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Student's Name: Xin Xi Kiong

Student’s Number: 2179423

Tutor’s Name: Gerry McCann

Company Name: Amway

Subject: Business Information Systems 



* Founders:

* Van Andel

* Rich DeVos

* Founded in 1959 in Ada, Michigan. (Heritage, 2013)

*International offices:


* Asia

* Africa

* Scandinavia

* Ukraine

* Russia and

* Vietnam (Amway, 2015)

*First Product (1959):

*Liquid Organic Cleaner (L.O.C.).

*first concentrated, bio-degradable, and environmentally friendly cleaning product.(Heritage, 2013)

*Health, beauty and homecare (Amway, 2015)

(History Timeline, 2013)

Artistry* the world's top five

largest selling, finest skincare brands.

*skin care, cosmetics, and anti-aging creams and serums

Nutrilite*vitamins to dietary


*sourced from plants that are grown and cultivated organically (Europe, 2011-2015)

*Main Brands

(Beauty, Amway, 2013) (Make up, Beauty Amway,


(Beauty, Amway, 2013)

(Vitamins & Supplements, Nutrition, Amway, 2013)

*Sales Report

Amway global sales reported a rise of $500 million in 2013 to 11.8 billion for the year ending

on December 31, 2013, a growth of 4.4 percent of the company’s revenues. (Martinez, 2014)

• Launch of BodyKey by NUTRILITE™

• eSpring Water Purifiers

• world’s top 1 selling brand of home water treatment

systems (Room, Amway reports record sales of USD$11.8 billion, 2014)


*Improve and launch new products

*Promote entrepreneurship

*Revenues is expected to increase steadily

*Sustaining performance is achieved in a socially

responsible and environmental- friendly way

Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved 2015, from

Amway. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from

Amway. (2015, January 24). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from Wikipedia:

Beauty, Amway. (2013). Retrieved February 3, 2015, from Amway:

Euromonitor International. (2015). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from Amway Claims: Euromonitor International Limited; Beauty and Personal Care 2011, premium cosmetics and premium skincare category and subcategory; global 2010 value RSP.

Europe, A. (2011-2015). Innovative. Retrieved January 27, 2015, from

Founders' Fundamentals. (2013). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from Amway:

Heritage. (2013). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from Amway:

History Timeline. (2013). Retrieved January 3, 2015, from Amway:

Make up, Beauty Amway. (2013). Retrieved February 3, 2015, from Amway:

Martinez, S. (2014). Amway Annual Sales (Billions USD). MLive/The Grand Rapids Press.

People, Products, Performance. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2015, from

Room, A. P. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from

Room, A. P. (2014). Amway reports record sales of USD$11.8 billion.

Vitamins & Supplements, Nutrition, Amway. (2013). Retrieved February 3, 2015, from Amway: