Bob Kurtz


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  1. 1. BOB KURTZ
  2. 2. BOB KURTZ Bob Kurtz, founder of Kurtz & Friends Animation, is a director, producer, artist, and designer who primarily works in films and TV commercials. He attended the Chouinard Art Institute and he has taught at the character animation program at the California Institute of the Arts.
  3. 3. Catalogue of work Gambit (2012 film) (main titles) Are We Done Yet? (main titles) The Pink Panther (main titles) (2006) Minority Report ("Pine & Oats" animated sequence) George of the Jungle (main titles) Chevron ("Dinosaur" commercial) Four Rooms (main titles) Jurassic Park ("Mr. DNA" animated sequence) Honeymoon in Vegas (main titles) Honey, I Blew Up The Kid (main titles) Jetsons: The Movie ('You & Me' animation sequence) Carlin on Campus ('Drawing on My Mind' animated sequences) City Slickers (main titles) (also for City Slickers II) Max Dugan Returns (main titles) Sesame Street (animated sequences) Straight Talk (main titles) Schoolhouse Rock! Earth ("Tiny Urban Zoo" scene) Animation on cereal box in Minority Report Mr. DNA animations in Jurassic Park
  4. 4. The Pink Panther (2006)
  5. 5. The Pink Panther (2006) Because the title sequence is a colourful animated sequence we can assume the movie is aimed at children. The title sequence is created in the same style as the original 1963 film. Characters interacting with the credits suggest that the film isnt too serious and the slapstick humour suggests that the genre of this film is Comedy.
  6. 6. The Pink Panther (2006) We can tell the other genre of the film by the title sequence because it shows common Crime/Detective iconography such as police, torches and guns. The simple typography could be used to contrast with the strange situations going on in the title sequence, similarly the Crime and Comedy genres usually contrast because Crime films are often serious and Comedy films are fun.
  7. 7. Honey, I Blew Up the Kid