Autumn schaffer learner_analysis




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Learner Analysis

Autumn Schaffer

Georgia Southern University

FRIT 7430




The host school for the learner analysis project is located in a small rural town

approximately sixty miles south of Atlanta, Georgia. This school is publicly funded and

has been educating students since 1989. Until 2003 the school building housed

kindergarten through fifth grade levels. It now houses kindergarten through second grade,

as well as a state-funding pre-kindergarten program.

The host classroom contains twenty-one kindergarten students. The curriculum

for this classroom is based upon the Georgia Performance Standards for reading,

mathematics, science, and social studies. The students are now beginning their second six

week period in school. The focus reading standard supporting the designed unit for this

project is based upon the students’ abilities to predict, understand, and retell elements of a

story. These elements include the characters, setting, problem, and resolution. The

students will also be asked to determine the beginning, middle, and end of a story.

Afterwards, the students will create their own story. They will also describe the elements

and sequence of their creation. The Georgia Performance Standard for this unit is:

ELAKR6 The student gains meaning for orally presented text. The student:

a. Listens to and reads a variety of literacy (eg- short stories, poems) and

informational texts and materials to gain knowledge and for pleasure.

b. Makes predictions from pictures and titles.

c. Asks and answers questions about essential narrative elements (eg- beginning-

middle-end, setting, characters, problems, events, resolution)

d. Retells familiar events and stories to include beginning, middle, and end.



ELAKW2 The student writes in a variety of genres, including narrative, informational,

persuasive and response to literature.

The student produces a narrative that:

a. Involves one event.

c. Begins to use organizational structures (beginning, middle, end).

d. May include describing words.

e. May include a sense of closure.

f. Includes oral or written prewriting to generate ideas (graphic organizers and


g. May include a draft developed from prewriting.

Since the students will create their own story, as well as determine the elements of their

favorite stories in a creative manner, an information literacy standard is also included

within the unit plan. This Independent Learning Standard is:

Standard 5: The student who is an independent learner is information literate and

appreciates literature and other creative expressions of information.

-Indicator 1: Is a competent and self motivated reader

-Indicator 2: Derives meaning from information presented creatively in a variety

of formats

-Indicator 3: Develops creative products in a variety of formats


The host kindergarten classroom supports the learning of twenty-one students,

ranging in the ages of five to six. While some of these students attended pre-kindergarten

at the same school, some attended private programs and daycares. Many students did not



attend any pre-kindergarten program. Many of the mothers of the students, however, are

housewives and supported their pre-school learning at home. Some of the students have

diverse ethnic backgrounds and many of them live within a single parent household.

Some students have special educational needs, but none of them currently receive

educational services. One student receives services by consultation only. Like the

majority of the school, about half of the students within the classroom qualify for free or

reduced lunch. This is because the majority of the class’ family income is below, at, or

slightly above poverty level. The following demographics were obtained through the

regular classroom teacher’s personal records, which were established at the beginning of

the current school year.

Females 12

Males 9

Caucasian 11

African American 7

Other (Hispanic) 3 (one student is multi-racial, but since father is Hispanic she is placed in this


Receive/Diagnosed Special Education Services

2(Two students have been diagnosed with

ADHD. Both receive medication and one is receives consultation services as needed.) (One student receives ESOL services and

seems to be a “slow learner,” but he cannot be diagnosed with a learning disability

until the response to intervention protocols are complete.

Qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch 10



Single Parent Households 8

Have siblings that have also attended/currently attend this school system 7

Attended some type of pre-kindergarten program 7

At least one parent stays at home during the day 6

According to the Georgia Department of Education website for the 2009 AYP

score reporting, the host school educates 440 students. The Caucasian population consists

of 271 students and the African American population contains 144 students. There are 11

students who are categorized as Hispanic, with 304 of the population considered to be

“economically disadvantaged.”

Entry Skills & Prior Knowledge

The host kindergarten class completed the first six weeks of the school grading

period on September 1, 2009. The targeted skills for the prior six weeks focused upon

learning the alphabet letters, shapes, and numbers. The skills for the current six weeks

term include other more comprehensive reading and mathematics standards. The selected

reading goal of determining the elements and sequence of a story is including within the

tasks of this six weeks period. Also, writing standards will be introduced within the

upcoming weeks.

To determine the students’ prior knowledge in relation to these standards, a pre-

assessment, created by the graduate program student, was given to each student. This



assessment used the book The Three Little Pigs by Golden Books as one of its testing

tools. The first section of the pre-assessment dealt with the student’s ability to predict a

story’s plot based upon the illustrations within the book. Each student completed this

section on an individual basis with either the graduate student, classroom teacher, or the

classroom paraprofessional.

After all of the students completed the reading prediction section, the graduate

student read aloud The Three Little Pigs by Golden Books as a whole group activity. The

students were then assessed individually by either the graduate student, classroom

teacher, or the classroom paraprofessional in order to complete the other section of the

pre-exam. This section focused upon the student’s ability to determine the elements of a

story, which include the characters, setting, problem, and resolution. It also assesses the

student’s ability to determine the beginning, middle, and ending of the story plot. Finally,

this section asked the students to retell the basic plot but provide their own unique

ending. This determined the student’s ability to recall specific and correct facts as well as

construct a believable ending.

The actual pre-assessment tool can be located in Appendix A and an example of a

completed pre-assessment based upon a student’s responses can be found in Appendix B.

The majority of the students were able to make a realistic prediction about the story’s plot

based upon the illustration. Many of the students were also able to determine the

beginning, middle, and end of the story. Few students, however, were able to determine

the specific elements of the story; this is possibly because they were unfamiliar with the

terms associated with the standard. The following information provides the pre-

assessment results for each student.



Student Reasonable prediction based upon

cover of book

Reasonable prediction based upon illustrations within the


Describe Beginning, Middle, and End of story

Describe specific

elements of story

Reasonable retell of

story and creative ending

IG Yes“Pigs”

No“Pigs and Dog are friends”

No No No

GS Yes“Pigs who

are friends”

Yes“Pigs are chased by



beginning and end

No No*Does not describe specific details.

