Astronomy project#1




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Maddie Humphrey

The Sun The center of our solar system. Is medium-hot and yellow. Is made up of the two gasses; hydrogen

and helium.

Layers: Chromosphere Photosphere Convective zone Core Radiative zone

The Sun


Very hot atmosphere. Has no moons. Is the first of the inner four planets. Is unable to trap heat. Closest planet to the sun. Rotates the sun in only 88 days. 36 million miles from the sun.



Has a very thick atmosphere. Has no moons. Is about the same size as Earth. Is the 2nd of the inner four planets. Is the hottest planet. Venus is slightly smaller than the Earth

in diameter – 6%. Venus is 67 million miles away from the




Is about 4.5 billion years old. Astrological name, Terra. 93 million miles from the sun. Has tectonic plates, which allow the

cruse to recycle itself. Orbits the sun once ever 365.25 days. Seasons are caused by the tilt. Its tilt is about 66°.



Named after the Greek God of War. One day is a little over 24 hours. Dust storms can cover much of the

planet for months at a time. One year = 687 days. Has two moons; Phobos and Diemos. Has polar ice caps. Has about the same surface area of the




5th planet from the sun. Largest planet in the solar system. Orbits the sun once every 12 years. Consists primarily of hydrogen, nitrogen,

helium, and water. Held together by a massive gravity field. Rings consist of dust and meteoroids. Rings are about 140, 000 km long.


Saturn 886 million miles from the sun. Has a rocky core, primarily consists of liquid

metallic hydrogen. A gas giant, parts of the planet rotate at

different speeds. One rotation at the equator, a “day” takes 10

hours and 14 minutes. At the poles it takes 25 minutes longer.

Has a massive magnetic field. Is visible in the night sky with the naked eye.


Uranus Has 13 rings with 2 being very far from the

planet. The Voyager is the only probe to visit. Has a massive axis tilt of roughly 90°. Takes 84 years to make one rotation around

the sun. Known to have 27 moons. Located between Saturn and Neptune and

is approximately 1.8 billion miles from the sun.


Neptune Cannot be viewed with the naked eye in the

sky. Orbits the sun once every 165 years. Has been visited once by the Voyager 2

probe in 1989. Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea. One day is equivalent to 16 hours on Earth. Is about 4 times the size of Earth. Has an atmosphere of hydrogen, helium,

methane, and ammonia.


Our Moon Contains soil materials similar to the crust of

the Earth. 2,168 miles in diameter. 238,000 miles from the Earth on average. Rotates clockwise. Orbits the Earth once ever 29.5 days. Moving away from the Earth 38 millimeters a

year. Has no atmosphere, so the surface does not

change because of winds and erosion.

Our Moon

Eclipses Types of eclipses: solar and lunar Solar eclipse: Occurs when the moon

passes between the Earth and Sun therefore blocking the sun. This can only occur during the day.

Lunar eclipse: When Earth is between the Moon and Sun causing blockage of the moon. This can only occur if it is a full moon, at night, AND the sun is in line with the Earth and Moon.


Lunar Eclipse Solar Eclipse

Gravitational Forces

Rules for Law of Universal Gravitation:

1) The Gravitational Force increases as the mass of the object increases.

2) The Gravitational Force decreases as distance between the objects increase.

* Gravitational Force is changed by mass.

Gravitational Forces

What Happened To Pluto? In 2006, the definition of a planet was changed.

3 things decide whether it’s a planet or not a planet:

1) It orbits the sun. (yes)

2) It is large enough that its own gravity prevents other objects from sharing its orbit with the sun. (no)

3) It is large enough that its gravity makes it into a spherical shape. (yes)

* It is not a planet because it is not large enough that its own gravity prevents other objects from sharing its orbit with the sun.*

What Happened To Pluto?

Tools and Technology

Telescopes: - Used on earth or space- 2 types: refracting and reflecting

Satellites:- Used in space - Controlled by gravity - Example: Sputnik I - Communication satellites, scientific satellites

Tools and Technology

Sputnik satellite Hubble Space Telescope

Space Objects

Comets:- Icy, glowing, and flying objects- Measures from meters to kilometers wide

Meteoroids:- Smaller than asteroids and comets

Meteors:- Passes through the atmosphere

Meteorites:- Passes atmosphere and hits surface

Space Objects

Comet McNaught meteoroid

meteorDiablo- Canyon


Fun Facts

If you put Saturn in water it would float We are moving through space at the

rate of 530 km a second The moon is drifting away from earth The light hitting the earth right now is

30,000 years old The sun loses up to a billion kilograms a

second due to solar winds

Thanks for watching!!!
