Assessment matters assignment


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Assessment Matters Assignment

Mary Lee

Ed. 650

Dr. Smith

June 8, 2015


Assessment in education is the process of documenting knowledge, skills, attitudes, and

beliefs, and” improves student’s learning”, (Allen, 2004). Assessment according to, (Newman,

2013) “Today, assessments must play a central role in shaping teaching and learning and actively

engaging students in their own learning process”. In this paper I will discuss my perspective on

the roles of assessment, the types of assessment in the classroom, ways teacher can use data from

both, and from my week four assignment I will discuss information on the next step for common

core state standards.

Analyzing the Roles of Assessment and Evaluation

Processing and analyzing the roles of assessment and evaluation in school improvement and

in measuring educational quality, assessment is the major role in how students learn, are

motivated to learn, and how teachers teach. According to (Rick Wormeli, 2010), formative

assessment is more important than summative; he states “you can learn without grades, but

feedback is essential to learning”, so more time should be given to formative feedback with

descriptive statements. Formative assessment help teachers with insight as to what students

understand, for students it helps them adjust their learning and make them responsible for their

own learning. Assessment should be embedded in the learning process, interwoven in the

curriculum and instructions, this with feedback will allow students to revise work and redo, once

summative assessment is done there can be no returning to redo it is the final progress. In roles

and assessment is schools so that quality work is establish teachers and students should have to

be accountable for their own teaching and learning. In teachers evaluation it should be set in the

framework of the systems for teachers to draw out of the data banks of assessment along with


their goals and class based assessment build in so that the assessment will produce quality. For

poor performance outcomes should have sanctions, where the excellence should have incentives.

My Perspective of Assessment

From my point of view I believe that assessment should be aligned with the common

core standards so that the learning outcomes will be the guide for teachers to target those

skills with instructions that provide learning so that students are prepared for test, college

and careers. (Hattie, 2012) states that, “The United Kingdom Assessment Reform Group

has five requirements for assessment to improve learning, listed

1. Provide effective feedback to students

2. Active involving students in their own learning

3. Teachers should adjust teaching instructions according to assessment results

4. Recognition of influence that assessment has on the motivation and self-esteem of

students, are important factors

5. Students should to be able to assess themselves and understand how to improve

I believe that formative assessment is needed as an ongoing base for feedback that

explain, and corrects wrong information. The trends in education changes and shifts as

the world changes and need additional resources for student to progress according to the

way the global economy exist at that particular time, for example what we do in

technology in the 21st century will not suffice what will be needed in 24th century. From

my point of view students and teachers should be held equally responsible for teaching


and learning. According to (Dr. Brain, 2011) at this present time there are three data

scores schools look at the scores of reading, math and graduation rates for success, but

three steps are needed to cultivate a thriving school, accountability, measure and value.

He further states that six items describe when a school is thriving. The six are: students

know things-academic, students can do things- creative arts, health individuals- exercise

nutritional programs, play well together in the sandbox- social skills, resilient

psychological- confidence and can resist pressures, good citizens, engage in local


Evaluate Assessment Types in the Classroom

The types of assessment are formative and summative, “Formative assessment

consists of formal and informal assessment procedures used by teachers during the

learning process, ongoing monitoring in order to modify teaching and learning activities

to improve student attainment”, (Crooks, 2001). According to, Scriven, (Tyler, Scriven

& Gagne, 1967), summative assessment “deals with the participants where they place the

focus on the outcome of the program, or the final outcome of a unit or course”. The

example of formative is quiz, concept map, an example of formative is an ACT test, or

final grade. The role that I see myself play in class is more formative, I believe if you

keep students informed of what is expected and what they are doing and need to do or

understand it can allow myself to examine my teaching style to improve and to help

students through adjusted assignments to better understand and get more practice and

become the responsible party for learning.


Roles of Formative and Summative Assessment in Classroom

The roles of summative assessment in the classroom is given at certain times to measure what

students know and do not know not only used in standardize test but as part of the district and

classroom curriculums, at that level is an accountability measure that is used as the grading

process. Formative assessment role is incorporated in the instructional process in the classroom

practice and provide data that the teacher need to adjust teaching when students are learning, and

informs the teacher and student understanding at a point to make timely adjustments. Each

support learning by measuring them to the learning goals or outcomes to see if the results are

what is a desired result. In formative immediate feedback during the instruction and the teacher

can use the data to readjust teaching so that the students can readjust learning. In summative

assessment it is used to measure student growth after instruction and is

generally given at the end of a course in order to determine whether long

term learning goals have been met, and summative information can shape

how teachers organize their curricula or what courses schools offer their


Week Four Assignment Review

The next step in my assignment is to check for understanding through a

quiz to make sure student understand that particular core standard that I

taught and to provide explanatory feedback so that the student and myself

will know if the skill targeted was understood, so that I can adjust with

strategies to reteach and student will assess what they learn and readjust


and all will be able to be accountable for teaching and learning before

moving to the next common core standard.


Crooks, T. (2001). "The Validity of Formative Assessments". British Educational Research

Association Annual Conference, University of Leeds, September 13–15, 2001.

Hattie, J. (2012). Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact on learning.

New York, NY: Routledge

Huba, M.E. & Freed, J.E. (2000). Learner-centered assessment on college campuses:

Shifting the focus from teaching to learning. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots. San Diego,

CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

R. W. Tyler, R. M. Gagne, & M. Scriven (Eds.) (1967). "The methodology of evaluation".

Perspectives of curriculum evaluation. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally. pp. 39–83.

Rick Wormeli: Formative and Summative Assessment

TEDxSoCal – Dr. Brian Stecher – Cultivating Thriving Schools