BHH Yes“Pigs”

Yes“Pigs get



beginning and end

No No*Use

creative retelling

throughout entire story

KT Yes“Pigs”




No No*Does not follow any sequence of

the storyAS Yes

“Family of Pigs”

Yes“Pigs and

wolf are not friends”

Yes Yes*Just

characters and problem

Yes*Says wolf could have

eaten the last pig.

NH Yes“Pigs”

Yes“Pigs try to get away from the


Yes No Yes“Says wolf could have ran away from the

brick house”HP Yes



*Only Beginning

No No*Loosely

follows plot- no new ending

AH Yes“Brother


Yes“Pigs and

wolves in a town”

Yes Yes*Just

characters and problem

Yes*Pigs could

have forgiven the



wolfJC Yes


“Pigs run from wolf”


beginning and end

No Yes*Wolf could have said he

was sorryLG Yes


“Pigs are scared”



No No*Does not

retell major events

CW Yes“Pigs






No No*Does not

follow story sequence

JA Yes“Singing





No No*Does not

follow sequence

KR Yes“Pigs who

are friends”

Yes“Pigs and a


Yes No Yes*Pigs and wolf could

become friends if they say they are sorry.

GH Yes“Pigs”

Yes“Pigs run

from wolf”

Yes No Yes*Pigs run away from

wolf into the woods.

TB Yes“Pigs”

Yes“Pigs are scared of

wolf because he wants to eat them.”

Yes Yes*Just

characters and problem

Yes*Pigs tell the

wolf to go away or

they’ll eat him, and he

doesKJ Yes

“Pigs who live


Yes“Wolf wants to eat pigs”


beginning and end

No No*Does not retell new

endingSC Yes

“Brother Pigs”

Yes“Pigs keep

running from wolf”

Yes Yes*Just

characters and problem

Yes*Wolf might

give up

HR Yes Yes No No No



“Pigs” “Pigs and wolf run”

*Just beginning and end

*Does not provide new

endingTH Yes



*Just beginning

No No*Does not

follow story sequence

MP Yes “A pig family”

Yes“The wolf

comes to the pig’s houses, but they run


Yes Yes*Just

characters and problem

Yes*Wolf could have eaten the last pig.

MD Yes“Pigs”

Yes“Pigs run

from wolf”


beginning and end

No No*Just retells

story- no new end

Academic Motivation

Before conducting the pre-assessment, the graduate student aided the students in

completing a motivation inventory based upon their feelings towards reading. This

inventory was completed in a small group setting of four to five students. The teacher

read aloud the instructions and guided the students in recording their answers. They were

told to circle the green word if they agreed with the statement, circle the red word if they

did not agreed with the statement, or circle the blue word if they somewhat agreed with

the statement. The graduate student also observed the students closely to make sure they

were following along correctly. The actual motivation inventory can be located in

Appendix C. A completed version by a student can be located in Appendix D.

After the inventories were complete, the graduate student compiled the information to

determine the overall classes’ motivation towards the subject area. Most of the students

detailed that they enjoyed reading and retelling stories. Many of them, however, stated

that they do not read many stories outside of the classroom. The following information



details the students’ specific responses to the motivation inventory. “Q1” represents the

question “I love school” on the motivation inventory. “Q2” represents “I love to read and

be read to.” “Q3” represents “I read a lot of stories at home.” “Q4” represents “I like to

think about what happened in the story after I read it.” “Q5” represents “I like to write in

my journal or talk with my friends about books I’ve read.” “Q6” represents “I like to

write my own stories.” “Q7” represents “I like to retell my friends the story that I’ve

read.” “Y” in this chart indicates the student marked “yes.” “N” indicates the student

marked “no.” “S” indicates the student marked “somewhat.”


Q1 S S N Y Y Y S Y Y N Y Y Y S N Y S S S Y S

Q2 N S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y S Y Y

Q3 N N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N S Y S N N Y Y S Y N

Q4 Y Y S Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Q5 N N S Y Y Y N Y Y S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Q6 S S N S Y Y Y S Y Y N S Y S Y N Y Y Y Y S

Q7 S S S S Y Y Y Y Y N S Y Y S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y



Motivational Strategies

Based upon the results of the inventory, approximately half of the class stated that

they enjoy school as a whole. The majority explained that they like reading or being read

to. This leads one to believe that reading was not the cause of why those who do not like

school chose that specific answer. Also, only nine out of 21 students said that they read

stories at home. This may be a factor correlated to the student’s academic progress. Those

who did not score well on the pre-assessment may have not had amble exposure to the

structure of stories, especially if those students did not attend pre-kindergarten. An

overwhelming majority stated that they like to think, write, and talk about what happens

in the story after they have read it. Perhaps this correlated to the interpersonal as well as

intrapersonal intelligence levels within the classroom. Only half of the class indicated

that they like to write their own stories. Perhaps these students were drawn to the word

“write,” which may have made them think that they are not able to do so. At this point in

the curriculum, students have not developed the basic skills to write their own story yet.

What was intended by the question, however, was that they students would intelligently

and creatively think to form their own unique story plot. Finally, the overall class

described that they like to retell what they have learned to others. Perhaps this will allow

for several cooperative grouping opportunities.

By analyzing the students’ academic progress based upon their first six weeks

report cards, many students many not have the foundation to begin reading text on their

own. For this reason, at this point, it was determined that the teacher would read aloud

the selections but the student would be responsible for listening and explaining the

elements of the story. This, perhaps, will ease the anxiety of the students as well as



maximize their abilities based upon the focus standard without the hindrance of other

related factors.

According to the Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2009), John Keller’s ARCS

model consists of four fundamentals of seeking and maintaining students’ motivation so

that adequate learning can occur. These elements include attention, relevance,

confidence, and satisfaction. Similar to any basic lesson plan procedure, the first step

within any instructional lecture or activity is to gain the students attention and interest.

