Ancient greece by Rene


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Ancient Olympics

• The Olympic Games, or Olympics, is an international multi-sport event taking place every four years and comprising summer and winter games.

• The Ancient Olympic Games were an athletic and religious celebration held in the Greek town of Olympia from as early as 776 BC to 393 AD.

Were did the Greece start?

• The Greeks are believed to have migrated southward into the Greek peninsula in several waves beginning in the late 3rd millennium BC.

• The ancient Greeks were a deeply religious people. They worshipped many gods whom they believed appeared in human form and yet were endowed with superhuman strength and ageless beauty.

Starting education

• The goal of education in the Greek city-states was to prepare the child for adult activities as a citizen.

• In most Greek city-states, when young, the boys stayed at home, helping in the fields, sailing, and fishing. At age 6 or 7, they went to school.

Sparta education

• The goal of education in Sparta is to produce soldier-citizens who are well-drilled and well-disciplined as a marching army.

• Spartans believed in a life of discipline, self-denial, and simplicity. Boys were very loyal to the state of Sparta.

Sparta education

• School courses were very hard and often painful. Although students were taught to read and write, those skills were not very important to the ancient Spartans.

• Only warfare mattered!

• Spartans were treated very bad and grow up with out there families so that they would now how to survive in the wild.

How were Spartan boys treat?

• The boys were not fed well, and were told that it was fine to steal food as long as they did not get caught stealing.

• If they were caught, they were beaten.

• They walked barefoot, slept on hard beds, and worked at gymnastics and other physical activities

Important or not?

• The typical Spartan may or may not have been able to read. But reading, writing, literature, and the arts were considered unsuitable for the soldier-citizen and were therefore not part of his education.

• But on the other hand Music and dancing were a part of that education, but only because they served military ends.

Important roll as a male Spartancitizen?

• Spartan males had to pass a difficult test of fitness, military ability, and leadership skills.

• Any Spartan male who did not pass these examinations became a perioikos.

• The perioikos, or the middle class, were allowed to own property, have business dealings, but had no political rights and were not citizens.

Quick fact?

• Unlike the other Greek city-states, Sparta provided training for girls that went beyond the domestic arts.

• The girls were not forced to leave home, but otherwise their training was similar to that of the boys.

• They too learned to run, jump, throw the javelin and discus.


• Girls also went to school at age 6 or 7. They lived, slept and trained in their sisterhood's barracks.

• No one knows if their school was as cruel or as rugged as the boys school, but the girls were taught wrestling, gymnastics and combat skills.

• but girl were not able to attend any meeting or warfare speech.

Closes similarity in boy & girl school!

• Some historians believe the two schools were very similar, and that an attempt was made to train the girls as thoroughly as they trained the boys. In any case, the Spartans believed that strong young women would produce strong babies.

Spartan girl rights!

• In most of the other Greek city-states, women were required to stay inside their homes most of their lives. In Sparta, citizen women were free to move around, and enjoyed a great deal of freedom, as their husbands did not live at home.


• In Sparta there was no such thing as slavery or any rule on owning people

• Spartans believe in freedom and wanted no man or women to have to straggle in life

• although Sparta were very poor, they never had problems with food or weapon sappily

• Freedom actually started a war!

The Persian war

• In 480 the threat from Persia brings Sparta and Athens together, with most of the other city-states of mainland Greece, in a rare show of unity. During the Greco-Persian war the leading position of Sparta was acknowledged by all.

• They fought for Greek land and for honor!

• Darius decided to punish Athens and to add Greece to his vast empire.

The End