AFT 2011



Boomers, Xers, Millennials - Who's Next? PDF from July 10, 2011 AFT Teach Conference

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About Jeff and


Manage Expectations & DisclaimersEducate about American generations

Open your mind about other generationsInspire you to educate members

Encourage you to learn moreGenerations and generalizations

Howe & StraussHave fun!

“In America, each generation is a new people.”

Alec de Tocqueville, 1830

Contestant #1 Harry Rodriquez

Contestant #2 Brenda Smith


Contestant #3 Richard Franklin

Two RoundsEach round has questions worth 5, 10, and 15 points

Speed Round questions are worth 5 points each

Round One

Here We Are

5 points

Q:A generation is a cohort groupwhose length approximatesthe span of a life and whose

boundaries are fixed by a peer ________.

5 pointsA:

A generation is a cohort groupwhose length approximatesthe span of a life and whose

boundaries are fixed by a peer personality.

5 points

Q:American generations

average how many birth years?


5 pointsA:

American generationsaverage how many

birth years?18.923.428.7

5 points

Q:Between 1701 and 2000there have been _____

“American” generations.

5 pointsA:Between 1701 and 2000

there have been 14“American” generations.

THE REVOLUTIONARY CYCLEGeneration Name Birth Years

Awakening Liberty Republican Compromise


THE CIVIL WAR CYCLEGeneration Name Birth Years

Transcendental Gilded Progressive


THE GREAT POWER CYCLEGeneration Name Birth Years

Missionary Lost G.I./Greatest Silent


10 points


Generation Name Birth Years


10 pointsA:

THE MILLENNIAL CYCLEGeneration Name Birth Years

Baby Boomer



Generation Name Birth Years Baby Boomer 1943-1960


10 points

10 pointsA:

THE MILLENNIAL CYCLEGeneration Name Birth Years

Baby Boomer Generation X


10 points


Generation Name Birth Years Baby Boomer

Generation X1943-19601961-19811982-2001

10 pointsA:

THE MILLENNIAL CYCLEGeneration Name Birth Years

Baby Boomer Generation XMillennials


In the 1930’s and 40’s, schools prepared the Silent Generation to be book smart corporate careerist.

In the 1950’s and 60’s, schools prepared Boomers to be inner-driven, ideal-cultivating individualists.

In the 1970’s and 80’s, schools prepared Xers to be street smart, free agent entrepreneurs.

In the 1990’s and 00’s, schools prepared Millennials to be outer-driven, ideal-following team players.

15 points

Q:Boomers and Xers were raised to be inner directed. Both were taught with a curriculum and in

an atmosphere that centered around the individual.

In actuality this was a tactic to win the ___ war.

15 pointsA:

Boomers and Xers were raised to be inner directed. Both were taught with a curriculum and in

an atmosphere that centered around the individual.

In actuality this was a tactic to win the cold war.

15 points

Q:Generation X was raised on

Sesame Street, which taught children about their differences.

First cohort Millennials were raised on what TV character that

taught how children are alike?

15 pointsA:Barney (and friends).

15 points

Q:Millennials and their parents often refer to each other as

“best friends.” What is another name for this

hovering or attached parenting?

15 pointsA:Helicopter Parents

5 points each

Q:Tell us whether the generation described is Boomer, X, or Millennial.


5 points

Q:They’re the largest, most ethnically diverse and least

caucasian generation in American history.

5 pointsA:Millennial

Average birthrate - 3.2 millionHighest birth year - 1992 (4.2 million)1 in 5 has at least one immigrant parent1 in 10 has at least one non-citizen parent

5 points

Q:Movies playing in theaters during this generation’s birth

years include Rosemary’s Baby, The Exorcist, and The Omen.

5 pointsA:X

5 points

Q:Movies playing in theaters during this generation’s birth

years include Mr. Mom, Three Men and a Baby, and

Baby Boom.

5 pointsA:Millennial

5 points

Q:A mixture of high self-esteem and selective self-indulgence

that has repelled and fascinated other generations gives this generation a reputation for grating arrogance and for

transcendent cultural wisdom.

5 pointsA:Boomer

5 points

Q:Parents of this generation have paid up to $50,000 to purchase

an ovum from an attractive, high- IQ student from a top university.