Based upon the motivation inventory, many of the students who enjoy being read to as

well as retelling or recording their learning will be intrinsically motivated. Those who

expressed that they did not enjoy school, reading, or engaging in post-reading activities

may need further motivation.

The Learning Theories Knowledgebase describes two strategies for gaining a

student’s attention. One method is by using the element of surprise or presenting a topic

that students have uncertain feelings about. This is known as perceptual arouse. The

second method is through inquiry, in which the students are asked to solve high-order,

challenging questions. Other suggested methods that seem to be age-appropriate for the

kindergarten students include humor, examples, active participation, as well as conflicts

with prior knowledge.

Many kindergarten students enjoy participation through the entire context of the

story. One specific strategy to incorporate into the unit’s activities is to have the students

engage in a motion or sound every time they hear a certain word within the story. For

example, when reading The Three Little Pigs, the students could make an “oink” sound

every time they heard the word “pig” or a howling sound every time they heard the word



“wolf.” This would also be a strategy for sustained attention seeing as students would

have to be alert throughout the entire reading in order to participate.

Even if they are not particularly motivated towards the academic tasks, usually

young students are willing to provide accounts of their own prior knowledge. By

questioning, or even purposely conflicting with their prior knowledge, many students are

willing to contribute to the discussion, therefore capturing their attention. For example,

when reading The Three Little Pigs, the teacher may suggest the fact that she heard about

this same story on the news yesterday. Many students will quickly contribute that this

story cannot happen in real life because animals cannot talk and pigs cannot build houses.

The teacher may also suggest that the pigs try to eat the wolf. The students will probably

explain, based upon their prior knowledge, that pigs do not eat wolves. From here, the

teacher may choose to expand upon the students’ attention by asking them to predict what

will happen next within the story.

The second step within John Keller’s ARCS model, according to the Learning

Theories Knowledgebase (2009), is the relevance a student feels towards a particular

subject or activity. Prior knowledge and present worth are two particular strategies

associated with this step. The teacher may have the students explain what they already

know about the subject as well as why it would be important for them to understand this

skill now and in the future. One particular strategy that seems to be age appropriate for

kindergarten students is the practice of modeling what the teacher will ask the students to

do themselves. An article by Lutz, Guthrie, & Davis in Journal of Educational Research

(2006) also describes the importance of teacher scaffolding and modeling. Based upon

their study, low-achieving as well as high-achieving students were able to complete the



task more proficiently when a similar task had been modeled and then scaffold by the

teachers. This study did show, however, that low-achieving students still required

individual aid during the completion of their independent task (pg. 15).

Based upon these results of Lutz, Guthrie, & Davis’ article, the graduate student

plans to incorporate several modeling examples that include reading the story and then

using a think-aloud strategy in which the graduate students asks and then answers her

own questions. This will also show the students how to regulate their own thought

process. The teacher will then have the students complete a guided example in which

their feedback, as a whole class is welcomed. Finally, the students will be given the

opportunity to complete a task similar to the examples on their own. Those with specific

needs, or who have a past history of lower achieving, may need extra aid in a small group


The third step in John Keller’s ARCS model is confidence. Specific strategies

related to this element, as described by the Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2009), is

to allow for meaningful success as well as formative feedback. It is also suggested to

allow learners to control aspects of the task as well as provide opportunities for the

student’s growth to occur in steps so that their confidence is slowly built. A particular

strategy that seems to work well with young students in the aspect of confidence is

cooperative grouping activities. An article by Nolen (2007) suggests that individual

motivation is heighten when students feel a shared sense of direction and ownership of

the assignment. Based upon her study, students also seemed to value their peers’

responses and described them to be less threatening than an adult’s feedback (pg. 259).

For this reason, the graduate student plans to incorporate cooperative grouping activities,



perhaps after the guided instruction but before the individual assignment, so that students

are able to use each other’s opinions to strengthen their overall understanding.

The final step in John Keller’s ARCS model involves the student’s satisfaction

with the new understanding. As described by the Learning Theories Knowledgebase

(2009), students need to feel a sense of achievement by means of praise, entertainment, or

using their newly acquired knowledge. It is also suggested that students use their new

understandings in a real world context so that the students become satisfied of the

objective’s relevance. Adomat, in The Reading Teacher (2009), describes a meaningful,

yet exciting, activity based upon the same standard used within the upcoming

instructional unit. Described within a case study, a particular student was having

difficulty recalling the sequence of events within a story. The teacher created a drama-

based activity so that the students could physically manipulate and see the events again

(pg. 630). This provided an extra re-telling of the story, but also allowed for the students

to use the plot within the context of their real lives. The satisfaction of completing a

dramatic retelling allowed for students to see the relevance and specific elements of the

story more vividly. This is also a task that could be incorporated within the unit, perhaps

after the students have completed guided activities. This, perhaps, could be included as

another cooperative grouping assignment.

Educational and Ability Levels

So far within the school year the majority of the students seem to be functioning

on grade level. The first six weeks is a difficult time to determine a student’s true ability

because of their diverse backgrounds. Some students have attended pre-kindergarten

programs and educational daycares since they were three years old. Some students have



never been exposed to a formal education setting until the first day of kindergarten. Many

students who seemed to lag behind the first couple of weeks will soon begin making

progress and eventually catch up with the rest of the classes’ abilities. Much of their

incoming knowledge is based upon how much they have been exposed to before

enrolling in kindergarten.

Two students have been diagnosed as having ADHD. One of those students is

currently receiving consultation special education services and is in the process of being

filtered out of special education. He received services during his pre-kindergarten year,

but his academic progress has exceeded the need for individualized instruction. The other

student with ADHD, however, seems to be struggling with reading. The teacher will soon

begin her own interventions to accommodate these students and their reading abilities.

While it is unlikely the students will progress to strategic services, the teacher will make

modifications through the response to intervention process so that perhaps the students

can improve.

