Art renaixement



Powerpoint de l'art en el Renaixement en anglès

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Renaissance architecture

Semicircular arch, ( Arc de mig punt)Classical columns and pillars (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders), Barrel ( volta de canó)

Human figures are very important at this moment

Rediscovery of the power plants in search of light.

The Quattrocento

Return to classical decorative and building elements


The Quattrocento

The dome of the Cathedral of Florence (Santa Maria de Fiore)


Brunelleschi was the outstanding architect of the Quattrocento

The Dome (1420-1436)

Inside: hemispherical dome Outside: pointed dome


Final Judgement. Vasari And Zuccari. 1579

Example of mathematical and geometric calculations

San Lorenzo Brunelleschi (1422)

Médici Chapel

San Andrea de Mantua   Leon Battista Alberti

based on mathematical proportions

facade inspired by Roman triumphal arches

plant a barrel vaulted nave

two side chapels.

It has been constructed between 1446 and the 1451 by Bernardo Rossellino on design of the Alberti on order of Giovanni il Magnifico, member of the illustrious Rucellai family

Rucellai Palace of Florence

The first Renaissance building using a system of Classical pilasters

Santa María Novella


Facade of Pitti Palace


Palazzo Vecchio

Santa Croce Church

Buildings were smaller , and not as tall as Gothic constructions. This was because architects wanted to adapt them to the

proportions of the human body.

Ornamentation was simple and austere.

Architetcs tried to create a sense of order and harmony.

Magnificient buildings were built under the patronage of Popes Alexander VI, Julius II, Leo X

and Clement VII.


Bramante did the first projectMichelangelo changed the domeMaderno completed the rest.

Saint Peter’s Basilica

3 architects

Tendency to monumentality Lose of interest in decoration.

Michelangelo Basilica of Saint Peter. Dome

Gives a higher profile and delete the towers to give more importance to the dome

 Donato Bramante

Inspired by the Roman temple of Vesta

The Temple of San Pietro in Montorio

Round, simple decoration but an original structure.


Renaissance painters used colour, composition and background scenes, such as buildings and landscapes, to create an impression of space and depth.

Inspired by classical Antiquity, their figures had harmonious proportions and aimed for beauty by idealising faces, bodies and movements.

Although artists still painted religious subjects, they also did mythological scenes, nudes and portraits.

Portrait of a Praying Man, ca. 1480-1485Oil on wood

Sammlung Thyssen-Bornemisza, Schloss RohonczCastagnola, Spain

Handmade oil painting reproduction of The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden (detail-7) 1509-10, a painting by Michelangelo Buonarroti .

They discovered perspective.

Pictures before perspective

RAPHAEL: School of Athens

"View of an Ideal City", a painting by Piero della Francesca.

Botticelli. His idealised figures convey a sense of movement.



Pioneers in their use of perspective

Piero della Francesca

His idealised figures convey a sense of movement.



Brilliantly represented nature. He was a master of sfumato, a techhique which involved blurring outlines to create a sense of depht.

THE CINQUECENTO Leonardo da Vinci

His masterpieces are The Gioconda or Mona Lisa, and The Last Supper

painted the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel in Rome, scenes full of movement and expression.

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Titian, as a Venetian painter created highly colourful works of art. He is famous for his portraits, and paintings of religious and mythological themes.


Raphael achieved perfection in his use of colour, drawing and composition. His works include frescos for the Vatican palace and his madonnas or virgins

Raphael, 'The small Cowper Madonna' 1505Titian. Woman with mirror


Sculpture also followed the models of classical Antiquity

Great importance was given to proportions and anatomical studies of figures, and this was reflected in the great number of sculptures of nudes. Other types of sculpture which became popular were portrait sculptures, or busts and equestrian statues

most sculptures were madeof bronze or marbleThe first Renaissance sculptor was Ghiberti.

the Gates of Paradise, for the Baptistery of the Cathedral in Florence.

The greatest sculptor of the Quattrocento was Donatello

He captured the Renaissance ideal of sculpture in works like David.

Benvenuto Cellini (Florencia, Italia: 1500-1571)


Michelangelo was the most important sculptor of the Cinquecento, and was considered to be the master of Renaissance sculpture.
