Atlas Fold Mountains



A case study of the Atlas Mountains

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  • 1. Done by: Jake LisaThe ATLAS JacelynChanda

2. The Atlas Mountain Range 3. Where is the Atlas mountain located? Stretching across the northern part of Africa, extending about 2,500 km (1,500 miles) through Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, the Atlas is a mountain range that separates the Mediterranean and Atlantic coastlines from the Sahara desert. 4. With an elevation of 4,167 meters (13,671 ft), the Toubkal Mountains are the highest peak in southwestern Morocco. The Atlas Mountains has a population that consists mainly of Berbers. 5. So youre probably wondering why??? Lets get down tobusiness! 6. Deep in the high Atlas mountains lies the crumbling remains of the great fortress-palace ofTelouet. This place is hidden so which means nobody knows about it. Well now you do. 7. After a drive over the Tizi-n-Tichka pass (which is about 2260m) you will arrive at the lush remote village of Tijhza. 8. This isnt any plain boring village. This is home to the Berber people. 9. The village 10. If you want to see the scenery of mountains this is just the place to go! You will learn more the Berber people and explore the tranquil Majorellle Gardens. The perfect end to any North African experience. 11. The mountains are home to a number of plant and animals species. Such asMacaqueAtlas cedarBarbary lionBarbary leopard 12. The High Atlas mountains are visited a lot more than the Anti-Atlas mountains. Mount Toubkal is the highest mountain in Morocco. Below the valley is fertile and many different crops and walnut trees are grown there. Travellers who come here often come to trek. 13. The best time to visit the Atlas mountains is during spring andautumn. 14. It is believed that there are no serious health related problems once you visit. The only problem you might face is altitude sickness if you climb to the summit of Mount Toubkal. 15. Activities include Trekking Camping Relaxing in mountain scenery 16. Now imagine walking here! So close to the clouds you just want to reach out to them. 17. Wheat is grown At bin el Quidane. Farming is done. The wheat is cut with scythes and it is then tossed into the air in order to separate the wheat from the chaff and ground by stone. Fruits and vegetables come from the plains.
