

Ronda Del Boccio Helps with How to write a book How to publish a book Amazon publishing Kindle publishing Book marketing coaching & help Developing entrepreneur mindset Info product creation And more

(c)2013 Ronda Del Boccio

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