Beyond the Books - Alex Paterson - How to dress with style between 9 and 5


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First Impressions

7 seconds is all you have to make a first impression, so make them count!

First Impressions

We all know that it is what’s on the inside that really matters, but the person you are meeting is not basing their first impression of you off that.

‘How you present yourself, is how people first view you. What are you showcasing?’

Source Unknown

First Impressions

The moment a stranger sees you, their brain makes a thousand computations: Are you someone to approach or to avoid? Are you friend or foe? Do you have status and authority? Are you trustworthy, competent, likeable, confident?

Forbes 2011

Control Your Nerves

If you are someone who gets nervous before an important event, try using relaxation techniques to calm your nerves.

Think Beyond Your Outfit

• Body language

• Personal Hygiene

• Oral Hygiene

• Ask questions

Think Beyond Your Outfit

Adjust your attitude.

What to Wear -GirlsThe key to nail the perfect first impression outfit is to dress for your body shape.

What to Wear -Girls

• Something that shows your individuality/personality• An outfit that you feel comfortable in – NO PJs or

Active Wear• A wardrobe classic• If funds are low, invest in an accessory

What to Wear - Girls

What to Wear -Guys

• Something that shows your individuality/personality• An outfit that you feel comfortable in – NO Board

Shorts, Thongs or Slogan Tees• You can’t go wrong with slacks, a button up shirt

and a tie/bow tie

What to Wear - Guys

What to Wear Tips

• Google – Interview Outfit• Create a Pinterest Board• Look at the company’s online profiles – what are

people wearing?

What to Wear

Keep in mind the job that you are there for to give you a direction to dress.

Ask if they have a company policy, casual Fridays etc

First Impressions

‘Dress how you want to be addressed.’

Source Unknown

Tips for the Day

• Plan your outfit in advance, don’t leave until the morning of

• Don’t be late• Turn your phone onto silent

‘Be the type of person that you want to meet.’

Source Unknown