Learner Characteristics

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

To determine the students’ dominant intelligence based upon Gardner’s multiple

intelligence theory, the graduate student designed a learning style inventory. While there

are many learning style inventories based upon Gardner’s theory online, very few are

designed for very young students and readers. Based upon the results of this inventory,

the graduate student added what she believed to be the student’s dominant intelligence to

the learning characteristics graph. The regular classroom teacher also provided insight

based upon her personal observations throughout the year. The actual learning style



inventory can be viewed in Appendix E. An example of a completed inventory is

available in Appendix F. This inventory was completed in small group format of four to

five students. The students followed along as the graduate student, classroom teacher, or

class paraprofessional read the questions aloud.

The following information shows the overall learning characteristics of the

students within the classroom. The academic information was derived from the first six

weeks report cards. The ethnicity and background information was derived from the

teacher’s personal records of each student. The learning style is based upon the inventory

results as well as the teacher’s personal observations.

Name Letters (Upper

& Lower Case)

Shapes (including sphere &


Numbers (1-10)

Pays Attention in Class

Controls Talking

Follows Directions &

School Rules


Family Background

Learning Style


IG 4 of 52 5 of 6 1 of 10 Yes Yes Yes 1st generation American male (both parents are

Hispanic and descend from Mexico. Spanish is the

main language spoke in the household. Father is co-manager of a Mexican

Restaurant. One sister in high school, one brother in

elementary. Brother receives special ed. services for learning disability in reading.

Visual-Spatial *Enjoys

puzzles and building 3-D

models during center

time. *Interested in const-

ruction work as an adult.

*Visits ESOL twice a week for 30 mins. Does

not seem to understand many verbal directions.

*Quiet child. Does not interact

with others much. Never misbehaves.

GS 18 of 52 4 of 6 0 of 10 Yes Yes Yes Caucasian male. Only child. Single parent

household. Low SES.


*Highly involved in

activities that allow

movement. *Enjoys

team sports.

*Enjoys recess. Willing to try

new tasks. Never misbehaves.

BHH 18 of 52 4 of 6 0 of 10 *Yes Yes Yes Caucasian Male. Only child. Single parent household. Strong relationship with

grandmother. High Low SES.


*Posses extra energy. *Very


speaks of football and wrestling.

*Recently diagnosed by

doctor as ADHD. Receives

medication twice a day at home. Attention and Behavior has


KT 39 of 52 6 of 6 7 of 10 Yes Yes Yes African American Female. One older sister in 3rd

grade. Parents are married. Father is disabled. Both

parents have at least 2 year college education. Middle


Intra-personal*Keeps to

herself*Has trouble expressing herself in

*Has been “babied” and seems to have moments of

“zoning out.” Does not




words.*Try to “write

stories” during free


relate well to others.

routines well.*Very loving

child. Commonly hugs teachers.*Speaks softly and cannot be understood at


AS 52 of 52 6 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes No African American Female. Oldest of three children.

Father is a gym teacher and has a master’s degree in

Instructional Technology. Mother is a Social Worker.

Middle SES.

Linguistic*Expresses her wants and needs clearly.

*Commonly hold conver-sations with

adults. *Under-

stands how to

manipulate a conversation to get what she wants

*Has dominating personality.

*Curious of adult conversations.*Commonly

rejects instructions and follows her own


NH 52 of 52 6 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes No Caucasian Female. Oldest of three children. Parents are married. Mother is a housewife. Low Middle



singing and can be heard humming to

herself during

activities. *Want to be

a singer/dancer

when she grows up.

*Attended a church-based

pre-kindergarten program.

*Tends to be a “follower” of her


argues with her friends.

HP 52 of 52 6 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes No Caucasian Female. Only child. Single Parent

household. Young mother with high school education.

Low SES.

Linguistic *Expresses

herself mainly through verbal


*While writing tasks seems to be

slightly below grade

level, her vocabulary

and conversation

skills are advanced.

*Talks excessively.

*Does not follow directions due to

talking.*Interested in

adult conversations.

*Enjoys “girly” things.

AH 52 of 52 4 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes Yes Caucasian Female. Oldest of two children. Mother is a

2nd grade teacher. Parents are married. Family values

education. High Middle SES.

Linguistic*Has been exposed to

adult conver-sations as well has highly

educated people.

*Speaks to other

students as if she is the

*Is a “leader” among her

friends.*Understands rule and the

consequences.*Likes to help the teacher and




“leader.” *Enjoys reading books to

other students.

JC 50 of 52 4 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes Yes African American Female. Youngest of three children.

Mother works at public library. Parents are

divorced. Education is valued. Middle SES.


*Uses words effectively to speak with individuals.

*Is “favored” among her


expresses empathy and understandin

g of their unique


*Aware of her surroundings-

enjoys conversations

with adults and students.

*May have moments that are

considered “bossy.”

*A leader among friends.

LG 44 of 52 4 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes Yes Caucasian Female. Only child of young mother.

Single family household. Very close to grandmother.

Middle Low SES.

Intra-personal*Is highly

secluded and rarely talks

to other people.

*Spends time alone and

complains of “not having any friends.”

*Does not express

herself well with others,

but is content with herself.

*Seems to have anxiety about

new situations.*Did not adjust to school well.

Cried everyday, several times a day, for the first

two weeks of school.

*Seems to have negative outlook

on most activities.

CW 46 of 52 4 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes Yes African American Female. Middle of three children.

Parents are divorced, lives with mother. Low SES.

Visual-Spatial*Enjoys building

models of 3-D houses. *Enjoys

puzzles and putting things


*Teacher also taught his older

sister.*Quiet child-

rarely misbehaves.

*Seems to be a “follower” and

will misbehave if others are doing

it.JA 49 of 52 5 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes Yes Hispanic Female. Mother

and father descend from Mexico. Mother is a

housewife and father works in a factory mill. Oldest of

two children. English is below average, but

functional. Low SES.


*While her language skills are somewhat

limited, she manages to

maintain friendships with other

females. She is also

“favored” within the class and

even “jokes” with other

*Commonly speaks of diverse

cultural experiences

(Mexican food, Mexican clothing).

