Adobe Premier


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How did I use Adobe

Premier?By Amy-Jane Wilson

Adding Titles

To add titles there is a option at the bottom where

you choose from a range of different titles to insert

into the trailer. The one that I selected is the default

Text as this meant that I could edit it and improve it

to suit my trailer

The next stage once you had dragged and placed the

title into the trailer was to add the image. The image

we used was of the back wall that is also seen in the

ancillary products and in the montage.

To insert this image I had to right click and this drop

down menu appeared I selected the image tab and

then selected to insert image

Here is a image of the picture that I inserted into

our titles. This clearly fills up the landscape of the


The text on our title screens I was not able to use

the fonts on the software as they did not suit my

trailers genre so I used font space to find a font

that would go onto my title screens

I applied the text onto the title screens by saving

it as a image and then applying it onto our trailer

the same way I did the main background image

Using the select tool I was able to change the size of the font and make it

large enough to see on the trailer

This shows that this technology helped me add in title screens that were

effective through being able to add in my own images.

Adding Sound

To add sound into our trailer it was a very simple process. We did this by selecting the sound that we wanted to add

I then dragged this into the adobe premier software and then dropped it

This then appeared in the trailer

I could trim the sound to ensure that it was effective within our trailer

I trimmed it by dragging the tool that appears when you hover over the end of the sound

Adobe Premier Elements helped me add in the music that I needed to ensure that the trailer built up tension and worked well throughout. It also helped me as I was able to trim the sound to ensure it was the correct length
