Anna Maria Tammaro, Getaneh Alemu - Using Europeanafor learning & teaching: EMMA MOOC “Digital...


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Using Europeana for learning & teaching:

EMMA MOOC “Digital library in principle and

practice” experience

Anna Maria Tammaro (PhD), Parma University

Getaneh Alemu (PhD), Southampton Solent University


EMMA Webinar Series - Boost the impact of your MOOC using Europeana Collections

Date and time: May 25th 2016 14:00 CET

Paradigm shift in learning

EMMA Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is an implementation of a broader

paradigm shift in learning

A social constructivist approach to learning where students are proactively

engaged in an open, democratic, inclusive and collaborative environment

(Jean Piaget & Lev Vygotsky)

Shifts in pedagogy and learner interaction

Multilingual content and interaction and co-creation of content by


Digital library in principle and practice

University of Parma, Italy, Prof. Anna Maria Tammaro

Co-authors: Liliana Melgar, Eric Boamah, Getaneh Alemu, Elena Giusti

Duration: 4 weeks (6-8 hours a week), commenced April 12th 2016

More than 500 learners

Diversity and Number of participants in the light of MOOC

Digital libraries (DLs) for learning

DLs as platforms to co-create

EMMA MOOC - Digital library in

principle and practice

Digital library as a platform





The role of metadata to boost

Europeana use in MOOC

Boost use of Europeana content in EMMA

Courses• Open the Europeana portal and search for a painting

entitled “The School of Athens” by Raffaello.

• Using the Dublin Core metadata standard, fill-out the

metadata for it including descriptive, administrative,

structural and technical metadata details

• Please also write a summary of the painting in your

own words.

• By the way who are the philosophers depicted in

this painting? Do you think the metadata given in

Europeana is adequate, user-centred, and

complete? What is missing? You are here to add

meaning to the object.

• By completing this assignment, you will appreciate

the value of metadata, not only for textual information

objects but also for paintings and related resources

as well.


Europeana metadata

EMMA students asked for user-centred, enriched metadata suitable for kindergarten, elementary and even high school students.

Enriching existing content with metadata

Europeana collections in EMMA

The theory of enriching and filtering

(Alemu, 2014)

Enriching EMMA & Europeana with metadata

Europeana is a great collection of cultural heritage content with more than 50

million information objects platform

Automatic cross linking, cross-mapping of Europeana content with EMMA


EMMA MOOC Digital Library in principle and practice has encouraged the co-

creation of content & metadata using tags and metadata crowdsourcing

Thank You!