5 pointsA:Millennial

5 points

Q:Social moments including the

sexual revolution, consciousness movement,

women’s movement, gay rights movement, and a high divorce

rate peppered this generation’s childhood.

5 pointsA:X

5 points

Q:This generation was raised in homes with 50% more stuff in

weight than homes of just 20 years prior.

5 pointsA:Millennial

5 points

Q:This generation is team oriented, civic minded

and “special.”

5 pointsA:Millennial

5 points

Q:This generation has always seen its mission not as constructing a

society, but as justifying, purifying, and even sanctifying it.

5 pointsA:Boomer

5 points

Q:Surveyed in 8th and 10th grades, this generation indicated they would rather spend time with

friends than doing imaginative tasks on their own.

5 pointsA:Millennial

5 points

Q:Their critics call them smug, narcissistic, puritanical,

and hypocritical. Others describe them as

distracted perfectionists.

5 pointsA:Boomer

5 points

Q:While this generation is the most wanted, most watched over, and most programmed,

they’ve also witnessed the largest separation of wealth in

American history.

5 pointsA:Millennial

Each generation rebels against an elder-built world and against the generation before it. Is that why Millennials behave almost opposite of Generation X?

Each generation redirects society to its own inclinations. Each generation: 1. solves problems facing the prior youth generation (think Millennials and Generation X)2. corrects for the behavioral excesses it perceives in the current midlife generations (think Millennials and Boomers/Xers)3. fills the social role being vacated by the departing elder generation (think Millennials and G.I./Greatest)

Boomers grew up when institutions felt too strong and individuals too weak.

Millennials grew up when institutions felt too weak and individuals too strong.

Boomers grew up when rationalism ruled and spiritualism lay dormant.

Millennials grew up when spiritualism ruled and rationalism lies dormant.

Round Two

Who’s Next

5 points

Q:The first cohort of America’s 15th or “next generation” is

being born now. Most generational experts

believe this event was the start of their birth years.

5 pointsA:9/11/2001

5 points

Q:This 15th or next generation is primarily born to parents from

this generation.

5 pointsA:Generation X

5 points

Q:True or False

Though cautious to marry,Generation X is dedicated to maintaining stable families, succeeding at a role many of

their parents did not.

5 pointsA:True

Generations are shaped by their surroundings and by the generations with which they interact.

While being born, generations become history. As they age they make history. The history they make impacts current and future generations. This is called a Social Moment.

Social Moments - a brief period in time (about one decade) during which people perceive that historical events are radically altering their social environment and lives.

1. Secular Crisis - when society focuses on reordering the outer world of institutions and public behavior.

2. Spiritual Awakening - when society focuses on changing the inner world of values and personal behavior.

Social Moments have created a predictive pattern of peer personality generational behaviors repeating itself throughout American history.

Idealist, Reactive, Civic and Adaptive.

Idealist - encounters a spiritual awakening while entering adulthood and a secular crisis while entering elderhood.

Reactive - encounters a spiritual awakening while entering youth, and a secular crisis while entering midlife.

Civic - encounters a secular crisis while entering adulthood, and a spiritual awakening while entering elderhood.

Adaptive - encounters a secular crisis while entering youth and a spiritual awakening while entering midlife.

Idealists birth Civics.Reactives birth Adaptives.

Civics birth Idealists.Adaptives birth Reactives.

Rinse and Repeat.

THE REVOLUTIONARY CYCLEGeneration Name Birth Years

Awakening - Idealist Liberty - Reactive Republican - Civic Compromise - Adaptive


THE CIVIL WAR CYCLEGeneration Name Birth Years

Transcendental - Idealist Gilded - Reactive Progressive - Adaptive


THE GREAT POWER CYCLEGeneration Name Birth Years

Missionary - Idealist Lost - Reactive G.I./Greatest - Civic Silent - Adaptive


THE MILLENNIAL CYCLEGeneration Name Birth Years

Boomer - Idealist Generation X - Reactive Millennial - Civic 15th - Adaptive


While the 15th generation is comprised of your current child students, their parents and the next generation of AFT leaders are from Generation X.

As this Reactive generation reaches midlife, they are:-playing to win, half expecting to lose;-accepting wide gaps in personal outcomes and sex roles;-becoming cautious in family life and gradually mellowing in personality.

