astrolabE igam4er finalist 2013



AstrolabE comes from the work of three MINES ParisTech students: Romain Maire, Nikolas Stott and Julien Tanneau. The software was developed during their Acte d’Entreprendre project, that takes place over the first two years at MINES ParisTech. This course aims at pushing the students to realise independently a project they care about.After an idea of Mr. Uzan and Lehoucq, researchers respectively at IAP (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris) and CEA (Commissariat aux Energies Atomiques et Alternatives), who we thank for their technical and relational help, and for their suggestions, we have chosen to modernize the ancient astrolabe in order to :Help astronomers to look at the sky another way Fill an educational goal, by animating initiations to astronomy and its history feature. - check out more at:

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Romain Maire

Nikolas Stott

Julien Tanneau

Maths Physics

History of Science


Hard to find, and often expensive

Difficult to use

Depends on a particular latitude, fixed number of stars.

Our solution : a digital astrolabe.

User oriented learning

Four chronological quests: ◦ Greek quest: handling the astrolabe

◦ Arab quest: travel, predictions

◦ Renaissance: astronomy concepts, navigation

◦ Nowadays: using the digital astrolabe for more complex problems

Quest: Greek Quest ◦ Mission 1 title

Objective 1: instructions o Help from the astronomer

o Validation when astrolabe in right set up

o Scientific or historical explanation

Objective 2


◦ Mission 2

During the quests : storyline

Sandbox: do as it pleases you

Challenges: random, timed problems

Larger public touched by the app

Handling the astrolabe and learning sciences at the same time

Designed for amateurs, but suitable for any public
