Analysis of music magazines


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Analysis of Music MagazinesFront Covers

Masthead – Red and the contrasting white stands out to the readers eye

Central Image – Eye contact with the reader draws in the reader. Close up makes the image more personal. As the background is black and Madonna is wearing dark clothes her skin is lit up, making her stand out. The fact that the front cover is Madonna, a well-known musician this also encourages the reader to buy the magazine.

Headline – Big and bold text in red colour, fitting in with the Masthead colour as well as contrasting with the black background making it stand out.

Tag – this entices the reader to buy the magazine as they feel they are gaining something extra for their money. As this magazine is targeted at males the fact that it is a ‘Women’ special may also make them buy the magazine.

Box – out – This helps the text stand out from the image and makes it easier for the reader to read it.

Features – This shows to the reader what else is in the magazine. By having white text it contrasts well with black background, standing out.

This front cover is striking with the red font colour and as the magazines brand identity is red it uses the colour well. The page is busy but not over crowded giving the reader everything that they need to know to entice them into buying the magazine.

Masthead- Similar to Q magazine. Using black, red and white. As it is abbreviated it adds a sense of ‘cool’ to the reader.

Secondary Images – This is editing and cropped to allow the image to fit the page and look visually pleasing.

The yellow text colour with red outline adds another colour to the magazine which works as it contrasts with the darker colours used.

Central Image - This takes up the whole front cover which is striking and draws the reader in. As the band is making direct eye contact with the reader, this also draws them in to looking at the magazine.

Box-Out - The red box out allows the text and secondary images to stand out to the reader.

By placing information in the pugs, it makes the magazine look more full of information.

Features - The text for features are also in yellow and white font. There are a lot of band names with no more information which indicates that the reader needs to open the magazine to find out more information, drawing them in

This magazine addresses the specific target audience for the magazine. The colours combined work well and makes it stand out on the page.

Tag – These words draws in readers to see what else is in the magazine.

Central Image - This image is positioned to the left allowing other text on the right. The artist is making eye contact with the reader and as the image is a close up, the reader feels that he is communicating with you. The left hand side of the face is slightly shadowed which indicates to the reader he has a hidden secret to be revealed in the magazine. This draws the reader in to see what it is.

Secondary Images- this adds more depth to the front cover and makes it look more busy and appealing to the reader.

Masthead- is black and white which stands out from all the darker images. There is a special effect in the style of ‘smashed’ which adds to the stereotypical rock style image.

Headline - Links in with the main article of the magazine.

The orange text stands out from the dark colours and is also used as box outs behind white text.

I like this design however I do think that the orange does not link in with the rock theme. On the other, Kerrang needs to stand out from Q and NME

Analysis of Music MagazinesContent Pages

Numbers - these help to show the reader which page. As they are different sizes they link the size of the image.

Secondary Images – These help to give the reader a visual on what else is in the magazine as well as linking to the descriptive contents text.

Logo - This is recurrent through out the magazine but creates brand identity

Headline- This shows the reader what page they are reading.

Features- This is the special articles that Q have. They are linked to the front cover as well.

Red- The colour theme is visual through out the magazine.

Box out

Text- The text is black and red linking in with the colour theme of the magazine.

This contents page is striking and links in with the colour theme of Q magazine. I like the bar of red underneath each title as it adds a sophisticated style to the magazine.

The colour theme still links in with the front cover which helps create Brand Identity.

Box Outs - As the box is black the white text becomes more prominent and catches the readers eye.

Text- is simple and categorised which helps the reader to not get confused. If they were it would discourage them from reading the magazine. It is all one font which allows the reader to read it quickly and efficiently.

Headline- is different from other magazines with ‘contents’. This makes it unique and stand out from other magazines. It is big and bold which stands out to the reader.

Special Offers- This encourages the reader to keep buying the magazine. It is a good technique to use to ensure that readers keep coming back.

Logo – Seen on the front cover, like many other magazines, and is seen on every other page.

This contents page fits in with the magazines rock theme as well as adding special offers to encourage readers. I like this magazine as all the components stand out and are eye catching.

I don’t like this contents page. I don’t like the way it is laid out or the frame boxes around the images.

Headline- Uses orange text, linking in with the text on the front cover. It is small but simple in the right hand corner, like a pug which allows the reader to flick through the magazine and picking this page quickly.

Features – This shows what is in the magazine. Each has a page reference making it easy for the reader to find it in the magazine.

A letter from the editor is unique and makes the magazine seem more personal to the reader.

Secondary Images- These allows the reader to see what else is in the magazine. Each image has a frame box which makes it stand out and adds a 3d effect. This makes the image catchy to the readers eye. Box – Out - each title sub-

title has orange text with a black box out allowing the text to stand out to the reader as well as drawing focus to what else is in the magazine.

Analysis of Music MagazinesDouble Page Spreads

Central Image - The image for this article has a grey filter which creates a moody atmosphere. As it takes the whole right hand side of the article it draws focus on to Lady Gaga and her article.

The L shape links in with Q’s colour theme of red as well as drawing in the readers attention. It also links in with the article and can be seen as a secondary headline

Headline/Pug – The way they have positioned the title is different to what a reader normally expects and because it is in the top right, when a reader flicks through the pages it is easy to spot.

This double page spread is simple but very effective. I like it as it draws you in to reading it.

Eye-Contact – is crucial to draw the reader in and make them feel part of her life.

Text- is simple and relevant size however enlarging the beginning of a new paragraph draws the reader in and adds a sophisticated mood.

The colour theme is black red and white which is the brand identity through out the whole magazine. This creates familiarity to the reader when reading the magazine.

Central Image - Is related to the article and fits in with the rock genre magazine

Secondary Images - are used to add more depth and visual to the article for the reader. As it relates to the article it makes the reader feel part of the band. There is no eye contact in any photos which is different and adds a little distance.

Headline- is a quote from the article which draws in the reader to see what else they have done.

The text is not big and the article is not long which allows the reader to feel accomplishment after reading the spread. The images however does add to the article telling a story itself. The columns are wide which fits the page well.

I like this article. The ‘moody’ images makes the article interesting and it draws me in. The colours work really well and links in with the whole magazine.

The orange theme is apparent through out the whole magazine which also creates brand identity.

Central Image - is the topic of the article. Direct eye contact and their facial expressions are a little unnerving however it links in with the title of the article by ‘see’.

I think this article is really clever and links in with the rest of the magazine. It is visually striking and works well on the page.

Box – out divides the page up and makes it easier for the reader to read the article. As it is the same colour as the theme it is appropriate and catch's the readers eye.

Secondary Image- is similar to the central image however it breaks the article up.

Text- is all the same font with wide columns. As the article is well arranged all the components fit in line with the text making it flow well.

Standfirst- introduces the article.