#BESIGBonn 2014 Teach like ted teaser - Paula Mulanovic


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BESIG 14 – 16 November 2014

Teach Like TED

Ever wished you could…….

Teach Like TED

…present like a TEDster?

Teach Like TED

…engage your learners like a riveted

TED audience?

Teach Like TED

…or achieve feedback like a standing

TED ovation?

Teach Like TED

Inspired by watching TED talks,

Teach Like TED

attending TEDX conferences

Teach Like TED

and reading Carmine Gallo’s fabulous book

“Talk Like TED”

Teach Like TED

I’ve noticed how strategies that work there

can work in business English.

Teach Like TED

In this workshop, I’ll spend a maximum

18 minutes

Teach Like TED

revealing what’s behind “Teach Like TED”

Teach Like TED

and another 18 minutes showcasing

Teach Like TED

framework materials developed for

business learners…

Teach Like TED

join me session E2 Saturday 15


Teach Like TED

I’m looking forward to it

Teach Like TED

BESIG 14 – 16 November 2014

Facilitated by – Paula Mulanovic

Teaser idea flipped from

