analysis of magazine pages tasks 1,2 and 3




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  • 1. Analysis of magazine pages Jack Beale-Burchell
  • 2.
    • The Header: the header in this publication is used to advertise one of the main stories about the kerrang tour, which would appeal to alternative music fans, because its one o the big tours at the start of the year.
    • The Masthead: the masthead is very large and stands out on the page, it uses a very distressed style of font which would appeal to the genre of music its associated with, so this will draw in alternative music fans.
    • The Main Image: The main image on the front of this issue of kerrang is itch from the King Blues and Rou from Enter Shikari, they are both looking at the camera which would grab the readers attention, Rou is pulling a sort of jokey pose and Itch is looking quite serious into the camera, this would attract an alternative audience because they are the front men of two quite popular bands.
    • The Main Sell Line: This contains the names of Two very popular bands in the alternative music scene which will most definitely grab any alternative music fans attention, its done in a similar distressed font to the masthead which helps create synergy on the front cover.
    • The Barcode/price/issue/date is essential to any magazine because it carries the key publication information, which is necessary for the sale of any magazine.
    • The Footer: this further helps the idea that the magazine is a quality publication with lots of features and many articles to read, the use of the big Plus image would grab the attention of an alternative music because it insinuates that there is a lot to read in the magazine.
    • The Rule of Thirds: The rule of thirds has been taken into account when piecing together this front cover , I can tell you this because the main sell has been placed on one of the focal points.
  • 3.
    • The Masthead: The masthead used on this front cover is suited to style of music its used for, because its big, bold and strikes out on the page, much like the music thats associated with this genre of music.
    • The Header: the header on this front cover lists a selection of R&B/ Hip-Hop artists, most of which are very well liked by the scene, so this will attract the reader.
    • The Main Image: the main image on this magazine is of drake who is very big in the Hip-Hop and is very well liked and respected by the scene, hes pose is rather normal, but the way he wears his hat over his face shows that hes a little street in his aesthetic which will attract the desirred audience.
    • The Main Sell Line: the main sell is related to drake, who is the featured artist on the front cover, so this alone would attract the audience to come and look at the magazine, the name Drake is in big bold yellow font which would further attract and audience.
    • The Barcode/Price/Date/Issue: this essential to any music magazine or any other publication because it contains all the necessary publication information.
    • Coverlines: the cover lines used on this magazine are all Hip-Hop related and will further attract the audience that are interested in this genre of music.
    • Flashes: there is a couple of flashes used on this fron cover on the right side of the magazine, these are generally used to promote and article or feature inside of the magazine, in this case they are promoting a record label and twitter most likely the first of which being related to Hip-Hop music.
    • The Rule of Thirds: The rule of thirds has been taken into account here, because all of the stories have been placed on the focal points.
  • 4.
    • The Masthead: the masthead on this front cover is written in an elegant font and isn't that much of a major part of the mise en scne of the cover because its very low key, yet its associated with the genre of music because the font used is usually seen in music notation.
    • The Header: the header at the top of this music magazine states that it is The worlds best selling classical music magazine which would quite easily attract classical music fans, because it claims to be the best.
    • The Main Image: the main image on the front of this music magazine is of a famous opera start Simon Keenlyside, so anyone thats a fan of classical music may view him as very talented Tenor, so would buy this magazine to read the feature on him, also the pose he is striking and the way he is framed relates to the headline.
    • The Main sell: The main headline is linked in with the main image because its related the model from the main image, it also describes the Tenor as being heroic which could in effect link in with pose he is striking.
    • The Barcode: this is necessary to any publication because it contains all the necessary publishing information.
    • Flashes: the flashes used on the front cover of this magazine are a big white section with the word plus advertising more articles, a small yellow circle claiming that this issue has 110 reviews which would attract a classical music fan because it seems like a quality publication.
    • The Rule Of Thirds: the rule of thirds is used well here because not only are the articles and flashes placed on focal points, the frame the main image as well.
  • 5.
    • As you can see the contents is fairly image dominated which would suggest that the magazine is also fairly image dominated which would appeal to an alternative music fan, not only because that genre is usually aimed at younger generations but because all of the image are of artists within this genre would yet again further appeal to fans of the genre.
    • Also the actual contents is down one side of the page in a fairly small space but its all put under different headings with what seem the most important so it would make the magazine easily accessible to the reader so they can find the section they want to read quite easily.
    • There is also a pull quote used underneath the contents heading, which could be linked to a feature, so this is an example of using a pull quote to advertise a feature.
    • The colour schemes used are fairly neutral which goes against the convention associated with the genre because the genre is usually seen as quite busy and quite wild.
  • 6.
    • The contains page features a large greyscale image of kanye west which would relate to his style of music which is that which would be featured in vibe, because it fits in with the whole laid back, chilled mood of the genre, kit also looks quite classy and suave which fits in with the genre as well.
    • The contents is yet again out along the side of the page in a way that makes the entire magazine easily accessible to the reader, there is also a page number next to the main image which would suugest that they are using kanye wests image to advertise a feature.
  • 7.
    • This contents page is from NME which is an indie/alternative rock music magazine, the main image is of the Astoria which was a music venue which would appeal to indie music fans because it was a very famous venue where many big indie bands had played.
    • There is lots of text in this contents page as well which would suggest that there is lots to read in this magazine, which would appeal to an indie music fan, because it may suggest that there are a lot of new exciting bands coming their way.
    • Also the colour scheme used on the contents page ties in with the usual colour scheme that NME uses, so it creates a sense of synergy and would suggest that the magazine is a quality publication.
  • 8.
    • This double paged spread is of a Parkway Drive live show review, so typically it would contain lots of pictures taken at the live show, another feature from this review is a smaller set of reviews down the right hand side of people who were at the show, also there is a small amount of text summing up the show on the left hand side from one of the live journalists.
    • The review also has a start rating and some of the supporting artists listed above the review.
  • 9.
    • This double page spread is from hip-hop/r&b magazine vibe and is a feature on new hip-hop artist lupe and basically is a Q&A interview which may be of some interest to people who like the genre and like to listen to all new artists coming to the music scene, so this would appeal to them because it would help provide some insightful background information on the new artist, so people can decide whether they would like to listen to his music or not.
    • It also has a large image of the artist featured in a sort of street pose which is part of one the conventions of this genre.
  • 10.
    • This double page spread is from NME and is a feature on Lily Allen, before NME have hailed her as one of the most talented artists of our generations and feature on her would attract a large audience not only because she is a very talented but also because shes an award winning artist, so this would attract a large audience outside of the genre as well.
    • The colour scheme and layout of this double page spread is consistent with the rest of the pages that you would in NME which helps creates a sense of synergy throughout the magazine.
