Adult Learning Resources



Many adults want to learn knew things but don't necessarily want to go to school. They like the idea of self-paced education and want to be in charge of the process. This workshop was designed to introduce our adult patrons to many of the avenues for learning that are available on their computers and through the library website. I also published a newsletter for them to take home to keep reminded of what we covered in this program.

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Free Adult Education @ Your Library

Why Learn?You are curious

You desire knowledgeYou need new skills

Career Resources

Profile: Adult Learner Age 33Seeks to move up in career• Take graduate school entrance tests• Get resume and interview help• Get Microsoft Certifications• Learn Excel

Online Classes

Profile: Retired Adult With Interest in ArtWants to work part-time in an art gallery•Get a background in Art History• Plan for pension and retirement• Learn to navigate the web

Technology Catch-Up

Profile: Senior Citizen Puzzled by ComputersWants to catch-up with the latest technology•Brush up on basic skills•Learn programming•Learn to power search using Google

Digital Learn