*Enjoys “girly” things such as

jewelry and high heels.



students. KR 50 of 52 4 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes Yes Caucasian/Hispanic

Female. Mother is Caucasian and has two older children from a

previous marriage. Father is Hispanic. Student is much younger than her

siblings. Mother is a housewife. Middle Low


Linguistic*Has been exposed to

adult conver-stations and understand

adult contexts. *Uses her words to vividly describe

situations and abstract

ideas- including

others' feelings are intentions.

*Has been described by her

mother as “stubborn” but she complies

with school rules and activities.*Willing to answer and

contribute to class discussions.

*Enjoys the “writing center”


GH 50 of 50 5 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes Yes Caucasian Male. Single Parent household. Two

older brothers. Middle Low SES.

Inter-personal*Is very quite and

rarely talks to others-

even during lunch or recess.

Prefers to play alone. *When he

does contribute to

class discussions, his thoughts

are rather intuitive and well-thought


*Extremely quite student. Seems to be nervous and apprehensive of other students and teachers.

TB 50 of 50 6 of 6 10 of 10 Yes No No African American Female. Single Parent household.

Only Child. Low SES


verbal and expressive.

*Argues with strategy,

much like an adult.

*Can easily gain friends,

even after she has

disrespected them.

*Uses words to obtain her


*At the beginning of

school, student had trouble following

directions and behaving. After

visiting the principal’s office

and beginning removed from the classroom, the student has finally begun to

comply with school rules.

KJ 29 of 52 5 of 6 6 of 10 Yes Yes Yes Caucasian Male. Is a member of an adopted

home containing two other adopted males and two

younger adopted females. Low Middle SES


excess energy and has difficult

paying attention for long periods

of time.*Commonly fidgets and

*Was diagnosed as having Fetal

Alcohol Syndrome. Was adopted last year by foster parent while student

attended pre-k at the school.

*Student began taking

medication for



moves around in

seat. *Seems to

retain information

better through

“hands on” activities.

severe ADHD last year. He

does not seem to have behavior problems now.*While he pays attention and is interest in the

lesson- it seems he may be a slow

learner.SC 31 of 52 6 of 6 9 of 10 Yes Yes Yes Caucasian Male. Oldest of

two children. Did not attend pre-k. Mother is a housewife and spends a

great deal of time with the student. Low Middle SES

Musical*Is a well-rounded

student, but tends to prefer


activities. Commonly

refers to educational

songs conducted within the

classroom in order to recall

specific facts.

*Was “babied” at home and had some trouble adjusting to

school during the first week.

*Understands complex ideas

and has excellent tuition about why

things occur. This is attributed to the amount of time his parents spend with him.

HR 45 of 52 6 of 6 9 of 10 Yes Yes No Caucasian Female. Middle child of a three child home. Parents are married. Low

Middle SES


working in groups, despite activity.

*Commonly provides

encouraging words to

peers during class.

*Enjoys talking to friends- even during times of

instruction.*Seems to have trouble focusing on specific tasks.

TH 46 of 52 6 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes Yes African American Male. Single parent household with four other children.



snaps, and sings to himself during

independent activities.

*Commonly makes

reference to R&B artist as

well as Michael Jackson.

*Adds pop culture

movements to

educational movements


*Is an extremely quite child and only expresses

himself when he is with his

friends.*Enjoys singing

pop culture music.

MP 31 of 52 5 of 6 9 of 10 Yes Yes Yes Caucasian Female. Lives with grandparents, but thinks of them as her

parents. Has a younger

Linguistic*Is highly observant

and intuitive

*Extremely intuitive student,

perhaps from being exposed to



brother in pre-k who lives with the biological mother.

Middle Low SES

to surroundings*Curious of

other’s motives and

activities*Uses her words and

conversation to find out

information that she wants to

know, but doesn’t

necessarily need to know.

older adults and their

conversations.*Enjoys helping the teacher and

being the “leader”

*Bright, cheerful, and loving personality.

MD 16 of 52 4 of 6 10 of 10 Yes Yes Yes African American Male. Lives with young single mother. Has one older

sister, who is very protective of the student. Also has an infant sister.

Low SES.


*While he is an extremely quite student,

he enjoys building models.

*He is also one of the

class helpers because he can easily

find his way around the

school. Direction-ality is a

strength for him.

*Extremely quite child who rarely

expresses himself at all, yet does not seem to be angry or upset.

*Peaceful laidback student,

willing to comply with any


Based upon the results of the learning style inventory, the class seems to contain

several dominant intelligences. The most predominant is the linguistic intelligence, which

is where six of the students’ strengths are. Visual-spatial, interpersonal, bodily-

kinesthetic, as well as musical intelligences are also common within the classroom with

three students’ strengths lying in each category. Finally, intrapersonal is a strength among

two of the students.

Dr. Thomas Armstrong, an author and lecturer of multiple intelligences, describes

via his website (2000), that linguistic students seem to focus on word-based activities.

This is a natural means for instruction seeing as much of the lecture and activities are

based upon the teacher’s verbal conversations as well as the student’s ability to receive



and interpret auditory information. Bodily-kinesthetic individuals learn through

movement and physical activities or manipulation of objects. These are also common

finding within the classroom seeing as the kindergarten students participate in hand-on

activities with concrete objects. Dr. Armstrong also describes that musical intelligences

learn from information associated with songs, beats, or rhythms. Movement and musical

activities have several allotments within the daily schedule.

Interpersonal skills are promoted during collaborative or cooperative grouping,

which is not such a common activity within the host classroom. An effort will have to be

made to allow for constructive group activities. While the students participate in journal

time once a day, the structure of the prompt will need to be formatted so that

intrapersonal students can benefit from the activity as it is tied to the learning objective at

hand. Finally, visual-spatial opportunities are not common place within the classroom.

While there are building and modeling centers available, specific activities have not been

formulated to specifically enhance the learning of the students’ whose strength lies in that

particular area.

