Bibliographic management 2011


Citation preview

Bibliographic Management Systems

Refworks & Mendeleyan overview and comparison of a

subscribed and a freeware system

j.mcsorley 10.2011

Access to RefWorks

Login to myUniHub from the tab on the main UniHub screen

Scroll down to My Library

Select Databases

RefWorks – under R !

Logging in via myUniHub should eliminate the need to login repeatedly when accessing RefWorks and other resources

Initial registration will be required to facilitate off-campus use

Two Parts of RefWorks

Bibliographic Manager provides folders for storing your bibliographic citations enables precise organisation of and immediate access

to records

Write-N-Cite requires downloading to the desktop use to place saved bibliographic citations directly into

your own text and to instantly create your Bibliographies in appropriate


Downloading Write-N-Cite

Click: under Tools

Downloading Write-N-Cite

Downloads installation programme to desktop

Install to create the Write-N-Cite icon on your desktop

Middlesex Catalogue CitationsTo save Mdx citations to Bibliographic Manager select “Online Catalog”

Then select Middlesex University from the drop-down menu

Type your search term into the box

Middlesex Catalogue Citations

Select required title(s) by ticking in the box(es)Then click to Import Further details may be Viewed

Bibliographic Manager Folders

•View in Last Imported•Create New Folder – “Dreaming”•Save record(s) in ..“Dreaming” folder – ..tick in box

PsycINFO Citations

Select required citation(s) - tick box(es)Click to Export

PsycINFO Citations

•Click to Export ..Citation List to ..RefWorks


•It is usually ..necessary to the link to RefWorks this next screen

Bibliographic Manager Folders

As before ;•View Last Imported Folder

Create New Folder

Create New folder- BILINGUALISM and put items from Last Imported into it

Social Science Citation IndexSelect record(s) from your search then open Marked List

Social Science Citation Index

Save to Other Reference Software eg BibTex

SSCI into RefWorks

Click to Save File. Records save to the desktop.

SSCI into RefWorks

Back in RefWorks, click to Import from the drop-down References menu. Use the Browse button to locate the file on your desktop.Select BibTex and Bilingualism folder. Finally click

RefWorks –“Bilingualism”Citations


Login to Write-N-Cite as Athens User

In Write-N-Cite under View select the Bilingualism Folder

Citing within text

Click on Cite next to the record you want to cite

Click in the text where you want the citation

Citing within text

The formatting is generic and adapts to which Bibliographic style is applied

Creating the BibliographyIn RefWorks from the Tools menu – Output Style Manageroffers many styles from which to select your Favourites

Creating the Bibliography

Select your chosen style from Favourites

Then click to

The Bibliography

Mendeley – free downloadable software

Go to the web site and create an account.

Mendeley – free downloadable software

Install the Web Importer

Mendeley – selecting citations

From a database eg Medline, having selected one or more articles, click on the Bookmark Bar for your Web Importer

Mendeley – importing

You can save the citation directly into the relevant folder – eg. IVF

Mendeley – Desktop

At the bottom of the Mendeley screen click to Download Mendeley. This will give you access to the Desktop download

Mendeley – Desktop

Save the file, click to run the programme and follow instructions

Mendeley – Desktop

When the Desktop opens click to Sync Library to import your records from Mendeley on the web

Mendeley – Desktop

Problems with Syncing can be caused by the default connection. Use the Connection tab to select No Proxy

Mendeley – Sync Desktop : Library

Once completed your records and folders appear on the Desktop

Mendeley – Word Plugin

ToolsNext, install the Plugin to connect to Word in order to cite your references within the text.

This option is located under Tools in the menu bar.

Mendeley – Citing in the text

To cite in the text, use the Add-ins tab within Word. Place the cursor where you want to cite and click on the Insert Citation button on the menu bar. A small window will pop up, click the button to Go To Mendeley

Mendeley – Citing in the text

In Mendeley, select the reference you want to cite at the chosen place and the full details appear in the panel to the right. Details can be edited here if necessary – eg. Remove brackets.Now click to Send Citation to MS Word

Mendeley – Citing in the text

Mendeley – the bibliography

From the document in the menu bar you can select Bibliographic styles from the drop-down menu. A longer list is also available, from which you can select favourites

Mendeley – the bibliography

Scroll to the end of the text.Place the cursor, then click to Insert Bibliography, having selected your preferred style.

Mendeley – the bibliography

Bos, A. M. E., Pelinck, M.-J., Dumoulin, J. C. M., Arts, E. G. J. M., Echten-Arends, J. van & Simons, A. H. M. (2010). IVF in a modified natural cycle. Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, 154(45), A2519.

Fujii, M., Matsuoka, R., Bergel, E., Poel, S. van der & Okai, T. (2010). Perinatal risk in singleton pregnancies after in vitro fertilization. Fertility and sterility, 94(6), 2113-7. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2009.12.031.

Puissant, F., Van Rysselberge, M., Barlow, P., Deweze, J. & Leroy, F. (1987). Embryo scoring as a prognostic tool in IVF treatment. Human Reproduction., 2(8), 705-708.

The brackets in the first citation have disappeared but further amendments to “doi” numbers and other extraneous details may be required.

RefWorks vs. Mendeley

