Announcements-November 16, 2016


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Monochromatic Monday- wear all one colour

Tacky Tourist Tuesday-dress like you're on vacation

Wacky Hair Wednesday

Twin Thursday- match your outfit with your friends'

Informal Friday-pj's, track pants or whatever you think is comfortable

Junior and Senior Boys’ Basketball tryouts will be

held on Thursday at 2:30 pm

Senior Girls Basketball- finished their season yesterday at the GBSSA playoffs.

Great season girls!

Snow Ball Semi-Formal tickets are on sale at lunch in the lobby.

$5 in advance, $10 at the door.

Nov 25th

jr girls volleyball Tryouts today at 2:40. See ms Cameron if you can’t attend.

Be there or be square!

Senior Girls’ Volleyball

Attention all girls interested in playing Senior Girls’ Volleyball this year: There is a sign up list posted outside of Room 224. Also, our 2 tryouts will be this week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make every effort to be at BOTH tryouts. If you are unable to attend either, please speak to Ms. Polasek ASAP.

Pizza!Pizza!Pizza!$2 slices on sale TODAY


A quick message from Chartwells…

Remember to Tweet your Treat for your chance to win it for FREE. See

cafeteria for details.

Thank you and we appreciate your business!

From your café