Activity 7 Day Three


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Activity 7Teaching Online

Day Three: Hybrid vs Online

Agenda: Day Three

Sign up for Webinar Create Audio File

Hybrid vs Online Pros and Cons Course structure Collaboration Testing DL Hybrid and Online course


Course Design Webinar

You are invited to attend a complimentary webinar!Wednesday, May 23, 201211:00 a.m. Pacific; 2:00 p.m. Eastern Today more than ever, more is being demanded of our learning designs. It's not enough to base design in well-educated, creative decisions inspired by the context of a topic, concept, or experience. The best designs are informed by data and improve over time.

A panel of experts who represent different points of view on learning design -- the researcher, the practitioner and the instructional designer -- will share their experiences with learning design. Topics of discussion will include: What makes a great course? Who is involved in the science of how people learn? How can we apply that science of how people learn to our course designs? How do we know if what we've created is effective for our learners?For any academic executive, instructional designer, or faculty member striving for successful student outcomes, this presentation will provide new ideas and helpful tips from the rapidly evolving field of learning design. Speakers: Dr. Robert K. Atkinson, Associate Professor, Arizona State University

Carole Hruskocy, Associate Professor, Regis UniversityToni Koslow, Instructional Technologist, Calumet College of St. JosephJeff Bergin, Director, Digital Content Development, Pearson Education

 Learning Design: The Science Behind a Great Course

Audio files

Every PC and Mac has some sort of audio recording program—like Sound Recorder

As with the video files, compatibility is an issue. This free converter allows you to use any recording software and then convert the file to a more widely used format like .MP3.

Converter: (converts to .MP3)

We will return to audio files when we discuss lectures, but it is a good idea to play with them a bit before starting to record lectures.

Hybrid vs Online Pros and Cons

Research suggests hybrid is better than pure online (Brown, 2001; Carnevale, 2002;Oblender, 2002; Ward, 2004; Young, 2002).

2009 U.S. Department of Education Survey state hybrid courses are preferable to face-to-face.

Hybrid and face-to-face classes have approximately the same retention rate; online course completion is 7-9% lower.

Hybrid Courses

Hybrid vs Online Pros and Cons

Research suggests hybrid is better than pure online (Brown, 2001; Carnevale, 2002;Oblender, 2002; Ward, 2004; Young, 2002).

2009 U.S. Department of Education Survey state hybrid courses are preferable to face-to-face.

Hybrid and face-to-face classes have approximately the same retention rate; online course completion is 7-9% lower.

Hybrid Courses

Hybrid vs Online Pros and Cons

Students who take hybrid courses prior to taking online courses perform better in online courses taken in subsequent semesters.

English students fare worse than math students in online retention.

Hybrid courses also provide a transition period for faculty.

Hybrid Courses

Hybrid vs Online: Pros and Cons

Flexible class attendance Repeat access to notes and course materials Creates Record of interactions, questions, and

participation More reticent students more likely to

participate in discussion Access to Internet resources for everyone to

examine and discuss Opportunities for collaboration Quickly establishes a positive, structured, and

professional instructor-student relationship

Online Courses

Hybrid or Online: Course Structure• Consider the

students’ perspective

• Build in redundant elements

• Remove guesswork

• Accept criticism• Experiment

with online elements

Keys to successful Hybrid Courses

The 3Cs: Communication, Clarity, and Composition

Quiz students on course structure

Reinforce face-to-face peer interactions with online activities

Create looped assignments (f2f to online back to f2f)

Encourage discovery Allow students to weight online

and face-to-face activities

Keys to Successful Online Courses

Remember that “technology is a vehicle not a destination” (Henry).

Ask how this content relates to your f2f content.

Be ready to learn how to show as well as tell

Use a variety of delivery methods Take on the learners’ perspective Recognize the social aspect of online

learning Use surveys to measure course


Hybrid vs Online: Collaboration

OverviewThe hybrid course has an advantage in allowing you to establish working groups in the face-to-face setting – then perhaps moving them online. However, online only courses do provide a number of similar opportunities. In fact, you can set up chat rooms for students only!

Methods of Online Collaboration Blackboard collaborate Asynchronous communication: Discussion

board Synchronous communication: Chat Synchronous communication: Virtual

Classroom Group Tools: Chats, Emails, File exchange,

Blog, Wiki, Journal

Online Collaboration: Groups

OverviewBb offers a variety of group tools that give students a way to share their ideas with each other. To access these tools, students need to be placed in groups. The groups creation tool is illustrated in the following slides.

Online Collaboration: Groups

These two slides show all of the options you have in creating groups. To prevent confusion, it might be best to limit the number of tools each group can access.

Online Collaboration: Groups

The first image is the list of sign up sheets that students see when they are choosing groups. The second image is a list of all the group tools.

Hybrid vs Online: Testing

Cheating is easier Test preparation is often

more laborious Online quizzes can provide

immediate feedback. Not always ideal for

practical exams

Students can receive immediate feedback.

Automatic grading Can create test banks Convenient for students Can analyze answer

data Online tests allow more

testing time, so students can be required to provide more detailed answers or address more complex problems.

Online AssessmentsPros Cons

DL Hybrid and Online Course Proposals

Approval of online and hybrid courses is gained by submitting a syllabus for the course including activities that will occur online with the appropriate signed distance learning course approval and proposal forms. Additionally, if any 3 of the following course elements are distributed via Blackboard, the course must gain DMU approval: Assignments Quizzes Papers Chat sessions or Email Communications

Please submit the following forms: Course Action Form (see example) Course Proposal Form Course Syllabus - Download the Distance Learning Course Syllabus Template

and format your current syllabus to meet the requirements for the CDLIT.

Do you wish to use Blackboard as a course supplement?If you would like to have limited use of Blackboard as a course supplement in you traditional (face-to-face) course, you must submit the Blackboard Access Form each semester.

Afternoon ReviewAgenda

Tasks Create a looped assignment Create Random and Manual Groups Create a quiz Work on DL forms Add DL items to syllabus

What you need for the afternoon session Collaborative activities that need to be translated

to online use A few ideas for organizing your course A timetable for the face-to-face to hybrid to

online conversion Electronic copy of syllabi to amend for DL