Culture and Ethnic Diversity

Hispanic Population.

The main ethnical diversity within the classroom is the prevalence of two

Hispanic families as well as a multiracial family consisting of a Caucasian mother and a

Hispanic father. One of the Hispanic students speaks, and seems at this point to

understand, very little English. He currently receives ESOL intervention twice a week.

The student does not speak within class discussions and remains closed off from the rest



of the classroom. This student does show interest in building and manipulating objects,

which leads the graduate student to believe that he is a visual-spatial learner.

The Hispanic female has a functional English vocabulary even though she

misuses terms frequently. She has befriended the multi-racial female who is also half

Hispanic. Both of these females have strong interpersonal as well as linguistic skills.

They are more vocal in discussions and participating in the class activities than the

Hispanic male.

According to the University of Ohio (n.d.), based upon the Hispanic culture, these

ethnic group posses strong family values. This is evident within the host classroom’s

Hispanic students. One lives with her parents, as well as her grandparents and cousin.

The Hispanic male’s family owns and manages a Mexican restaurant. The student’s

father and uncle commonly visit for lunch and attend conferences. Ohio State’s website

also explains that this ethnic culture is prideful and dignified. This is particularly true of

the male student’s family. When he cried and protested that he did not want to stay at

school at the beginning of the year, his family would not sympathize or allow for him to

misbehave in that manner. This is untrue of the other Caucasian and African American

families who used emotional support to encourage their students to come back to school.

It seemed that the Hispanic family did not allow the student the option of leaving or not

attending school.

According to Sarah Plastino (2009), a research student associated with the

University of North Carolina, Hispanic families perceive the common educational

experience differently than other people from diverse ethnical backgrounds. Due to their

culture, Hispanic students are not usually comfortable performing or speaking in front of



their peers. They also tend to avoid asking for help from an adult because they have been

taught not to bother or interrupt. Also, many view the teacher with high regard and

respect; they perhaps worry whether the teacher will be disappointed if they did not

understand after the first explanation. Specific methods suggested by Plastino include

allowing Hispanic students to work in smaller, collaborative groups instead of in a large,

whole group setting. Also, it may be beneficial to have the Hispanic students work

together so that commonalities and possible past experiences are shared. This method of

instruction is suggested before allowing Hispanic students to work independently,

especially if they are struggling with the English language and curriculum.

Plastino also suggests incorporating as much of the Hispanic students’ culture into

the lessons as possible. She suggests providing Hispanic-based foods or memorabilia.

Perhaps for this unit, Spanish-based stories can be incorporated as well as stories

containing Spanish vocabulary. This may help the students connect to the story as well as

find personal relevance so that the analysis of the story is more meaningful.

Single Parent Families.

Eight of the students within the host classroom currently live in a single parent

household. Most of these students are in the custody of their mother, and many times the

father is not involved in the student’s daily life. Many times the students also have

several siblings near their age and under the care of the one adult within the family. This

group can be viewed as a subculture possessing its own unique characteristics and

difficulties. According to Laurie Elish-Piper in her article published within the Illinois

Reading Council Journal (2009), specific educational implications should be addressed

for this subgroup. It is a misunderstanding that parents from single parent households are



not concerned with their students’ academic success. Many of them, due to their own

difficulty, desire for their children to achieve and excel within school. Particularly those

who are also members of a minority culture possess a strong work-ethic and expect their

children to do the same (pg 51).

Elish-Piper also describes the assumption that many single parent households

have financial difficulties different than other families. This may restrict their ability to

attend conferences, provide supplies, or contribute materialistic items to the classroom.

Elish-Piper suggests that this lack of personal involvement may be due to the fact that

many are ashamed of their situation or require longer working hours in order to support

the family. She suggests that teachers allow multiple opportunities for single parents to

visit or contribute to the classroom. If they do not attend a scheduled conference, allow

them to reschedule. Also, provide the opportunity to select a time that would be

convenient for their work schedule. Making sure that they feel welcomed into the

classroom is an important element for open communication (pg. 52).

This article also suggests that single parents, when time permits, visit with the

classroom to engage in the learning process of their child. Unfortunately, this is simply

not feasible for many single household parents. For this reason it is suggested that a

teacher be empathic of the student’s situation and overlook certain activities that would

otherwise be deemed as unacceptable. For example, many students may not have the

funds to purchase items to create projects with or use within the classroom. It is

suggested to have extra supplies for those who cannot afford them. It is also highly

important, however, to not explicitly pinpoint those students. Simply allow them to use

the materials as needed.



Some of these students may require extra remediation inside of the school hours.

Since the lead parent possibly works late hours, the students may not receive help at

home. Allow these students to spend a few minutes during the day to complete their

homework or read with another student for practice. Involving stories that may represent

their situation, instead of the typical texts that tell of a utopian family, may also help the

students relate and find personal relevance to the situation.

Parents without Advanced Education.

Similar to the single parent household situation, the host classroom contains

several students whose parents did not graduate from high school. If these parents did

graduate, many of them did not receive any type of college or advanced education. Based

upon the observation of the classroom teacher these past few weeks, it has been

expressed that many of the parents may not have the understanding of how to help their

student succeed academically. While the parent may be able to read or analyze text

themselves, they may not have the knowledge to promote their own student’s abilities.

In Kathleen Cooter’s article published in The Reading Teacher (2006), she

explains that even within modern times, many parents are considered functionally

illiterate and do not have the educational resources to provide for their children. Their

lack of education often influences the student’s beginning literacy development. Cooter

explains that young, uneducated mothers do not provide as much verbal simulation to

their newborn as older, educate mothers. She also suggests that the vocabulary used

within the home is significantly limited compared to the homes of students with educated

parents. Many of these students that are categorized in this subgroup have not been



exposed to various stimuli in their early years; this may then affect their prior knowledge

when they begin school (pg. 698).