10 points

Q:True or FalseGeneration X is proud of its ability to cut through hype.

10 pointsA:True

Could that be why AdAge reports that we trust word of mouth at

90% and advertising at only 10-40%.

10 points

Q:Total number of Generation X?72 million 42 million76 million

10 pointsA:Total number of Generation X?

72 million (Boomers)42 million

76 million (Millennials)

10 points

Q:True or False

While Silent Generation parents disconnected from their

Generation X children, today, as grandparents, they’re


10 pointsA:True

(We call them “Boomerang” Grandparents.)

Hovering Boomer parents of Millennials are called Helicopter parents. The extreme ones are called Blackhawks.

Generation X parents are more Stealth in their behavior.

15 points

Q:Percentage of college freshmen in 1973 whose

parents held a college degree or higher:mothers 20% fathers 32%

Today the % who hold a college degree or higher:mothers 30% fathers 35%mothers 35% fathers 38%mothers 41% fathers 44%

15 pointsA:

Percentage of college freshmen in 1973 whose parents held a college degree or higher:

mothers 20% fathers 32%

Today the % who hold a college degree or higher:mothers 30% fathers 35%mothers 35% fathers 38%mothers 41% fathers 44%

15 points

Q:True or False84% of college-bound freshmen to residential campuses this fall

have never shared a room with a sibling.

15 pointsA:True

(According to The Chronicle of Higher Education)

15 points

Q:Average cumulative debt for

public university 2011 undergraduate?

$23, 227 $28,866$32,328

15 pointsA:

Average cumulative debt for public university 2011

undergraduate?$23, 227 $28,866$32,328

5 points each

Q:Who’s next is determined by what’s been and what’s now.


5 points

Q:Besides Kaitlin, two of the most popular first-cohort Millennial

girl names are derived from 1984 movie Splash.

Name one of these two names.

5 pointsA:Madison or Hannah

(Mermaid’s name and the last name of actress who played her.)

5 points

Q:True or FalseAn average of 4.1 billion text

messages are sent daily in the United States.

5 pointsA:True

(Teens send an average of 3339 monthly.)

5 points

Q:True or FalseIn “Mommy Wars,” ABC news

reports that more Generation X women chose not to return to the

workplace after having a baby.

5 pointsA:True

5 points

Q:True or FalseThe 65-and-over population is

growing faster than the nation’s birthrate.

5 pointsA:True

(9000-10,000 are turning 65 daily.)

5 points

Q:True or FalseAs Boomers retire and many

move in with their children, your schools might add and market

to “grandstudents”.

5 pointsA:True

(And they might arrive in multigenerational Clanavan, Clan-a-wagon, or Clan-agon.)

5 points

Q:True or FalseOver 40% of births in this

country are to single women.

5 pointsA:True

5 points

Q:True or False24% of employed people do

all or some of their work from home.

5 pointsA:True

5 points

Q:True or FalseYour members are assaulted daily by over 1000 marketing


5 pointsA:True

(It’s actually more than 5000.)

5 points

Q:True or FalseThe average facebook user is

connected to 80 pages, groups and events.

5 pointsA:True

5 points

Q:True or Falsefacebook generates 770 billion

page views per month.

5 pointsA:True

5 points

Q:True or FalseThe average facebook user

generates 60 pieces of content per month.

5 pointsA:False(It’s actually 90.)

5 points

Q:True or FalseThe average facebook user

spends 10 hours and 43 minutes monthly on the network.

5 pointsA:False

It’s 15 hours and 33 minutes!

The New York Times reported that for

Millennials, reliance and trust in nontraditional

sources (family, friends, and networks they’ve created) has a much

greater influence than traditional advertising.

About MillennialsTeam Oriented

Task Oriented

Civic Oriented(not march on Washington way)

Parents are in partnership

Feel they have already paid their dues

Seven Steps for Reaching Millennials

1. Eliminate ambiguity2. Think of time as 24/7 resource3. Combine work with play4. Make it worthwhile5. Handle with care (mentor)6. Play to their strengths7. Groupthink

“What’s with these young people!?”


“What’s with these young people!?”

They out number you!

What have you done for me lately?

If they don’t like you they’ll go around you.

Want to be for something not against something.

“What’s with these OLD people!?”


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