Assignment 63 v2


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Assignment 63: Construction Screenshots

By Luca Chapman & Michael Dreelan

Final Cut Pro X Screenshots

Use of the ‘blade’ tool to cut the clips and change their duration. Use of ‘black bars’ image file to

create a cinematic look to the final video

Final Cut Pro X Screenshots

Use of ‘slide’ transitions throughout to clearly change between the narrative and performance.

Final Cut Pro X Screenshots

More screengrabs showcasing frequent cutting and the use of transitions

Adobe After Effects CC Screenshots

Split-screen project

Key-framing of the position of the clip on each side of the split screen

Null object to create the split screen effect

Visible line to show the split screen

Adjustment layer to add any colour corrections to the clips

Adobe After Effects CC Screenshots

Camden portal project

Use of the ’masking tool’ to show the character is in front of the portal, in order to make it realistic and professional.Key framing of this mask to change the shape as the character moves in the shot

3D Camera tracker to motion track the portal onto the wall behind the character.

Adobe After Effects CC Screenshots

London City portal project

Repetition of the masking tool, and the key framing to change the shape. This was used for every scene with a portal.

Repetition of the camera tracker for the tracking of the portal. This was also used for every location.

Adobe After Effects CC Screenshots

Camden girl portal project

All these previous techniques were combines and used to mask this character in front of the tracked portal.
