AS Media evaluation Question 3 Hayley Townend


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Media institutions that could possibly distribute our media product.

We found a mainstream company called “Lionsgate” distributes films like: “The Quiet Ones” - which is a horror film and is certified at a 15.

We then thought that this would be a good company to distribute our film as our film is also classed as a horror and is suitable for the ages 15+.

I think that this company may make our storyline more violent as they mostly make certified 18 films.

If this institution produced our film it would have had a much larger budget to work with, therefore they could have possibly used better effects and made it look more gruesome. I think that the films style would has been have come across as maybe more of a psychological thriller/horror.

I also think that with this being a mainstream company, the main character of the film would be played by an actress who’s well known like “Saoirse Ronan“.

I then found an independant company which have produce films like: “Death Of A Ghost Hunter, this is a horror film and has a certification of 18.

I thought that this would be a good company to distribute our product as they specialize in horror films and with is being an independent institution, the profits from the film wouldn't be shared into other companies.

I think that the film would be made a lot more violent, so it would possibly have to be made for the ages 18+.

This company also distributed the “Saw” film - which has similar elements to our films.

I think by using this company, we’d be able to keep a lot of the film the same, for instance: the characters, the main storyline etc… Yet i think the locations would be changed to something that looks more like a main city.

The budget to work with if this company distributed our film would be considerably smaller than what a mainstream company would be able to use, which could mean less special effects/CGI etc...

I think films context would become more disturbing and “creepy” and contain a lot more gore.