ADSERCH: research design and survey [NOTES]



Notes about research design and survey from ADSERCH

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Research Design

A framework of how to collect data and

conduct research

A. Exploratory Research

Provides insights and understanding

Helps define the parameter and boundaries of


Helps suggest hypothesis

a. Observation Research

Does not involve personal interaction

Types of Observation Research:

i. People Watching People: mystery shopper,

and one-way mirrors

ii. People Watching an Activity: audits

iii. Machines Watching People: traffic counters,

passive people meter

Advantages Disadvantages Eliminate bais Does not rely on the

respondent’s willingness

High cost Subjective,

unsolicited information is limited

No insight on the problem that you did not think to consider

b. Qualitative Research

Research findings that are not determined by

qualification or qualitative analysis

B. Conclusive Research

Tests specific hypothesis ad examine


a. Descriptive Research

Describes market characteristics or functions

discover differences and associations


Types of Descriptive Research:

i. Sales studies: sales trends, forecasting and

potential, market share, sales analysis

ii. Consumer perception and behavior studies: image,

attitude, product usage, advertising, market mix

iii. Market characteristic studies: buying behavior,

distribution, customer characteristics,

competitive analysis

Use of Descriptive Research:

Describe the characteristics of relevant groups

Estimate the magnitude of specified group

Determine the degree of relationships

Facilitate specific predictions

To determine the effectiveness

i. Cross-Sectional Studies

o Data collected at a singe period of time

ii. Longitudinal Studies

o Repeated measurements taken over a long

period of time

o Sample unit that is maintained for multiple

measurements taken during multiple periods is

called a PANEL

Types of Panel:

i. Omnibus Panel: different subjects pulled from

the panel for each time period

Drawback: data is not reliable

ii. True Pane: same subjects used for the panel

every time data is collected

Drawback: members sometime evolve out of the

desired study group or induced by the study to

change their practices thus tainting the data

b. Causal Research

To categorize the variables as either the cause

or the effect

To determine the relationship between the two

variables to be predicted

Method: Experiment

Survey Research

Systematic gather of information from

respondents to obtain data about the

characteristics of population of interest

Involves administration of an instrument and

techniques for data collection

Methodology involves asking questions of a

representative sample of the desired population

at a single point in time

Interview Methods

a. Personal Interview

Advantages Disadvantages Efficient Highest degree of

response Chance to clarify

respondents answers

Subject to validity issues

Construct invalidity due to (interviewer biases, cultural biases, participant trying to impress the interviewer

Requires interviewer training, fieldwork

Very expensive

b. Mail intercept interview

c. Phone interview

Advantages Disadvantages Reach broad group Confidentiality can

be protected Interviewer can

assist in survey Sample can be


Can be seen as intrusive

Difficult in transient population

Consumer must have access to working phone

Requires interviewer training

Requires multiple callbacks (10+)

Two Major Survey Error

1. Random Sampling Error : difference

between the result of a sample and the

result of the consensus conducted

2. Systematic Error : imperfect research design

Respondent Errors

1. Non-Response Error : statistical difference

between survey that include only those who

responded and a perfect survey that would

also include those who fail to respond

2. Self-Selection Bias : bias because of strong


3. Response Bias : answer questions in a

certain direction

Type of Response Bias

Acquiescence bias – respondent tends

to agree with all questions or to indicate

a positive connotation to a new idea

Extremity bias – respondents tend to

use extreme responses

Interviewer bias – response is

influenced by the interviewer

Auspices bias – responses of subjects

are influenced by the organization

conducting the study

Social Desirability bias – response is

influenced by their desire (conscious or

unconscious) to gain prestige or to

appear in a different social role

Administrative Error

1. Respondent error : improper evaluation of

research task

2. Data processing error : incorrect data entry,

computer programming, or other error

during analysis

3. Sample selection error : improper selection

of sample

4. Interviewer error : failure of interviewer to

record responses correctly

5. Interviewer Cheating : interviewer practices

filling in fake answer or falsifying