Specific strategies suggested by Cooter include teaching the parents to engage

with their students while reading. This information could be relayed to the parents

through a newsletter or conference. Teaching the parents, as well as the students, to point

to words as they read will help expand the student’s vocabulary. Also, making

predictions and picture-based reading are beginning functions of any reader; even parents

with very little education can engage in this activity. Having the students make up their

own story using a picture book with illustrations not only increases the child’s

imagination, but it also helps develop his/her sense of a basic story plot (pg. 699).

Other strategy suggested by Cooter includes a “Million Dollar Game” in which

the nonreaders look through a magazine and choose items that they would like to buy if

they had a million dollars (pg. 701). This activity could be extended for students who

have difficulty reading, or even for all students to create their own story plot. The

students could take the items that they have chosen and form a short story beginning with

how they won the money and ending with how the last dollar was spent. This activity

would also incorporate the standards of the particular focus unit.


Special Needs Learners

English as a Second Language (ESOL).

As already established, three of the students within the host classroom live in

Hispanic-based households. In two of the homes Spanish is the primary language. One of

the students attends ESOL intervention twice a week to develop basic English



vocabulary. Lewis-Moreno, in her article published within Phi Delta Kappan (2007),

suggests that learning English vocabulary and structure in rote-like settings is useless.

Students must learn how to use English in context of situations with their peers. She

suggests that it is a teacher’s responsibility to pair the student with someone he/she feels

comfortable taking risks with. The teacher should then provide constructive feedback to

the student as needed, keeping in mind that the student’s primary language may be very

different than the new vocabulary. Lewis-Moreno also suggests that teacher facilitate the

student’s verbal responses by questioning and repeating their phrases (pg. 773-774).

Another strategy suggested is to use books with vivid illustrations so that the

students may use the pictures to guide their reading. By reducing the amount of words on

a page or by using a simplified text for the student, he/she may become less frustrated

when trying to read or locate the correct answer. Finally, Lewis-Moreno suggests

developing a firm knowledge of what they students already know before beginning the

lesson. Also, if the student does already contain some prior knowledge of the activity,

have him/her explain it so that the teacher gains insight to particular titles, names, or

phrases he/she uses to describe particular elements (pg. 775).

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Two of the students within the host classroom have been diagnosed as having

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by a medical doctor. One has received

medication since he was in pre-kindergarten at the same school. The other student was

recently diagnosed and has begun medication within the past month. This student has

shown an increase in his attention span as well as an increase in his ability to remain

calm. While the classroom teacher has not observed the first student when he has not



taken his medication, the student’s pre-kindergarten teacher described that the student

could not focus at all. Now, however, this student seems to focus fairly well but still

needs ample time to move and express his extra energy.

According to an article by Jitendra, DuPaul, Someki, & Tresco, published in

Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews (2008), one should present the most vital

information when discussing a new topic first, especially when educating students with

ADHD. It is also suggested to plan for several alerting tasks geared to re-focus the

student’s attention. One may even suggest minimizing outside stimuli that is not related

to the task, but maximizing the stimuli, including visuals, music, and movement, that is

related to the activity (pg. 326). The authors also suggest “collaborative strategic reading”

in which the students work together to determine the most important information related

to task. This specifically helps students with ADHD who may not be able to focus for

long periods of time or retain large amounts of information in one setting.

The Child Development Institute of California (2009) also suggests generalized

strategies to improve a student with ADHD’s learning potential. It is suggested to stand

close to the particular student, or have the student sit some place so that his attention is

maximized by the instruction and the distraction is limited. It is also suggested to limit

lecture-based activities, and allow for several smaller tasks. Cooperative groups as well

as physical movement and manipulation are usually welcomed by ADHD learners.

Concrete simple directions should be followed by having the student repeat those

directions in his/her own words. Finally, incorporating some of the student’s particular

interests within the activity may increase his/her motivation to stay focused.



Learning Disabled.

While students cannot be labeled or diagnosed as having a learning disability in

kindergarten, a few of the students are already showing significant delays in academic

progress, especially in the area of reading. The teacher plans to begin the response to

invention process on at least two of the students who have progressed very little since the

beginning of school. She also uses strategies suggested to students who have already been

diagnosed with having a learning disability. According to the Learning Disabilities

Association of America (2009), students with learning disabilities may have memory

problems and commonly function below grade level. Specific interventions include

having the students follow along with a taped recording of a book after it has already

been read aloud several times. Repetition seems to be an element that works well with

these students. Visual organizers as well as word webs seem to aid students in retaining

new terms within their long term memory. It is also expressed that many students with

learning disabilities also have slow auditory reception; speaking slowly and common

repetition in various formats may aid these students. Finally, it is suggested to accompany

verbal information with written information for the student to follow along with.

Many of these strategies can be used within the focused unit plan. The teacher can

provide an extra copy of the book or story so that the student can follow along as the

teacher reads aloud. Also, the teacher can then allow the student to listen to a recording of

the same story within a specific center during the day. Finally, the student can conduct

his/her analysis of the story’s elements using a graphic organizer of some kind.




The host classroom, as well as the entire school, contains a variety of learners

with unique skills and abilities. In order to ensure that the students are all given a fair

opportunity to learn the targeted reading skill, the graduate student must analyze their

motivation levels, prior knowledge, personal background, ethnic diversity, as well as any

special needs. It will also be essential that the graduate student remembers to differentiate

for these elements within the planned assessments as well as learning activities.

Peer Review Feedback

Upon receiving feedback from a fellow classmate, the graduate student made

several alterations to the original learner analysis. The majority of these changes included

grammatical and formatting issues. The reviewer obviously read the paper very

thoroughly and found several efforts in sentence formatting and usage. Suggestions were

provided as to how to rearrange certain words and sentences to portray a clearer concept

or idea.

Several APA style formatting issues were taken into account. The graduate

student had not included the date in which she accessed certain resource websites. After

consulting with the professor of this course, the graduate student decided to include these

dates just in case the website was updated within the upcoming weeks. Also, the graduate

student, based upon a peer’s feedback, decided to include the page numbers within the in-

citation references. This format is designed to help the reader locate the specific area in

which the quote or paraphrase was taken.

