Audience feedback


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  1. 1. Front cover When asked Do you think the colour scheme used is conventional for the genre of magazine? One of the responses was Yes, as it is gender neutral so appeals to both male and female. This is why I chose to use mainly Blue as it is gender neutral. I did use purple for the masthead, purple is mainly associated with females, however not as stereotypically as pink. I chose to use purple as this will attract females as more females stereotypically read pop magazines, however males would be less put off reading my magazine than if I had used a very feminine colour such as pink. In my survey I asked If they liked the image and if they thought it was conventional for the genre and audience. One of the answers was Yes, as the shot is low angle, so makes the artist look powerful and strong. I chose to do a low angle shot for the front cover because I wanted to portray the artist as independent and powerful. When I did my research for my magazine, similar magazines to mine, such as Billboard, portrayed female artists in the same style, making them look strong and powerful. This appeals to the female-leaning, as they want females to be shown as superior and not weak.
  2. 2. When I asked Do you think the layout is convention? One of the responses was Yes, as it uses conventional features such as the left third. When I researched music magazines features such as the left third and route of the eye was used, so I tried to use these features in my magazine. The left third makes the front cover easy to read and the main articles are clearly displayed in the left third. This makes the articles stand out and attract readers to buy the magazine if they like the articles displayed on the front. In my survey, I asked what improvements would you make to the front cover? One of the answers was to Maybe put some text along the bottom of the cover. I have now redone my front cover and added stars featuring in the magazine along the bottom. I agree with this improvement as in route of the eye, when the reader scans the magazine they look to the bottom as well and at the moment other than the barcode, there isnt much content at the bottom.