Andrew good win my heart will go on


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Andrew Goodwin’s 6 features of music videosCeline Dion’s My heart will go on

His theory…Andrew Goodwin’s theory is that there are specific characteristics and features that can be found in music videos.

There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals. The lyrics are represented with images.

There is a relationship between music and visuals. The tone and atmosphere of the visual reflects that of the music. There are three ways the music can do this. It can illustrate, the images illustrate the meanings of the lyrics and genre. It can also amplify the meanings of the songs. Also through disjuncture, this this where the meaning of the song is completely ignored.

Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics.

The demand of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist.

There is frequently reference to looking-voyeurism.

There are intertextual references other forms of media.

A relationship between the lyrics and visuals

This is part of the narrative based music video for Céline Dion’s My heart will go on. The lyrics in this point in the song are, “spaces between us,”. These lyrics connote a feeling of closeness because of the image of the main characters in the film holding hands. The shot type is a extreme close up of the artists face, again this connotes a feeling of closeness.

A relationship between the images of an artist/band’s music video and the lyrics to their songs can sometimes correlate. They can be used as a tool to empathise the meaning of the lyrics or they can be used to provoke a reaction from the viewer, for example, sadness or empathy.

A relationship between the lyrics and visuals

This is an extract from the film. The lyrics at this point are, “You’re here, there’s nothing I fear,”. Using these lyrics and this image at the same time gives the viewer the feeling of strength and at the same time sadness because this film is based on truth. It brings to light what must have been going through the minds of those onboard the Titanic which connotes a feeling of sadness.

Sadness and empathy are both, in my opinion, provoked by this music video. For example, the scenes chosen to be shown from the film are emotional and sometimes brash in the way they confront the viewer with voyeurism, by making them see what happened through other’s eyes almost as this is a story told by a survivor (in the film).

Again the use of colour used in this shot is emotional as the use of blue and white. This connotes the feeling of fear and dread.

A relationship between the music and visuals

When the ship is hit by the iceberg the music almost empathises the hit as you can hear two distinct drum beats at the moment of the collision. This is an example of illustrating the meaning of the song, or rather what is happening in the video as there are no lyrics at this point in the song.

The relationship between music and visuals can vary, either they can illustrate the meaning of the lyrics or genre. They can amplify, which means they can add to the meanings of the song. Or they can disjuncture; when the meaning of the song is ignored.

The use of the colours blue, black and white in this shot connotes a feeling of dread and coolness. Which reflects the mood in the film at this point. This also comes back to the point that Goodwin made about the relationship between the lyrics and the visuals as the song sounds like it is reassuring the characters that everything will be alright.

A relationship between the music and visuals

When the ship breaks in half and falls back into the water, a collection of drums are heard. Which stop during the crescendo of the song, the lyrics, “My heart will go on and on.” this connotes a feeling of loss and of love because even though the image gives the feeling of hopelessness the lyrics give the feeling of strength and lasting love.

When water breaks through the glass roof another drum beat is heard, again empathising what is happening in the video. As well as when a gun goes off. This is again an example of illustrating the meaning of the song.

Music videos demonstrate genre

characteristicsThroughout this music video there are many characteristics to the genre of love, below are just a few examples. The colours used in these shots are also reflective of love and romance. Warm colours such as red, orange and brown are used a lot.

These examples show love through different techniques. The two to the left through voyeurism, the notion of looking at your love for a long period of time has even now not lost it’s romantic roots. They are close ups of the main character’s.

Music videos demonstrate genre

characteristicsThis movie has been hailed as one of the greatest love and loss stories ever told in film. This scene alone has now become one of the most popular and widely known romantic scene and pose in the world. Again the colours used are reflective as romantic.

This image represents love and romance through the mise-en-scene. The use of colours such as orange, pink and purple are considered romantic as they are colours typically found in sunsets. Also, the ocean is in itself considered to be romantic, often used to represent one’s love for another; beautiful and vast.

The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups

of the artist and the artist will develop motifs

There are a lost of close ups and just in general, shots of Dion, most close ups of her face. These are just a few examples. However there are some like bottom left, which are long shots of her standing on a boat’s bow, much like the main character’s. This is an intertextual reference and also a way of connecting her to the film, not just by the song being in the film.

The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups

of the artist and the artist will develop motifs

Dion, just in this music video alone, develops the motif of closeness, love and feminine softness through bringing her arms and hands close to her body. This pose is often used to show love sick or vulnerable women.

Then she changes to using strong poses such as the picture to the left. This could be because of the genre of the film and in turn the music video. Which shows both strong and scared characters.

There is reference to voyeurism

A reference to voyeurism is generated in the image to the left because of the use of a frame within a frame. The viewer is encouraged to look at this character because of the window frame behind her.

Both of these images (to the left) refer to the notion of looking because the characters on screen are looking at something, the viewer is then compelled to know what it is they are looking at; each other.

To the right is another frame within a frame. This connotes a feeling of wanting to see what is going on, of wanting to be included.

Intertextual referenceOne very clear intertextual reference is of Titanic. Simply because this song is the theme for the film. There are no other intertextual references within the music video, it is clear that the song is for this film and only this film, it does not promote other media.

Even though this song was written for the film there are also references to the actual sinking of Titanic through the use of the exact coordinates for the location of where it sank.
