America land i love



Hi! Students of 8th grade! Here is the first part of the presentation. Use it as a guideline with your text book. Everything that is in the presentetion you should find it in your text book.

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America Land i LoveColegio Presbiteriano Rehma

Mr. Marcos Valentin

Eigth Grade

Objective for today class1. To learn which are the previous reasons that took Christopher Colombus to

discover America.

2. Learn what are the crusades.

CrusadesFirst proclaim by Pope Urban II

Crusades- They are some proclaim, “holy war”, between Roman Catholicsand Muslims.

The Crusades Purpose was to drive the Muslims from the land the hadconquered in the Middle East. The intended to drive Muslims from theHoly Land, (Jerusalem), and restore it to Christendom.

Consequence of the CrusadesThe Crusades revive European interest in trade with the East.

Orient East AsiaGoods: spices, jewels, ivory, glassware, silks, beutiful tapestrys…

New trades between East and West.

Objcetive for today Class

Define what is the Renaissance.

Learn what brought this moment into history.

Identify what inventions were created thanks to this moment in history.

Learn who is Prince Henry and his contribution for new trades routes.

Renaissance ´´rebirth´´Where did it happened?

1. Europe, Florence Italy.

2. Renaissance-rebirth

3. The Renaissance revived three important aspects…1. The classic literature

2. Scientific Ideas of Greek and Rome

3. Inspired Beautiful Arts

Photos, literature, Arts Visual Overview

Improvements and Inventions1. Improvements

1. The sciences of Navigation was Improved.

2. More accurate maps.

3. Improved Rudders, steering of ships.

2. Important Inventions

1. The sciences of Navigation was Improved.

2. More accurate maps.

3. Improved Rudders, steering of ships.

Johann Gutenberg

Invented the first, movable-type-printing press 1440.

This brought us the first printed Bible.

And access to books and learnings, taking Europe from de Dark Ages to the Modern Ages.

Prince Henry the NavigatorFrom Portugal

1. Founded a Navigation school, and sent several ships to explore Western Coast of Africa.1498 they reached India opening New Trade Routes.

Remember-Marco Polo 1200.

Objective for today class

1. Learn what was the Protestant Reformation

2. Who was the precursor of the Protestant Reformation.

3. What are some of the results of the Protestant Reformation.

*( Primera prueba corta Viernes)

Class Review- Empty Outlines

Protestant Reformation

Martin LutherProtestant Reformation

Movable-type printing press

Europe Dark Age-Modern Age


Different interpretationsQuestioning the authenticity of the papacy

Martin Luther- 95 theses

Statement (document), attacking the sale of the indulgences.

Wittenberg, Germany Church.

Consequences of the Protestant Reformation

1. It brought a revival of biblical Christianity.

2. People of England who colonized North America would be influenced by the word of God.

3. It change the religious picture of Europe.

• Lutherans (Martin Luther)• justification by faith, no need of indulgence, rejection of the papacy as the authority.

• Calvinism (John Calvin)• emphasis on the authority of God over all things.

• Anglicanism• Bible the Authority of faith, Baptism and the Eucharist.
