Be among the few by Mirza Yawar Baig


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Be among the few

Differentiation is the key

Be among the few

اللهم اجعلين من القليل“O Allah, make me from the few!”

وقليل م ن عبادي الشكور And few of My slaves are grateful. (Saba 34:13)

The single most powerful change to transform the world is to move from –

the world is responsible for me, to I’m responsible for the world.

1. Differentiation creates Brand

2. Brand inspires loyalty

3. Loyalty enables influence

What’s your ‘Brand’?


Without brand,

you are a grain of rice in a


Is the majority worthy

Of being followed??

Most People???

ن ولـكن أكثـر الناس ال يـعلمو However most people do not know. (Al-A'raf 7:187)

ون ولـكن أكثـر الناس ال يشكر And most people do not show gratitude (Al-Baqarah 2:243)

Most People???

ن ولـكن أكثـر الناس ال يـؤمنو And most people do not believe (Hud, 11:17)

وأن أكثـركم فاسقون Most of them are disobedient (Al-Ma'idah 5:59)

Most People???

ولـكن أكثـرهم يهلون Majority are ignorant (Al-An'am 6:111)

ون بل أكثـرهم ال يـعلمون الق فـ هم مععرMost are unaware of the truth and turn away (Al-Anbiya 21:24)

And the few??

Those who differentiate…

And the Few??

وقليل م ن عبادي الشكور And few of My slaves are grateful. (Saba' 34:13)

وما آمن معه إال قليل But none had believed with him, except a few. (Hud 11:40)

And the Few??

خرين ول وقليل م ن اآ يف جنات النعيم ثـلة م ن ال In Gardens of Bliss, a [large] company of the former

people, and a few of the latter.(Al-Waqi'ah 56:12-14)

Who do you want to be with?

Ibnul Qayyim al Jawziyya

Ibnul Qayyim Rahimahullah said, “Tread the path of truth and do not feel lonely because there are few

who take that path. But beware of the path of falsehood and do not be deceived by the vast

number of the Perishers.”

[Kitab al-Zuhd by Ahmad bin Hanbal, Musannaf of Ibn Abi Shaybah.]

How can we differentiate?

CTS actions

3 – Critical Actions

1. Define success

2. Become disciplined

3. Measure progress

Connect with Allahهلالج لج


1. Who is Allahهلالج لج?

2. What is your connection with Him?

3. What is the evidence of this in your life?

Connect with Allahهلالج لج

Proof of connection is freedom from stress

First priority

Demonstrate Values

Because people listen with their eyes

Why Values? Values

1. Inspire and motivate

2. Sustain us through hardship

3. Provide a sense of purpose

4. Create resilience to rise from failure

5. Enhance self esteem and morality

19“Values drive behavior; Behavior drives results”


Integrity is one of several paths -

But it’s the only one on which you will never be lost

Define success

1. What does success mean to you?

2. What investment will it take?

3. Differentiate between ‘Option’ and ‘Choice’

It is a function of doing, not of wanting

“Master” or “Victim”

The Stances of Success

Window of Opportunity

1. In the life of every man and woman comes a time when they have a unique opportunity to make a difference

2. Those who anticipate, prepare and act with courage, succeed


Our window is open now

The Essential Truth

Living life is about making choices: Choosing to be a “Victim”

Or choosing to be a “Master”

Both stances are subject to the givens of society, environment, organization but have serious implications in terms of your success and happiness


Free to choose but no choice is free

Distinguishing features


1. Complain

2. Think of excuses

3. Blame others

4. Lose hope & give up

5. Perish


2. Say, “What can I do?”

3. Think of solutions

4. Own responsibility

5. Try new ways

6. Win, even if they fail

25Who do you want to be?

The Price of Success

Success, like everything else, has a price.

It is essential therefore that:

We define ‘Success’

Are clear about the investment it will take

Are willing to invest that price


You only get what you pay for

What is the price of My success?

In terms of the challenges that I face today, what do I need to do if I want to be a ‘Master’ and not a ‘Victim’?

What is the investment that I need to make in order to succeed?

27Am I willing to make this investment in myself?

What is the price of My success?

What is the investment that I need to make in order to succeed: to be a ‘Master’?


Start Stop Continue

From ‘Being’ to ‘Doing’

1. ‘Being’ Goals

• I want to be the CEO of General Electric

• I want to be an entrepreneur

2. ‘Doing’ Goal

• I want to design policing policy

• I want to take charge of my own success

Commitment: Line between wanting and doing

Move from wishing to making

Being Goals1. Inspirational

2. Intensions

3. Thought oriented

4. Future focused

5. Other dependent

Doing Goals2. Experiential

3. Actions

4. Action oriented

5. Present focused

6. Self dependent


To be, you have to doTo do, you don’t have to be

Until you do, you will never be

Become disciplined

1. What do you need to do?

2. What do you enjoy and what don’t you enjoy?

3. But do you do it anyway?

All growth is painful

Measure progress

1. You only know what you measure

2. You can only control what you measure

3. You can only guarantee what you measure

Your assets are only what you can measure

Achieving Excellence

Enablers Inhibitors


Sheep have

plenty of company

But the leopard walks alone

I will not allow, what is not in my control to prevent me from doing, what is in my

