Australia at war



This presentation is about Australia involvement in World War: World War 1, World War 2, and Pacific War. I hope this will be beneficial for you all..

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WORLD WAR I (1914-1918)

• Australia recommended the importance of world peace through diplomatic measure instead of military combats. However, to look for military alliances for national security was also needed.

• World War 1 started mid 1914 and ended 11 November 1918. It is also known as the Great War and the First World War, fought between the Allied Forces and Central Powers.

• Australia didn’t have any concern in it but war initiated to form self-governing colonies to federate as one nation and resulted the Defence Act.

• First World War began when Britain and Germany went to war (August 1914). Prime Minister Andrew Fisher pledged full support for Britain.

Alliances: partnership among countries Allied Forces: troops of the alliances

• Although there was opposition to Australia entering this European war, but British patriotic fervour resulted thousands of men volunteering to help their ‘Mother Country’. The outbreak of war was greeted with great enthusiasm.

• Besides, the need to support Britain fulfilled the agreement to help defend each other. It was significant since German and Japanese imperialism had spread widely and getting closer. They had colonized parts of Australia’s nearest neighbors.

• Australia’s military contribution was extremely high. Approximately 420 000 men joined AIF, the Australian Imperial Force in which entirely a volunteer army. In combination with New Zealand troops, the military force known as ANZAC.

• Australia suffered enormous casualties in the First World War especially at the battle in the Western Front. From a population of fewer than five million, over 400 000 men joined military service, over 60,000 were killed and 156,000 wounded, gassed, or taken prisoner.

• Despite the brutalities of war in Europe, Australians are more familiar with the battle at Gallipoli, Turkey (April to December 1915) to capture the peninsula from the Turks to open the Dardanelle Straits to Allied shipping. This campaign gave birth to the ‘Anzac Legend’.

• After the battle of Gallipoli the number of volunteers fell away. There was conscription issue that divided the country bitterly into ‘pro’ and ‘anti-conscription’.

Casualties: people injured, killed, captured or missing in a military engagement Gassed: Attack with gas

Shipping: moving goods and materials by ship to one country conscription: compulsory military service

• The federal government made a propaganda campaign to raise support for the British Empire, led by the Labour Prime Minister, William ‘Billy’ Hudges. However , it was victories for the anti-conscriptionists because of the female vote such as mothers, wives and sweethearts who supported the ‘No” campaign.

• The effects of World War I and the conscription issue resulted in social and political turmoil. There were class differences and sectarian divides between Irish Catholics and Protestants that became extremely bitter.

• It also splits the labour party. Pro-British or pro-conscriptionists formed the ‘Nationalist Party’. On the other hand, the Labour Party that anti-conscriptionists attracted more socialists, pacifists and Catholics.

Sectarian: a member of religious group Pacifist: who Opposed to war

• Along with Irish-Catholics and unionists, the Labour Party became more outspoken against the war and argued that it was a ‘trade’ war amongst imperialist nations of Europe.

• Even though Bill Hudges support for the empire, he strictly defended Australia’s right to be treated as an independent nation at the Versailles Peace Conference in Paris (January 1919).

• Significantly, Hudges was able to gain the German colonies in the Pacific, which were mandated to Australia. Australia also became one of a founding member of the League of Nations.

• After World War I, Australia started to loosen its ties with ‘Mother England’. However, patriotic imperial sentiments were still part of the complex issue in Australian society.

Sectarian: a member of religious group Pacifist: who Opposed to war


• The war was fought between the Allied Nations (a group of countries that included Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand) against the Axis powers – spearheaded by Germany, Italy and Japan.

• Although Australia gained ‘separate nation status’ as a member of the League of Nations, it has no option but to accept and follow the foreign policy of Britain. So that when Britain declared war on Germany ( 3 September 1939 ), Australia is also at war.

• The First World War was still fresh in Australian memories, resulted great loss of life and also reduction in money spent on defence. So, they were ill-prepared for this new war and less enthusiastic about fighting Britain’s war.

• However, as Japan’s moves in Southeast Asia, Australia decided to support Britain and to assure stability in the Pacific. Australia's involvement in the Second World War announced on every national and commercial radio station in Australia by Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies (3 September 1939).

• Almost a million Australians, both men and women, served in the Second World War. They fought in campaigns against Germany and Italy in Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa, also against Japan in south-east Asia and other parts of the Pacific.


Australia at war 3 September 1939

Libya and the Siege of Tobruk 1941

Greece and Crete April-May 1941

Syria and Lebanon June 1941 Malaya December 1941 to Moresby May 1942 Australia under attack 1940-

1945 Coral Sea, Kokoda,

Milne Bay May-Sept 1942 El-Alamein Oct-Nov 1942 The Australian Homefront 1939-

1945 The Coastwatchers 1941-1945

Australian Prisoners at War 1940-1945

Little-known Operations 1939-1945

Papua 1942-1943 The Japanese Retreat

March 1943-Jan 1944 War at Sea 1939-1945 Air War Europe 1939-1945 Last Battles: Bougainville,

Borneo, New Britain, New Guinea 1944-1945

Victory: 8 May 1945/15 August 1945

• As Japan bombing of Pearl Harbour and attacks on the other Pacific islands, Australia tried to avoid war with Japan through diplomacy but it against Britain’s wishes. Therefore, Australia had no option but to seek alliance with the United States of America.

• This decision was timely because after the fall of Singapore Japan began the air raids on Northern Australia bombing Darwin and Broome and used submarines to attack Sidney Harbour.

• Australia traditional family life changed dramatically when a large numbers of females involved in civilian and military occupations.

• Although Australians did not undervalue the military importance of the American, there were tensions developed between them as thousands of young women fell into short affairs or marriages with American they hardly knew.

• Australians also disliked Americans received a higher salary than them. Australian felt that their war efforts were not as well-known as American for their behaviour.

• The social conflict between Australians and Americans developed into violent brawls, such as the ‘Battle of Brisbane’ (November 1942). However, both countries had to unite in their fight against Japan.

• In 1942 Australia adopted the statue of Westminster that gave the country greater control of its foreign policy. This Act is a major turning point in British and Australian relations.

• The military campaign in Papua and New Guinea, the battle along the Kokoda Track that lost many young conscripts has become a national legend.

• 8 000 Australian soldiers and civilians who became Japanese prisoners-of –war (POWs) died at the hands of Japanese. The World War II have had the largest impact on society in Australia history.

• Post-World War II Australia reinforced its defence ties with Britain and The United States of America from the spread of communism and the Cold War.

• The ANZUS Treaty was formed in 1951 when united Australia, New Zealand, and the United States joined to establish security in the Asia-Pacific to promote pro-Western, non-communist countries in the region.

• Australian’s willingness to cooperate that allowed Britain to carry out atomic tests in remote region in this country devastated so many Aboriginal groups and Australian servicemen.

• Australia troops have also been sent to British and American operations to fight Japanese such as in Malayan, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Gulf Crisis, Afghanistan and Iraq.

• Australia’s defence ties also involve security concerns to drug trafficking, international crime, illegal immigration, environmental issues and terrorism.

• Anzac Day has been a significant yearly event in Australia to commemorate heroes who were killed in wars (the Battle of Gallipoli) Since 25 April 1916.

• The spirit of the ANZACs became a part of the Australian ethos as symbolic rituals of historical reflection, nationalistic sentiments, male and community bonding, and universal ideals of love and not war.

• All cites have a central Anzac park and in almost every Australian town are found war memorials as a reminder of their loved ones who died in war , war efforts, and the impact wars have had on Australian society.
