AutoDesk 3DStudioMax Certificate


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The ATC course you have completed rvas designedto meet ihe needs of professicnals with approvedinstructors, relevant content, authorized courseware,and ongoing evaluation by Autodesk.

The Autodesk Authorized Training Center (ATC@)

network helps professionals achieve excellence inusing cur software products

Carl BassPresident, Chief Executive Officer


David Antonio Kovacs Moniz


AUTODESK 3DS MAX (nfvet 1) 19 de Novembro de 20C:\

Course Title

Adriana Vieira


/r-"2-*- .lg.s*ie>:;tatVi+d1 Effects Training

I nstructor

the.edge - digital visual effects trainingAuthorized 1-raining Center (Narne)

Certificate No. 2522543

Autodesk and ATC are registered trademarks ofAutodesk, lnc., in the USA and/or other countries.

Authorized Training CenterRef: COC CB 0606

the.edgeDigital Visual Effects TrainingRUA SAO NICOLAU, NO 102 - 30, BAIXA-CHIADO1100-549 LTSBOA

T. 213 940 477 - F . 213 '94,0 478E. contact@the-edge.ptURL.

Nascido a

naturat de

Certifica-se que David Ant6nio Kovacs Moniz

Certificado de Formagao No 2003

AUTODESK 3DS MAX (nivel 1)


S. Sebastiio da Pedreira

de Nacionatidade Portuguesa

Portador(a) do Bl/ documento 17379048

Emitido peto Arquivo de Lisboa em 22-06-2005

Conctui com a ctassificagSo Bom

O curso de Formagio Quatificante

AUTODESK 3DS MAX (nivel 1)

Que decorreu de 22-10-2009 a 19-11-2009

com a duragio total de 59 horas,

teccionado peto(s) formador(es) AdrianaVieira

Lisboa, 7 de Abrit de 2010 O Respons6vet/ Assistente de Formagio
