Assign 10


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Assignment 10: OTS Research 

By Jack, Sachin, Tom, Zain


The title is highlighted because of the white


The red color text signifies the use of blood in the

film/series and would start to give the audience an idea of the sub genre

Serious credits suit the seriousness of this sub

genre and suit the show.

The face is completely covered in blood which indicates the gory

nature of the show and starts to give the audience an idea of this.

The ripped face of blood here could relate to the

psychological aspect of this series.

Credits are consistent throughout the opening sequence with the color and the font mainly the

same apart from the title

Pride and Prejudice ZombiesSinister

images as there is clear reference to

blood therefore

indicating to the audience that there will

a lot of blood

The font of the credits are suitable to the subgenre as it is a comedy therefore the font is not

going to be serious. The is consistent through out the OTS

Denotes the UK flag therefore suggesting that the film is going

to be based in the UK

Cartoon and zombies combines to connote that the subgenre is likely to be

a zombie comedy

This shows when the film is based giving the audience

a greater understanding of the film.

This shows a man with a sword connoting that there may be violence or killing

in the movie signifying the zombie sub genre more.