Assignment 1 edss223




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EDSS223 - JULIE PAPPS – STUDENT NUMBER: 220076557 Page 1






EDSS223 - JULIE PAPPS – STUDENT NUMBER: 220076557 Page 2

Question 1. With reference to Tudball’s article outline the strengths and criticisms of HSIE / SOSE she

presents. Comment on these strengths and criticisms in regards to your state’s syllabus. How do the

points presented in Tudball’s article of SOSE / HSIE differ from other readings, and the prescribed


Libby Tudball is very passionate when it comes to teaching Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE)

to school children. This paper will discuss the many strengths and few criticisms revealed in Libby

Tudball’s article ‘Standing up for SOSE: the future of Social Education’, and show how this article

connects with the New South Wales (NSW) HSIE K – 6 syllabus. This paper will also demonstrate ideas

expressed in other articles that do not support HSIE in the form it is currently taught within NSW


Firstly Tudball, L (2007: 15) demonstrates that HSIE in its current form provides students with historical,

geographical, economic, social, ecological, cultural, political and legal information and skills that will

assist students to become accomplished and active citizens of the community (Tudball, L. 2007: 15).

This strength is highlighted in the introduction section of the NSW HSIE syllabus which states “students

will develop knowledge and essential understandings about Australia’s history and geography, the

people who live within its territory and their social, cultural, economic and political lives”. The syllabus

goes on to say that students will develop skills that enable them to acquire information, use an inquiry

process and participate in social and civic life Board of Studies NSW. 2007: 5).

Another strength discussed within Tudball’s reading discloses that subjects should not be treated as

though they are ‘pure’ and isolated. Each discipline makes use of knowledge from other subjects, and

the study of one subject matter is improved by the knowledge of other subject matters. Each individual

discipline studied under the HSIE umbrella ultimately works together. SOSE in this form also assists

students to consider topics from a multi-disciplinary perspective (Tudball, L. 2007: 15). The NSW

syllabus illustrates that no strand of HSIE can be properly investigated without consideration of its

connection with the other strands. Learning experiences in this key learning area (KLA) should be drawn

from all four strands. (Board of Studies NSW. 2007: 10).

Human Society and Its Environment also develops social science skills by teaching students to ask

inquiry questions as well as develop the skill of research, which in turn leads to more engaged and

motivated learners. HSIE encourages students to process information by using higher order thinking

skills involving analysing and evaluation of information in enquiries where students can practice skills of

lifelong learning, which in turn is much more satisfying for the students (Tudball, L. 2007: 15-16).

Within the overview section of the syllabus it reveals that students will learn to study through the use

of reference and research skills, including using a range of technologies. Students will learn to inquire

using skills that include initiating, identifying, gathering, analysing, organising, synthesising and

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communicating. These skills will be applied while reflecting on what they have learned (Board of Studies

NSW. 2007: 10).

The focus for the future in the eyes of Tudball (2007: 17) should be on the development of informed

and active citizens who are able to develop critical judgements about the contemporary world and their

future world. This requires the development of multidisciplinary knowledge that includes past, present

and future perspectives. It requires students to develop the skills of inquiry, the ability to think

creatively, work effectively in teams and to research using complex and changing forms of

communication. Students need to explore varied values and beliefs and develop intercultural

competencies. They must be able to view the world through multiple perspectives. This is

demonstrated within the Skills section of the syllabus, the syllabus proposes that students will develop

skills in acquiring information, using an inquiry process, and social and civic participation. The

development of these interconnected skills is crucial in equipping students for taking active, responsible

and informed roles as citizens in a rapidly changing society (Board of Studies NSW. 2007: 11).

The criticism Tudball (2007: 16-17) points out in her article is that in many cases basic concepts and

skills are not being taught, especially to primary students. To some extent this is due to teachers having

little understanding or background knowledge of the varied aspects of HSIE. Teachers also seem to lack

understanding of the preferred delivery method of the integrated HSIE approach. This approach is still

evolving and has numerous problems to overcome. The author found that teachers require targeted

professional development to enhance their current knowledge of HSIE. This will ensure teachers

become multi-skilled and multi-illiterate in all forms of HSIE. Further, the author found that, in part, this

is due to educational authorities making little effort to make up for teacher deficiencies in background

understanding. The NSW syllabus tries to combat this by providing a content section which provides

guidance for teachers in the selection of learning experiences and teaching strategies without actually

telling the teacher how to teach the content (Board of Studies NSW. 2007: 41).

