At Risk Student Power Point


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By: *******

Born Now

After mom divorced my dad she married ****

Finally got full custody of me when I started middle School

Is a parts manager for ****

Lives in ****

Left for north Carolina that is why mom got custody because of abandonment

He had two more kids with my step mother

Now they are 3

He has 6 kids in all 3 hers 3 moms

Lives in ***

Brother lives there also

Used to care more about everything we did

Didn’t drink as much

Didn’t smoke as much

Was fun and tried to be a good mom

Cooked every night

Good food to

When she was a happier person

Used to talk to us

Play games

Not be so busy

Didn’t let the she devil control him

Was funny and joked around a lot

Was a good father that I was proud of

I lived in ****

Dad had custody

Lived in a bad part of town

Grew up with my brothers

Barely remember events at this time besides traumatic ones and ones with my dad

Moved houses a lot

Hard to make friends because we never stayed long enough to get to know them

Had two cats I remember vividly Godzilla and jasper

Had a husky at one house that ran away

Played games a lot

My brother moved to moms and my uncle died vary bad year

Before I went to middle school I moved to my moms and started school at *****

Got in a lot of trouble at school like every day in I.S.S.

Had made good friend wile I was there

Started skating

Barely passed middle school

Started my freshman year at *****

Moved to **** because of family problems and personal

moved back to moms after being kicked out of my dads at 12:30 at night

Started sophomore year still not on best terms with my father

Is now a dad

Lives on his own

Has a nice truck

Flows from job to job trying to find the perfect paying one

Game nerd

After he moved back to dads we get along

Used to fight all the time

The only person I've actually got in a fight with

Smart as hell

But wont get a job

Game nerd

Has a happy relationship

Loves guns

Game nerd

Gta junkie

Lives off coffee

Wants a job

Works hard for a dollar

Drinks heavily like 15 cans a night

Smokes heavily about a pack a day

Always caught up in my brothers stuff never in mine

Doesn’t do anything

just cooks the same thing every night or tells me to warm up something

After a good 7-8 years mom is just now starting to get interested in what I'm doing instead of my brother

Always busy

Doesn’t lift a finger to help us but does anything for ****’s kids

Is controlled by that woman

Never has fun anymore

Always upset and angry

Still live at moms

Still play games

Still antisocial

Fell in love with coffee

Went to rehab for coffee addiction ( Joking )

Still not talking to dad

I'm a uncle now
