Allow me to introduce my self my name is


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I am a native of this weird town.The eerie quiet

nights, the strange sounds,the trains horn that

lets you know you are home. The beautiful

perfect summer nights where your skin is

brushed with the softest wind. This is my home.


● This is my medium.

● I love the power that a single image can

impose on an individual.

● My first was a AE-1 after that it was love.

The goal of education is the advancement of

knowledge and the dissemination of truth.

-John F. Kennedy

An outdated education

Education has not has not changed in the past

hundred years. humanity has imprinted space

and launched the technological revolution. we

have been fighting to keep up with the rest of

the world ever since. we need to grow with

the time, preparing our youth for a future

career markets.

Why am I an i.c Star

To be the change in my community I know i.c.

Stars can be my catalyst for this. With all the

tools provided by this amazing organization I

gain all the confidence i need to leave my

mark on the community.