The majority of the peer’s feedback was positive and maximized on what the

graduate student had accomplished within her paper. The reviewer made special



comments about the thoroughness of the data and graphs included within the learner

analysis. The creation of the data collection tools, including the motivation inventory,

learner analysis, and pre-test, were viewed as excellent tools for the designated grade

level. Finally, the reviewer commented on the graduate student’s research of the selected

cultural and ethnical differences within the school. The reviewer stated that he/she now

better understands the Hispanic population. Also, the peer reviewer had high comments

for the graduate student’s choice of including single parent households as a subgroup

within the culture diversity section.




Armstrong, Thomas. (2000). Multiple intelligences. Retrieved September 14, 2009, from

Adomat, D. (2009). Actively engaging with stories through drama: Portraits of two

young readers. Reading Teacher, 62(8), 628-636. Retrieved from Academic

Search Complete Database

Child Development Institute. (2009). Ideas for attention deficit children. Retrieved

September 14, 2009, from


Cooter, K. (2006). When mama can't read: Counteracting intergenerational illiteracy.

Reading Teacher, 59(7), 698-702. Retrieved from EBSCO database

Elish-Piper, L. (2009). Parent involvement in reading. Illinois Reading Council Journal,

37(3), 50-54. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete Database

Georgia Department of Education. (2009). 2009 AYP. Retrieved September 13, 2009,


Jitendra, A., DuPaul, G., Someki, F., & Tresco, K. (2008). Enhancing academic

achievement for children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Evidence

from school-based intervention research. Developmental Disabilities Research

Reviews, 14(4), 325-330. Retrieved from EBSCO database

Learning Disabilities Association of America. (2009). Accommodations, techniques, and

aids for learning. Retrieved September 14, 2009, from




Lewis-Moreno, B. (2007). Shared responsibility: Achieving success with English-

language learners. Phi Delta Kappan, 88(10), 772-775. Retrieved from Academic

Search Complete Database

Lutz, S., Guthrie, J., & Davis, M. (2006). Scaffolding for engagement in elementary

school reading instruction. Journal of Educational Research, 100(1), 3-20.

Retrieved from Academic Search Complete Database

Nolen, S. (2007). Young children's motivation to read and write: Development in social

contexts. Cognition & Instruction, 25(2/3), 219-270. Retrieved from EBSCO


Plastino, Sarah. (2009). Helping Latino students feel comfortable in your classroom.

Retrieved September 14, 2009, from

University of Ohio. (n.d.) Understanding the Hispanic culture. Retrieved September 13,

2009, from



Appendix A

Kindergarten Pre-AssessmentThe Three Little Pigs by Golden Books.

ELAKR6: The teacher and student sit together and look at the book. The teacher records the student’s answer to the following questions.

1. What do you think this book will be about?


2. What makes you think that?


3. What else do you think this book may have in it?


*After reading the book to the class, the teacher will record the student’s individual answers to the following questions.

4. What happened at the beginning of the book?



5. What happened in the middle of the book?



6. What happened at the end of the book?________________________________________________________________________


7. What was the setting of the story? __________________________________________

8. Who were the characters in the story? _______________________________________

9. What was the problem in the story? ________________________________________



10. What was the resolution of the story? ______________________________________


11. Have the student retell the story but change the ending to make it new. Record what the student says, especially considering the amount of detail, flow, and correct information.







Appendix B

Kindergarten Pre-AssessmentCompleted by Graduate Student and Kindergarten Student.




Appendix C

Kindergarten Motivation Inventory

I love School! Yes No Somewhat

I love to read and be read to!

Yes No Somewhat

I read a lot of stories at home.

Yes No Somewhat

I like to think about what happened in

the story after I read it.

Yes No Somewhat

I like to write in my journal or talk with my friends about books I’ve read.

Yes No Somewhat

I like to write my own stories.

Yes No Somewhat

I like to retell my friends the story that

I’ve read.

Yes No Somewhat



Appendix D

Kindergarten Motivation InventoryCompleted by a Kindergarten Student.



Appendix E

Kindergarten Learning Styles Inventory

1. What do you enjoy most?

a. talking to people

b. playing outside

c. playing sports

d. writing in my diary

e. listening to music

f. figuring out answers to problems

g. drawing pictures that look like “real life”

h. being with my friends

2. What subject/activity do you like most?

a. reading

b. math

c. music

d. gym

e. science experiments (outside)

f. working in groups

g. silent writing time

h. art


3. What activity sounds like the most fun?

a. going on a nature walk

b. helping other people with their problems

c. dancing to the beat of music

d. making your own treasure map

e. spending time thinking about your favorite things

f. playing your favorite sport

g. putting new toys together

h. learning new words to use

4. What describes you the best?

a. I can find my way around places that I don’t know very easily.

b. It is easy for me to make friends, even though who are different than me.

c. I can play instruments and dance to the beat of the music very well

d. My favorite place is the zoo.

e. I think about things before I do them. I also think about what I’ve done afterwards and try to see what I could do better next time.

f. It is very important to eat healthy and exercise everyday.

g. I like to rhyme or make my own tongue-twisters.

h. I like to figure out puzzles and do word problems.


5. Do you like:

Staying Inside

Going Outside

6. Do you like:

Being with friends

Being alone

7. Do you like:

Singing a Song

Writing a Poem

8. Do you like:

Doing a Puzzle

Running a Race

9. Do you like:

Putting a model together

Writing in a Journal

10. Do you like:




11. When I grow up, I want to be a



12. When I am with my friends, I like to



13. My favorite thing to do is:



*Inventory will be conducted in a small group setting of four or five students per adult/teacher. The teacher will read the questions as the students follow along. The students will then circle the answer that they feel fits them best. (Some students may require extra aid). For questions 11-13, the student will respond as the teacher records his/her answer on the form.


Appendix F

Kindergarten Learning Styles Inventory

Completed by the Graduate student and a Kindergarten student.