There are a number of points presented in other articles that disagree with the points presented by

Tudball. Howard (cited in Marsh, C. 2010: 5) feels that both history and geography should be stand

alone subjects and not part of HSIE as it is taught now. He believes history has been replaced by “time,

continuity and change” and geography replaced by “place, space and environment”. Bishop (cited in

Marsh, C. 2010: 5) also agrees that under the current HSIE format students are not guaranteed to have

the opportunity to study Australian history in a systematic, structured way and therefore should be a

stand-alone subject. Another valid point suggested by the Council for the Australian Federation (cited in

Marsh, C. 2010: 7) questions whether HSIE can provide sufficient standards of knowledge and

information for students in its current capacity and argues for the re-establishment of the traditional

disciplines of history, geography and economics. Reynolds, R. (2011: 6) and Schug & Cross (1998: 3)

illustrate that there are so many skills to be conquered in a HSIE classroom that the many areas of study

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can be skimmed over and nothing actually be learned properly. This will in turn affect the number of

students who will have relevant specialised knowledge required for many jobs such as law, engineering,

health care and human resources.

In conclusion, the aim of HSIE is to develop values, attitudes, skills and knowledge of students so their

sense of person, community, national and global identity are enhanced and more importantly to enable

students to effectively participate and improve the quality of their society and environment (Board of

Studies NSW 2006: 8) and it seems that this is what Libby Tudball is trying to achieve by defending the

integrated approach to SOSE.

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Question 2. In the light of your readings, outline your understanding of the purpose of HSIE / SOSE

and what is expected of you as a teacher implementing your state’s syllabus in the primary school.

When I first started this unit I didn’t have a great understanding of what the unit was about because

when I was at school we still had separate curriculum for history, geography, legal studies, economics,

business studies and so on. After reading the prescribed text and recommended readings I feel I have a

much better understanding for what Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE) is all about. It comes

across as an interesting and varied subject that would be of great interest to teach.

My understanding of the purpose of HSIE is to develop in students the values and attitudes, skills,

knowledge and understandings that will enhance each student’s sense of person, community, national

and global identity. This will also enable them to become upstanding members of their society and

environment (Board of Studies NSW. 2007: 8).

I agree with Tudball (2007: 17) when she suggests the focus for the future should be on the

development of informed and active citizens who are able to develop critical judgements about the

contemporary world and their future world. Due to Australia being such a multicultural nation it is

imperative that students be able to view the world through multiple perspectives.

I believe my role as a teacher is to provide students with historical, geographical, economic, social,

ecological, cultural, political and legal information and skills under the guidance of the NSW HSIE

syllabus that will assist students to become accomplished and active citizens of the community (Tudball,

L. 2007: 15).

I also believe that more time needs to be assigned to this area of study as it is such a large syllabus to

teach. I can understand why this would be a favoured topic to teach with such a varied content to

teach. I think it would be a shame if this subject was to be abolished and stand alone subjects brought

in to replace it. It seems to be a wonderful opportunity for students to learn about so many varied

topics all under one umbrella.

EDSS223 - JULIE PAPPS – STUDENT NUMBER: 220076557 Page 6


Board of Studies NSW. (2007). Syllabus Human Society and Its Environment K-6. Sydney, Australia.

Marsh, C. (2010). ‘Studies of society and environment (SOSE): Does it have a future?’ The social

educator. Vol. 28, No. 1. Pp. 4-9.

Reynolds, R. (2011). Teaching Studies of Society and Environment in the Primary School. South

Melbourne, Victoria. Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand.

Schug, M & Cross, B (1998). The dark side of curriculum integration in social studies. The Social

Studies.Heldref Publications.

Tudball, L. (2007). Standing up for SOSE: the future of Social Education. Ethos. Vol. 15, No. 4. pp. 14 –

