Animal ABC book




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MY ABC word list


A: alligator• A short legged reptile resembling a crocodile.

• One day on a movie I saw a alligator grabbing someone in and out of the water.

1.Alligators will eat you so don’t get close to them.

2.They eat anything they can get their hands on.

3.Alligators are usually green but they can be brown at one time and then another color at another time.

B: bird

• Warm blooded egg laying vertebrate animals.

• I see birds everywhere I go.

1.Birds come in all different types of colors shapes and sizes.

2.Our state bird is the cardinal. It is also the four oaks mascot.

3.Birds eat seeds like: sunflower seeds , there are a lot more too.

C: cat

• Small flesh eating animal that people sometimes have as pets.

• I have 4 cats. 2big cats and 2 kittens.

1.Cats are cute and fuzzy.

2.There are many different kinds of cats .

3.Cats can be kept as pets and some can be wild.

D: dog

• Flesh eating domesticated mammal people also have as pets.

• I have 3 dogs. I did have 4 but 1 pasted away Feb.28,2011. so we have one less in the family.

1.Dogs are just like cats. You can keep them as pets.

2.Dogs can be big, small, fuzzy, or hairless.

3.Dogs are a mans best friend, but I don’t believe that because my dog Is my best friend.

E: elephant

• Huge thickset nearly hairless mammal that is sometimes used in the circus.

• Sometimes I see elephants in a book standing on beach balls.

1.Elephants are big animals sometimes used in the circus.

2.When elephants dry they are dirty with dirt stains on them.

3.Elephants wash their selves by getting water in their trunks and spraying it on their backs.

F: flamingo

• Long-legged , long-necked aquatic birds that mostly stand on one foot.

• Flamingos are pink and they usually stand in the water.

1.Flamingos are pink animals that usually stay in the water.

2.You usually see them made with plastic standing in peoples yard during summer.

3. Flamingos sleep most of the time standing on one leg.

G: gorilla

• An anthropoid ape that is big and hairy who also love bananas.

• I have seen a gorilla before but it was in a big huge glass container type thing and it was at the zoo.

1.Gorillas are big and hairy beast. TO ME!

2.The gorilla is very different from a monkey because a monkey is small and the gorilla is big.

3.Gorillas love bananas and so do monkeys.

H: humming bird

• Tiny bright colored American birds that flap their wings one hundred time in a second.

• I like to watch the hummingbirds eat their food at my aunts house right in front of the window.

1.Humming birds are very small and they can fly fast.

2.Humming birds flap their wings 100 times a second. Can you believe that.

3. Humming birds eat red juice type stuff and to watch them you have to be very still.

I: impala

• A brownish African antelope that have big horns.

• I have seen bunches of impalas on TV and in books.

1.Impals are known for their amazing leaping abilities.

2.Impala males have curved horns.

3.Usually found near water.

J: jerboa

• Social nocturnal old world jumping rodents that are small.

• When I looked in the dictionary for this definition I saw a jerboa.

1.Occurs mostly in desert.

2.Three species extend into North Africa.

3.The most common species is jaculus jaculus.

K: koala

• Australian marsupial with large hairy ears. They also climb up and down trees very well.

• Koalas have big fuzzy ears and they hold their babies and climb up a tree at the same time.

1.Koalas are known as pouched mammals.2.It is a small bear-like marsupial creature.3.Baby koalas are very small when born.

L: lizard

• Reptiles distinguished from the rattle snake who slither around outside and change colors to blend in with their surroundings.

• I see lizards all the time at my house and at my grandparents house.

1.Any of about4,450 species.

2.Lizard change colors to blend into whatever they are around.

3.If a lizards tail is pulled off it will grow back.

M: mouse

• Small rodent with a pointed spout. This creature eat cheese and live in some peoples house so watch out for them!

• We used to a mouse at our house but we caught them with a mouse trap.

1.A mouse is a small rodent.2.There are different species of a mouse like, a

field mouse and a house mouse.3.They have long naked almost hairless tails that

carry on the floor behind them.

N: nighting gale

• This is a European song bird with reddish brown plumage.

• I have never seem a nighting gale before. Have you?

1.This is a nocturnal song bird of genus luscinia.

2.Known as an old world thrush.

3.They have prominent crescendo effects.

O: octopus

• This Is a cephalopod sea mollusks that have eight legs.

• I used to watched the wiggles when I was little and they had a purple octopus on there.

1.At the end of each leg there are suction cups.

2.Octopus’ are carnivores.3.They have rounded soft bodies.

P: penguin

• An erect short-legged flight less aquatic bird. These birds lay eggs. After they lay eggs they are like chickens and they sit in their eggs!

• I have seen the penguin on the movie Happy Feet!

1.They are stout flightless birds.2.They have flipper-like wings.3.There are 17 species of penguins.

Q: quail

• Birds related to the owl. These birds look like they have a light bulb hanging from their head, but its not. So If you see one don’t ask them for light.

• I have never seen a quail before so if you have tell me what it actually looks like in person.

1.A ground bird who seldom flies.

2.It is barely two pounds.

3.Quails have nests on the ground.

R: ruffed grouse

• A ruffed grouse is a grouse with tuffs of black feathers. I don’t understand why they call it a ruffed grouse if it isn’t ruffed looking.

• I have never heard the name ruffed grouse before and it sounds really weird.

1.A chicken like north American game bird.

2.Has a fan shaped tail.

3.Male makes a drumming sound with it’s wings.

S: snake

• Snakes have no legs, they are reptiles, and they slide around on the ground.

• One year there was a snake at my pa’s.

1.Snake’s skin peels off.

2.Has 19 reptile families.

3.Most snakes live in the tropics.

T: tiger

• This big animal is one of the four big cats. The four big cats are the TIGER, the LION, the JAGUAR, and the LEOPARD.

• I have seen a bunch of tigers on animal planet.

1.Tigers feline carnivores.

2.Reddish tan, striped great cat.

3.Tigers live only about 11 years.

u: uakri

• This a South American arboreal monkey. Monkeys are all different colors and they are really wild. I should know because that is my nickname.

• I never knew what a uakri was but now I know that it means monkey.

1.They are hard to categorize as a group.

2.Monkeys can be brown, or black.

3.These animals have a comparison to the ape.

V: vulture

• This is from the same ancestral stock as the eagles and other stocks.

• In my mind vultures to me are big birds.

1.This is a large bird of prey.

2.This is a bird that feeds on carrion.

3.There are such things as turkey vultures.

W: whale

• A whale is a mammal of the order cetacea.

• Whales are big animals that live in the ocean.

1.Whales are any of the marine mammals.

2.Whales breath air and are warm-blooded.

3.Most large whales travel in small schools.

X: xiphias

• An xaphiaxs is a type of swordfish. Incase you are wondering what a swordfish is, it is a fish that has a sword like nose.

• I have seen xiphas on TV and on shirts but not in person.

1.Has a sword like comet.

2.A genus of fishes.

3.This is also known as a game fish.

Y: yak

• A yak is a long haired humped domestic bovine that have horns.

• I saw a yak on Ice age and it looks like it has a beard.

1.A wild shaggy haired ox.

2.Used as a work animal.

3.This animal was sometimes raised for meat and milk.

Z: zebra

• A zebra is herbivorous mammals of genus equus.

• Zebras have a big family and the are very cool to look at.

1.These are wild horse like animals.

2.They are stripes organisms.

3.Their fur looks like a referee in football.

About the author

• Hi, I am 12 yrs old and I go to Benson Middle School. I am in 6TH grade. This book is about the ABC’s, this is about animals.